
Chapter 171

The old man was shocked.

Huo Ling was shocked. Is this guess true?

The spirituality of living things is of great value. The power of gods comes from the faith of living things, and the source of faith power is inseparable from spirituality.

Even after the death of the believers of gods, He will take away the spirituality and soul of the believers through the faith line of the believers in their lifetime and bring them to His kingdom of God.

The believers will become the praying people of gods in the kingdom of God, continue to believe in their own gods in the kingdom of God, and continue to contribute the power of faith for them. Of course, this is completely incomparable to the power of faith they had in their lifetime. Probably, the power of faith they can contribute is only one percent of that in their lifetime.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. The gods will not let go of such a little power of faith.

The souls of the gods' believers are summoned to the kingdom of God because of the rules and contracts. The believers believe in the gods, and the gods accept their faith. This is a contract.

After the believers die, their souls enter the kingdom of God, and there is no pain and suffering in the true sense, and no pressure in life. There is nothing to do except praying every day.

But the souls of believers will not exist forever. Living beings have a lifespan limit, and the same is true for souls. The longer believers live in the kingdom of God, the less memory they will have left.

Finally, as the last trace of memory dissipates, the petitioner will only have a body left. They can no longer generate the power of faith. At this time, their final destination is to become the cornerstone of the kingdom of God.

He will be refined into the materials of the kingdom of God to help the gods expand their kingdom of God.

It can be said that the gods will use the soul of this believer to the last dregs, without any waste.

Then what about demons and devils, these creatures in the lower planes, they are also good at playing with souls and using souls.

Their status is definitely not as good as that of gods, but they have the help of the will of the abyss and the rules of hell, which give them the natural right to eat souls to gain power.

But there are gains and losses. Demons like to eat souls alive and can digest the power provided by souls, but in this process, it is inevitable that fragments of souls will remain and enter his own soul.

These fragments will carry memories. As the demons eat more and more souls, their souls will become more bloated and messy, and their memories will become more chaotic, becoming a chaotic creature.

As for the devil, the devil will not eat souls directly. They are creatures of order and evil. They are good at making various rules, obeying rules, and mastering rules.

The souls they obtain will be handed over to the rules for use first, and then the remaining benefits will be obtained from the rules. Although this is slow, the effect is safer.

Then what about himself? Huo Ling thought of himself. He was also eating spirituality, so why did he eat spirituality?

He was just an ordinary human being, without the status of gods, nor the talents of demons or devils.

So what helped him digest these spiritualities, was it the attribute panel?

Huo Ling's two hearts were beating violently. He couldn't guess, but he finally knew a little bit, why he could get spirituality after killing some creatures, but not others.

Because there was no contract between Huo Ling and these creatures. If he wanted to capture their spirituality without a contract, it would require a certain amount of luck.

So, there was no difference between him and the devil? Huo Ling smiled self-deprecatingly. He was also using spirituality and gaining spirituality through killing.

However, the only difference was that the attribute panel could not capture the spirituality of all killed creatures like the will of the abyss, but there was also an advantage, that is, he did not have the side effect of devouring the spirituality of the devil for the time being.

Thinking of this, Huo Ling let out a long breath. It was meaningless to think too much. He could not abandon the attribute panel now. As for what would happen in the future, let's talk about it later. There must be a way when the car reaches the mountain.

If the potential point is spirituality, it makes sense why the zombies can only produce 0.5 potential points, because their spirituality is weak.

Why can the black iron level produce five points, but the silver level can only produce ten points? Although their powers are very different, their spiritual essences are the same.

After figuring it out, Huo Ling no longer bothered about these things, but continued to kill wantonly. Now, for every ten zombies he killed, he could only provide himself with two potential points.

After slaughtering in the zombie city for more than a week, Huo Ling almost

He stopped only after killing half of the zombies in the city.

There were two unexpected gains along the way, two powerful zombie kings with gold-level combat power. Although these two zombie kings still had no wisdom, their corpses were still very good for making horror knights.

He also found traces of burning on the body of one of the zombies, which reminded Huo Ling of the time when he came to the spirit world a few years ago.

That night, the young red dragon flew in the sky, so was the red dragon fighting with the zombie at that time?

But a gold-level zombie, without the ability to cast spells, would definitely not be able to defeat the red dragon.

But thinking back to the scene that shook the entire zombie city that night, I'm afraid that many zombies passed by, and there should be more than one gold-level zombie participating in the battle.

Then this gold-level zombie should be one of the ones participating in the battle.

Thinking of this, Huo Ling thought of the young red dragon. The dragon is a powerful spirit world race.

Young dragons have the strength of black iron level when they are young dragons, and the strength of silver level when they are young dragons. Before they are young dragons, almost all young dragons live with their mother dragons.

In the period of young dragons, giant dragons will have the strength of gold level, except for the white dragon among the five-color dragons.

Generally, white dragons are only gold level in adulthood, and only a small number of them can advance to gold level by chance during the period of young dragons.

But red dragons are different. Young red dragons must have the strength of gold level, and the most important thing is that they can fly.

The giant dragon not only has sharp claws and teeth, but also has natural scales. These scales have extremely high magic resistance, which is very unfriendly to mages.

The giant dragon not only has powerful strength, but also has a lot of spell-like abilities and dragon breath. With these abilities, the giant dragon's combat effectiveness is ridiculously high.

It would be great if we could defeat this dragon. It would be best to take it as a Warcraft partner. Dragon Knight Necromancer is also a good choice.

Even if he couldn't capture it alive, a dead dragon would be good, as it could be used to make a bone dragon, which is also a powerful undead summon.

The problem now is that Huo Ling can't beat this dragon, and he doesn't know if there are adult dragons protecting this dragon.

You have to know that an adult red dragon has at least the combat power of the sanctuary level, and some powerful ones can even break through the legendary level.

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