
Chapter 169

In the mine boss's office, Li Chengji suddenly felt a little stuffy inside. He stood up and thought he had drunk too much recently and couldn't breathe smoothly. He stood up, walked to the window and took a few deep breaths. He felt better immediately and stretched himself. He thought: It seems that I have to drink less these days. It's been a long time since I meditated. Speaking of meditation, Li Chengji suddenly sensed the magic power nearby. Through the mental scan, he found the magic vortex like a huge funnel above Huo Ling's meditation room. Only then did he notice that the dark warriors in the mine had been much more defensive in the past two days, and there were more than 20 dark warriors holding shields guarding outside the meditation room. "He... this... this..." Li Chengji pointed at the magic vortex in the air, and for a moment his mind was a little confused.

"He's already gold? How long has it been? How old is he?"

Li Chengji muttered silently. He recalled that he had seen Huo Ling recently. Every time he saw Huo Ling, he felt more dangerous.

But he didn't care at the time, just thinking that he had made some undead warriors.

It was not until now that Li Chengji came to his senses. It turned out that Huo Ling's magic power had been increasing.

Li Chengji sat on the bed dejectedly, his thoughts kept diverging in his mind, thinking of the first time he saw Huo Ling.

A child who had just awakened his spirit, and he was the one who tested his qualifications, so weak, he only needed to move his mental power slightly to kill him.

At that time, he was at the peak of the silver level, and he was only a thin layer of paper away from the gold level caster.

As a result, three years have passed, and the child from that year has now broken through to the gold level in front of him, while he is still a piece of paper away from the gold level.

This piece of paper distance, like a natural chasm, has stuck Li Chengji in the silver level. It has been like this for so many years.

Seeing his peers surpass him one by one and become high-level gold, Li Chengji can still deceive himself.

Now seeing his juniors surpass him and break through to the gold level, this feeling is really indescribable.

"Burp~" Li Chengji burped, smiled helplessly, lay on the bed, and pulled up the quilt to cover his head.


Gold level, done!

In the meditation room, Huo Ling completed his first meditation after the advancement, and gained a lot.

He called out his attribute panel and checked his latest attributes:

Name: Huo Ling

Bloodline: Human

Rank: Third-level Golden Mage (first stage)

Strength: 68.3

Constitution: 85.5

Agility: 57.1

Mental Power: 1312.1/1312.1

Magic Power: 26242/13121

Skill: "Dark Breath Meditation"

Level 0 Spell: Bone Fang...Treats minor injuries

Level 1 Spell: Bloody Skeleton...

Level 2 Spell: Corruption...Elementary Energy Array

Second-level Spell: Skeleton Cemetery 20/479

Dark Warrior's Tomb 12/136

Terror Knight's Training Camp 0/5

Features: Fast Casting, Spell Penetration Spell Extreme Effect

Potential Points: 3537

Feeling the golden magic power surging in his body and the two hearts beating in his chest, Huo Ling couldn't help but smile. The second heart can be used as another energy core, allowing him to store double magic power.

That's not all. Huo Ling immersed his spirit in his mind and checked Alick's magic book. There were also new spell blessings on it, totaling eight.

Abyss Armor Knight Rune Fear Heart Core Terror Knight Coffin Nightmare Summon Death Ray High Mage Armor Negative Energy Shock Wave

After each advancement, the spells unlocked in Alick's magic book are a great help to Huo Ling, saving him a lot of resources.

After the advancement, Huo Ling did not rush out, but continued to calm down and study these spells.

I don't have many potential points now, so it will be difficult to learn and master all eight spells. There is no other place to get potential points in a short time. It seems that the zombies in the city of zombies can no longer be kept.

Huo Ling shook his head gently, threw away his complicated thoughts, and entered the state of learning.


The time of learning always passes quickly. During the time when Huo Ling was learning spells, there was nothing outside.

things, which can make him devote himself to the study of spells.

Time flies, it is one and a half months. On this day, Huo Ling opened his eyes. Long-term study inevitably made his spirit full of fatigue. Correspondingly, his eyes became more energetic.

During this period, he has mastered three spells, which can be used in gold-level battles.

Death ray

Spell effect: Condensing a death energy, attacking the target with high energy in the form of a ray.

Casting time: 3 seconds

Spell range: 20X mental power

Spell consumption: 2000-4000 magic points

Spell strength: 5000-10000 degrees

Negative energy shock wave

Spell effect: After casting, guide the negative energy to gather, and after receiving guidance, launch an energy shock wave to the target direction, repel the enemy and cause huge damage.

Casting time: 5-10 seconds

Spell range: 5X mental power

Spell consumption: 3000-6000 magic points

Spell strength: 6000-15000 degrees

Advanced Mage Armor

Spell effect: After a short spell, you will get advanced spell armor, providing all-round protection.

Casting time: 3 seconds

Spell consumption: 3000-5000 magic points

Spell armor: 8000 degrees-15000 degrees armor

Spell duration: 30 minutes

Maintenance consumption: 30 points of magic power/minute

With three gold-level spells, Huo Ling will not be powerless to fight back even if he encounters a gold-level enemy now.

After sorting out his equipment, Huo Ling opened the closed door of the meditation room. The long-lost sunshine shone on his face, and he was in a good mood.

On the other side, Li Chengji, who had been paying attention to Huo Ling's meditation room, also found that Huo Ling appeared again.

After the magic vortex dissipated that day, he knew that Huo Ling had successfully broken through, but who knew that Huo Ling had not come out from it, and he thought something unexpected had happened.

"Huo..." Li Chengji came down the stairs and looked at Huo Ling and suddenly didn't know how to address him.

According to the school's name, he should call Huo Ling "classmate Huo", but his current strength is not as good as Huo Ling.

"Teacher Li, let's still call him as before, why be so distant." Huo Ling turned his head and smiled slightly.

"Are you successful?" Li Chengji felt the pressure from Huo Ling in front of him and asked carefully.

"That's right!" Huo Ling nodded.

He saw Li Chengji's resisting expression and understood that it was the pressure that he had not been able to suppress after the breakthrough. He was only concerned with learning spells recently and didn't care about it.

Huo Ling quickly restrained the fluctuations of magic power in his body, and then he withdrew the pressure, making Li Chengji feel better.

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