
Chapter 170

The two of them chatted for a while, and Huo Ling said goodbye and went back to his room to rest.

The breakthrough during this period consumed a lot of his energy, and he needed to relax.

After sleeping for a day and a night, Huo Ling woke up from the bed in high spirits.

Next, he sent a message to his teacher through the communication array, telling him that he had broken through to the golden level.

Originally thought that the teacher would be busy and it would take a while to find out the news, but he didn't expect to reply on the same day.

The message was also very concise: "Go back to Blue Star."

Huo Ling did not delay and handed over the command of the undead warriors in the mine to Wilmot, asking him to stay here, and then returned to Xinnan City.

After coming out of the portal, Huo Ling went straight to the teacher's laboratory.

After seeing the teacher, He Wenhan's expression was complicated: "I know you can definitely break through to gold, but I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

Huo Ling: "It's all because of the teacher's good teaching!"

"Okay, don't flatter your teacher. You can have today's strength because of your own talent and hard work." He Wenhan smiled.

"What are your plans next?" After the master and apprentice exchanged greetings for a while, He Wenhan asked seriously.

Huo Ling thought for a while and said slowly: "I just broke through, and I have no idea about everything. I want to learn some spells first and keep up with my practical ability."

"Well, I am more confident about you. Whether you are a researcher or a practical person in the future, I support you!" He Wenhan nodded.

"I said before that I would give you a few corpses when you break through the gold level. You are just in time now!" He Wenhan smiled. "Come with me."

Huo Ling followed the teacher deep into the underground of the laboratory. Along the way, Huo Ling found that there were more guards here than before.

He Wenhan opened a warehouse and cast a spell to take out three coffins from it.

"This is a gift for you after breaking through the gold level. Take it."

"Teacher, what is this?" Huo Ling looked at the three coffins floating in front of him, and his breathing became a little heavy.

"Yes, three corpses of gold-level warriors." He Wenhan smiled and nodded.

"Teacher, this is too valuable!" Although Huo Ling wanted it very much, he still had to be polite.

He Wenhan: "Okay, I don't need to be polite to your teacher. These are not real gold-level warriors. They are all products of flesh and blood transformation. You also have a part in this. Keep it!"

"Thank you, teacher!" Seeing this, Huo Ling was no longer polite and collected the three corpses.

It's still good to have a teacher. I just broke through and got such a valuable thing. If I don't have a teacher, I don't know when I want to get three corpses.

It's definitely not easy to buy. If you want to do flesh and blood transformation yourself, it will take some time.

"Next, if you have nothing to do, stay here with me. I will show you the production process of the Terror Knight again. You study hard, and when you make it yourself, it will be easier to get started." He Wenhan saw Huo Ling accept the corpses and continued with a smile.

"Okay, teacher!" Huo Ling naturally had no objection to this.

More than a month later, Huo Ling left his teacher with a lot of harvest. He did not return to Tuoyuan, but came to his own spiritual world coordinates.

This time he was really going to kill a lot. Learning a golden-level spell required more than a thousand potential points. The usual means were not enough to accumulate potential points. If the learning time of these spells was delayed, Huo Ling would feel uncomfortable.

There was no other way, so he could only kill the zombies he had raised before.

Huo Ling returned to the zombie city, first killed a group of zombies, revived them into skeletons, and then commanded them to start sweeping one building after another.

The large-scale massacre made Huo Ling's speed of harvesting potential points faster. Although not every zombie would provide potential points, and even if it could produce potential points, ordinary zombies could only produce 0.5 points, but a little bit would add up.

In this large-scale killing, Huo Ling was also curious about the potential points.

What is the source of potential points?

They are all zombies, and they were all killed by Huo Ling, but some zombies can produce potential points, while some cannot.

Huo Ling once thought that only strong zombies could produce potential points, but as the number of kills increased, he found that it was not the case.

Some zombies that look strong have no potential points, while some old, weak, sick and disabled can produce potential points.

Are potential points really generated randomly? This made Huo Ling pay more attention to them, and he paid attention to a group of zombies through his mental power.

First, when they were still alive, he memorized the physical condition identification scans of these zombies in his mind, and then sent out the skeletons to kill them one by one.

Some zombies did not produce potential points, and Huo Ling also observed them through mental power, but did not find anything unusual.

When the skeleton warrior walked in front of a zombie, he raised his knife and chopped off the zombie's head with one knife.

Then, a faint light emerged from the corpse and flew towards Huo Ling.

Before the skeleton killed the zombie, Huo Ling had been watching it, and as the head of the zombie was chopped off.

The soul in the corpse immediately stopped fluctuating. After the zombie died, the soul would remain in the corpse. If nothing unexpected happened, it would disappear as the corpse decayed.

What about the spirit of the corpse? Normally, after a living being dies, if he did not believe in gods and did not sign a contract with creatures such as demons and devils during his lifetime, then the spirit will fall into the Styx.

At a low level, Huo Ling could not observe the spirit. This is something that the caster can do after reaching the gold level.

Zombies have no wisdom, but they are also living beings. They will definitely not sign a contract with demons or believe in gods, so normally the spirit will fall into the Styx.

According to the records, the spirit will emerge from the body, and will appear in the appearance of the creature before death, and then slowly fall down. After falling for a distance, it will automatically leave the material world and appear in the Styx.

But Huo Ling did not find the spirit of the zombie in front of him. The previous corpses he observed before all had illusory spirits, and the spirits sank to the ground like zombies, and then disappeared in the Styx.

The spirit of this corpse did not fall into the Styx, so the potential point is the spirit! ?

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