
Chapter 177

After the Terror Knight was summoned, he bowed his head respectfully to Huo Ling, and then gently urged the nightmare horse under his crotch to start running.

The forest was densely wooded and the ground was uneven, but this did not affect the combat effectiveness of the Terror Knight. He moved back and forth in the gaps between the trees and rushed towards the ogre at an increasingly faster speed.

A circle of black light spread out, surrounding the Terror Knight like a puff of smoke. This was his fear aura, which would have a negative effect on his enemies.

If the Terror Knight kills more creatures, the effect of the fear aura is terrifying, and it can even scare low-willed enemies away or even kill them directly.

Death Coil!

Before he reached the position, the Terror Knight had already started to release his spell-like abilities.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared under the feet of the ogres who were still eating, and these tentacles coiled around their bodies.


An ogre roared, trying to break free from the shackles of this magic energy, but the effect was not obvious. The strength of this energy was beyond his imagination.


A male ogre discovered the charging Terror Knight. The powerful power suppressed him and made it difficult for him to breathe before he even reached him.


The Terror Knight had already charged, and the sharp lance easily pierced an ogre. The huge impact force directly punched a big hole in the ogre's chest, and the flesh and blood behind him splattered everywhere.

"Living ones! Kneel down!"

The Horror Knight let out a huge war cry, swept the lance in his hand, and hit a male ogre flying. The shadow tentacles dragging the ogre under his feet were still wrapping around him diligently, and this pull directly broke the ogre's leg bone.

A female ogre was closer, and her weapon had been thrown away because of the meal just now.

She didn't have time to find her weapon, and wanted to pounce directly on the nightmare horse and bite the Horror Knight's mount.

But her idea could not be realized. The nightmare horse under the Horror Knight's crotch was also a gold-level mount. Even if it was taken out alone, its combat power was far superior to her.

The nightmare horse didn't even turn its head, and the hind hooves directly launched. The nightmare horse's hoof, as big as a bowl, was still burning with an everlasting flame, and kicked the chest of the female ogre.


The female ogre's chest made a bone-breaking sound, and a large part of it sank directly. The flames on the hooves of the nightmare warhorse also ignited her fur. This blow directly severely damaged the silver-level ogre.

The two underage ogre cubs had lost their minds under the fear of the horror knight, howling in fear, one lying on the ground trembling, and the other trying to break free from the entanglement of the shadow tentacles and escape from here, but all this was in vain.

In a short moment, three adult ogres were killed or severely injured, and the horror knight was too disdainful to charge again.

He put down his lance directly, drew out the broadsword with his backhand, rode on the nightmare warhorse and swung the sword, beheading the remaining ogres.

Finally, the Horror Knight rode his horse to the seriously injured female ogre who fell to the ground, and raised the lance in his hand: "Living, I will give you eternal death!"


The lance in his hand pierced through the ogre's head and ended her life.

The ogre has a strong ability to recover. Even if she was just seriously injured by the nightmare warhorse and was about to die, as long as she was not dead, it would not take long for her to be a hero again.

But unfortunately, she met the Horror Knight and had no chance to recover.

After all the enemies died, the Horror Knight rode on the warhorse, and the smoke emitted by the fear aura on his body trembled slightly, absorbing the fear emitted by these ogres before they died.

One after another, the fear like black smoke was absorbed by the Horror Knight to strengthen the fear aura.

The soul fire on the Horror Knight was like fuel, burning the fear emitted by these creatures before they died and integrating it into the fear aura.

The current fear aura is not strong enough. If enough creatures are killed, the Terror Knight can defeat low-level creatures without fighting.

Even enemies of the same level will be affected and their combat effectiveness will be weakened.

Huo Ling died in the distance with a single shot.

The ray killed the wind-marked tiger that had fled far away because of fear.

When the Terror Knight began to slaughter the ogres, the tiger began to run away with its tail between its legs, but unfortunately it still could not escape.

All these corpses were put into the space bracelet to be used to make dark warriors in the future.

Huo Ling continued to move forward. He was not only killing now, but also constantly narrowing down the location of the red dragon's lair from the mouths of these spiritual races.


"Do you know where the red dragon's lair is?"

Huo Ling used the language proficiency to ask a wild dwarf kneeling on the ground.

The wild dwarf in front of him knelt on the ground, and many of his fellows knelt around him, and behind him was a burning tribal camp with many corpses of his fellows lying on the ground.

Wild dwarves are also a kind of dwarves, not much different from the dwarves in the impression, but ordinary wild people live in mountains or underground.

The ancestors of these wild dwarves were poor creatures who were driven out of their homes by other dwarves. They struggled to survive in the wilderness and almost lost their favorite forging.

In order to survive in the wild, they lived a miserable life. Wild dwarves generally practiced fighting spirit, and the strength of adult tribesmen was basically at the black iron level.

Some outstanding people can also break through to the silver level, but there are not many silver strongmen in this wild dwarf tribe in front of them, otherwise they can also find a vein to survive.

This wild dwarf tribe has only more than 100 people, and only 60 to 70 adult tribesmen. In a raid by Huo Ling, more than a dozen people have died.

Feeling the power of Huo Ling and the terrifying knights around him, these wild dwarves knelt down and surrendered tactfully.

The leader of the wild dwarves knelt on the ground. He had a silver-level fighting spirit and was good at using a hammer. He thought for a moment and said, "Great Master, we don't know the exact location of the red dragon's lair, but the camp of his followers, the Red Dog Tribe, is in this direction."

The leader of the wild dwarves pointed to one and then continued to kneel on the ground respectfully.

Huo Ling looked up and nodded secretly. After these giant dragons left the adult dragons and lived alone, they would accept some spiritual races as their followers.

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