
Chapter 135

The fierce frontal battlefield had nothing to do with He Wenhan and Huo Ling, the master and apprentice, as they were still huddled in the safe Kangchuan Fort. Although they did not participate in the frontal battle, they gradually understood the situation of the entire battlefield through magic communication as the battle ended. Legendary mage You Taining continued to cast spells without interference. Who could withstand this? The original shaman Kru could still block him and even put pressure on him. However, after Kru was injured by the sneak attack of the Demon Breaker, Kru was greatly affected in his fear and fighting power. The legendary destruction tyrant Abbot was even more unbearable. He should have played his strength on the battlefield, but You Taining kept summoning legendary elemental lords to support him. After Abbott successively chopped down the Lord of Earth Element, the Lord of Wind Element, and the Lord of Fire Element, he was hit by the mutated Lord of Thunder Element with lightning and fled with his head in his hands.

But even if humans won the overall victory in this battle, the losses were still not small. A total of eight Type C divisions and two mobile divisions with combat effectiveness of Type B plus three combat regiments were dispatched. A total of 100,000 people.

After the battle, only 60,000 people were left. This casualty was not small. Among them, the reinforcements of Ganan and Bo, the main mobile divisions, totaled 15 Type B combat regiments, more than 25,000 people. After the battle, only 10,000 people were left.

Many combat formations were severely damaged, and some even lost the entire number of troops. It can be said that this victory was entirely due to these Type B combat regiments who fought against the majority with a small number and blocked the main force of the jackals.

Then the elite cavalry penetrated most of the jackals' line from the flank, and finally defeated the jackals' army.

Fortunately, the high-level gnolls were severely damaged, which led to the collapse of the morale of the gnolls. Otherwise, it would be hard to say who would win or lose if the war continued.

But war is like this, the winner takes all, and the loser pays all. This time, the entire southern gnoll force was basically crippled.

Now, let alone withdrawing troops to counterattack Xinnan City, it would be good if Xinnan City did not continue to attack the gnolls.

After the war, in addition to what was obtained on the battlefield, Xinnan City also needs the gnolls to cede land and pay compensation, which can greatly recover blood.

As for these southern gnoll nobles, they are miserable. Not only have they lost a large number of middle and high-level forces, but also a lot of elite private soldiers. Now they have to face the compensation required by the aggressive legendary wizard, and can only swallow their broken teeth with tears.


"Do you want to buy something?" He Wenhan checked the things that could be exchanged this time and asked Huo Ling.

This war is temporarily over. The gnolls were defeated on the front battlefield, and a large amount of supplies were seized, including all kinds of enchanted equipment.

During the war, the price of these equipment was extremely high. After all, they were used to save lives. Even if they were a little expensive, saving lives was important.

Now that the war is over, the value of these things has fallen. With so many captured equipment, the value of these enchanted equipment is now even lower than the market price before the war.

But the battle is over, and everyone's desire to buy has also decreased accordingly, and many people have seized a lot on the battlefield.

"Buy, of course!" Although there are some captured here in Kangchuan Fort, most of them are equipment needed by combat professionals, and they don't need them. Except for a part of the internal consumption of the defenders, they have also handed them in in exchange for military merits.

Huo Ling's real silver-level equipment now is only a wizard robe and two loot amulets he picked up. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as penniless.

So he immersed himself in the vast sea of ​​equipment, constantly comparing them and selecting the most cost-effective equipment.

Finally, when he looked up, he had spent more than half of his military merits to exchange for a full set of equipment.

These equipment will arrive with the next batch of people delivering supplies. This time he has upgraded his equipment to include staffs, boots, amulets, and crowns.

He even bought a spellcaster wristband, which can hold a row of various enchanted accessories, and can activate the spells or various buffs of these enchanted accessories in battle.

"Did you buy corpses?" He Wenhan asked after watching Huo Ling purchase a lot of them.

"I did. I spent a lot of money to buy three silver-level spellcaster corpses! What a pity, the corpses of spellcasters are too popular!

"Huo Ling showed a painful look on his face. The price of the corpse of the spellcaster is not low, more expensive than a silver-level enchanted equipment.

"It's fine if you grab it! The teacher also grabbed two gold-level gnoll shaman corpses!" He Wenhan couldn't help but smile.

"Didn't you buy a warrior?" He Wenhan asked.

"No, I can't afford the gold-level ones, and I don't need them for the time being. I don't need the silver-level ones either. It's better to save them for military merit later." Huo Ling shook his head. He still kept so many zombies in his spiritual world coordinates, and the silver-level corpse kings in them were enough for him now.

He Wenhan nodded, "Well, that's the reason. Next, practice well. When you reach the gold level, I will give you a few corpses. "

"Thank you, teacher! "Huo Ling was overjoyed. The corpses of the gold level were very valuable. Even the pseudo-gold corpses they had transformed before were very expensive.

"Hahahaha, why are you thanking me, your teacher? You should practice quickly!" He Wenhan patted Huo Ling on the shoulder.


In the following time, the battle had nothing to do with Kangchuan Fort. Huo Ling's work in the fortress every day was to meditate and study spells.

He received enchanted equipment exchanged for military merits and three corpses of gnoll spellcasters who died in battle.

These three corpses were all gnoll shamans. The corpses of priests and clergy could not be made into undead creatures for necromancers.

Because these people also believed in their gods during their lifetime, this was equivalent to signing a certain contract. After their death, their souls would pass through the line of faith and go to the kingdom of the gods they believed in.

And the body left in the material world was a body without any The body of the soul, although it also has flesh and blood essence, cannot be revived.

When Huo Ling bought it, he also deliberately avoided the corpse of the priest, otherwise it would not only waste money but also be useless.

Three silver-level spellcaster corpses fell into Huo Ling's hands. These days, he did nothing but deal with these corpses.

The final result was not bad. Two of the three corpses were successful, and two silver-level dark wizards were harvested. One failed and became an ordinary undead creature with only black iron-level combat power and no spellcasting ability.

Normally, there is a one-third chance that the corpse of a spellcaster will fail and cannot be revived successfully. Huo Ling handled a total of six spellcaster corpses and succeeded in five of them. The success rate is already quite high.

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