
Chapter 179

The old man was buried in the cave.

This dog-headed tribe can hardly be described as a tribe. They built stone houses and city walls.

They even cultivated fields at the foot of the mountain and planted some crops. These things should be the main source of food for these dog-headed people.

Finding the Red Dog Tribe is basically equivalent to finding the red dragon, and he has also found a huge cave that is suspected to be the red dragon's lair.

Red dragons like to live in caves, and they will continue to dig down, preferably to the vicinity of magma.

However, most young red dragons can't find such a good mountain, so most young dragons will stop digging after digging the cave down a certain distance.

The body of the red dragon also has a high temperature. The longer he lives in the cave where he lives, the higher the temperature of the cave will be.

Sometimes he will use high-temperature dragon breath to scorch his nest, so some red dragon nests do not have natural magma, but magma produced by himself.

Although red dragons like to live in the depths of caves, they always have a foothold in a high place, so that they can look down on their enemies or their own followers from a high place.

The cave discovered by Huo Ling is near the top of the mountain. It fully meets the habitat conditions of red dragons. There is a cave and a high enough place to stay.

Next, Huo Ling did not make much movement. He found a tree, climbed up and stayed on it to observe the entire Akainu tribe and the suspected dragon's nest.

The next day, a hunting team of dog-headed people came back from afar. This hunting team consisted of hundreds of black iron-level dog-headed people and seven or eight silver-level dog-headed warriors.

They carried some of the hunted monsters back to the tribe, unloading some small prey.

The hunting team carried the only silver-level monster and a few slightly larger black iron-level monsters to a stone platform.

One of the dog-headed men blew a horn, and the long horn sounded. All the dog-headed men, no matter where they were or what they were doing, knelt down on the ground at this moment.

Not long after the horn sounded, a huge dragon roar came from the top of the mountain.


Then, a giant dragon with a red body and scales crawled out of the cave on the top of the mountain. After leaving the cave, he flapped his flesh wings and flew up with a huge sound of wind.

The head and tail of this young red dragon are about 11 or 12 meters long, and the wings spread out to cast a huge shadow on the ground.

The red dragon roared in the sky, declaring the sovereignty of this territory. After circling for a while, it landed on the stone platform where the prey was placed.

Since the red dragon flew out of the cave, Huo Ling has been more careful to restrain his magic fluctuations, and he didn't even dare to look directly at the red dragon.

As a true dragon species, the red dragon is not only physically strong, but also has many spell-like abilities, which can be regarded as half a spellcaster.

Among the giant dragons, most of them rely on their physical strength and the spell-like abilities awakened with age to fight.

However, some giant dragons will also work as part-time mages. They have a magic addiction, constantly learn spells, and have the level of spellcasters.

Most red dragons have extremely sharp perceptions. If Huo Ling is discovered at this time, it doesn't matter whether he can beat him or not, at least he will be alarmed.

The giant dragon enjoyed the prey hunted by the dog-headed people on the stone platform. The dragon's mouth bit and quickly swallowed the prey.

Then, he roared in dragon language for a long time on the stone platform, and he didn't know what he said to the kneeling dog-headed people. Huo Ling was too far away and couldn't hear clearly.

After eating the prey, the red dragon took off again, circled in the sky for a while, and then returned to the cave.

Most dragons are very lazy creatures. They spend at least half of their lives sleeping.

As long as they have enough sleep, they can absorb magic power on their own and continue to grow. As long as they reach adulthood, they have the combat power of the sanctuary level. What an enviable talent.

Eat when you are full and sleep when you are full. Dragons are actually not much different from pigs.

The dragon in front of him actually represents most dragons. They will accept followers during their growth, and these followers will be in the dragon

During the sleeping time, go hunting for him.

Looking at the giant dragon that landed on the top of the mountain and then crawled back into the cave, Huo Ling's eyes flickered and he was thinking.

After the giant dragon returned to the cave, the dog-headed people of the Red Dog Tribe climbed up from their kneeling position and continued their unfinished work.

At this time, Huo Ling also carefully collected the information of all the professionals of the Red Dog Tribe, except for those silver-level warriors.

There are five dog-headed warlocks in the Red Dog Tribe, three of whom are in the silver level, and the other two are still in the black iron level.

These dog-headed warlocks should have awakened to become warlocks because of this red dragon, so they are likely to master spell-like abilities, which are also fire-like.

Overall, the strength of this Red Dog Tribe is quite good. If this tribe is alarmed, and this red dragon comes to besiege together, Huo Ling will definitely be in trouble.

At least if Huo Ling were to fight the red dragon alone, there would be a high probability that he would not be able to defeat it, because the red dragon can fly, and Huo Ling's greatest combat power supplement is still the three Terror Knights.

Terror Knights are powerful land combat units, but for this flying dragon, the threat is not that great.

Red dragons will not be stupid enough to fight with Terror Knights on land, unless this red dragon is stupid.

Then Huo Ling did not leave, but turned around a few times to see if there is any information he has overlooked.

Finally, after spending a few days of reconnaissance, Huo Ling returned to the original place. This area is dominated by this red dragon and the Akainu tribe, and no other spiritual race dares to live within a hundred miles around.

After Huo Ling returned to the original place, he released a large number of small animal skeletons that he had obtained in the past few days, such as some mice, lizards and birds.

These are all apprentice-level monsters, and most of them are not even monsters, but ordinary beasts.

After being resurrected by Huo Ling and turned into skeletons, their strength did not increase, and their energy even became weaker and insignificant.

These small skeletons began to climb up the mountain from various corners at the bottom of the mountain, and in the dead of night, they crawled to various corners of the Akainu tribe.

Then they began to dig carefully, burying their skeletons underground, hiding their tracks as much as possible.

These small skeletons will become spies under Huo Ling.

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