
Chapter 178

The dragons are the favorite kind of followers.

Kobolds are the favorite followers of dragons, because they also speak dragon language, even with a little kobold accent, which sounds like dog barking.

Kobolds have very thin dragon blood, but no matter how thin the dragon blood is, they are also dragon-born creatures. They are born to like to be servants of dragons.

When dragons accept kobolds as their followers and slaves, it is actually a win-win situation for both parties.

Dragons can harvest a group of obedient slaves, who can hunt for them or serve as warriors under their command.

Many adult and even legendary dragons have established dragon kingdoms, among which there are many kobolds as the backbone of the kingdom.

The dog-headed people are not at a disadvantage either. They have weak dragon blood. After getting close to the dragon, under the radiation of the dragon's breath, their dragon blood will become more active and even continuously purified.

In this process, the dog-headed people will become stronger and easier to break through the bottleneck and enter black iron, silver, and even gold.

In the process of dragon growth, their scales will fall off from time to time. These fallen scales are basically useless to the dragon.

But for the dog-headed people, they are treasures. They will collect these fallen scales, then take off some of their own scales and implant the dragon's scales into their skin.

The dog-headed people who get the dragon's scales will improve their strength faster and it will be easier for them to advance in blood.

In order to make some dog-headed people obey orders, the dragon will even accept some dog-headed people as their dependents, give them blood and scales, and help these dog-headed people purify dragon blood and advance.

Some dog-headed people will continue to grow with the help of the dragon, becoming taller and stronger, and some can even grow wings like dragons.

The Red Dog Tribe is obviously such a dog-headed people tribe that depends on the dragon, which is also a huge obstacle for Huo Ling to slay the dragon, but it is not certain how big this tribe is.

After obtaining the information he wanted, Huo Ling looked at the wild dwarves kneeling at his feet, hesitating in his heart what to do.

"Do you still have the forging skills passed down?" Huo Ling asked.

"Yes, great wizard, although we are wild dwarves, we dare not forget the forging skills passed down in our blood!" The wild dwarf leader also knew that it was a critical moment for the survival of the tribe, and he fell to the ground and kowtowed respectfully to report.

"Okay, then you go in this direction, go to the City of the Walking Dead, find the goblin green vine tribe there, and say that I arranged for you to go there."

After hearing this, Huo Ling planted a magic mark on the wild dwarf leader, and then pointed them a way.

"Yes, Master Mage!" The wild dwarf watched the magic mark planted on his body, and did not dare to have any other opinions.

"Okay, let's go. Be careful along the way, and don't have other thoughts, otherwise I can find you no matter where you escape to." Huo Ling waved his hand.

"Master Mage, don't worry, we will definitely obey your orders!" The wild dwarf leader kowtowed respectfully, and then packed up his things with the remaining tribesmen and left.

After obtaining the latest intelligence, Huo Ling continued to move in the direction he pointed.


Finally, after destroying two small tribes in the spirit world, Huo Ling found the Red Dog Tribe.

Counting it down, he has been searching for almost half a month along the way. The straight-line distance from here to the Green Vine Tribe is nearly 500 kilometers.

This 500-kilometer road is all wild wilderness and forests, without any powerful races and tribes.

Within this 500-kilometer range, these forests and wildernesses are really a treasure land for Huo Ling in the future.

When Huo Ling advances to the Holy Domain and can build a portal to another world, that will be the time for him to make a lot of money.

Such a vast territory, these forests and wildernesses are difficult to develop for these spiritual races, but for Huo Ling and the humans of Blue Star, it is too easy.

Huo Ling retracted his thoughts. The most urgent task now is to improve his strength. If he wants to improve his strength, he must have money.

All of this fell on this dragon. Dragons are greedy creatures and like all treasures and shiny things.

As long as he can slay the dragon successfully,

Not to mention the collection of this giant dragon, the body of the giant dragon alone is worth hundreds of thousands of magic stones.

It can solve Huo Ling's current funding gap and make up for the urgent need.


Huo Ling looked at the Red Dog Tribe. This tribe of dog-headed people was built on a high mountain, which was more than 400 meters high.

The mountain was full of strange rocks and there were not many plants. The camp of the Red Dog Tribe was halfway up the mountain.

They built a stone wall here by relying on the mountain. This is not a small project. With this wall, at least it proves that there are wise dog-headed elders in this dog-headed tribe.

Huo Ling carefully released his mental power to explore the information of the dog-headed people. At this time, he must be careful.

Mental power is very convenient for exploring information, but if you encounter a spellcaster who always has mental power, it is also easy to expose yourself.

Huo Ling first carefully avoided those kobold buildings that looked well built, as well as some houses with obvious magic elements.

After roughly estimating the number of kobolds, the population of this kobold tribe is estimated to be about 10,000 to 20,000.

This is a fairly good medium-sized kobold tribe. They dug out intricate mines in the mountains, and a large amount of metal minerals were excavated.

This also makes the equipment of these kobolds quite good, but because there is no enchanted equipment made by mages, the weapons made purely by the strength of the materials themselves are quite general in terms of usability.

These materials for making weapons and armor are completely wasted on these kobolds. The materials that can be used to make silver-level equipment only have the defense of black iron-level equipment after being made by kobolds.

Because these kobolds are the followers of the dragon, they are also much stronger than those kobolds in the wild. At least the number of black iron-level kobolds among them is not small.

After a rough look, there are about 400 to 500 black iron-level kobolds, and there are also quite a few silver-level kobolds, at least 30 to 40.

With such a large number of formal professionals, there must be kobolds who have awakened their bloodline and become kobold warlocks, but I don't know how many there are.

In order to prevent himself from exposing his tracks, Huo Ling did not dare to investigate recklessly.

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