
Chapter 180

Finally, a small group of skeletons climbed to the top of the mountain. Most of them were small skeletons of mice and lizards.

Slowly, these small skeletons began to crawl into the cave, carefully moving forward without making any sound.

Leading the way were the skeletons of several little mice. This little mouse, which was not even a month old, had just grown hair and was smaller than a walnut. Huo Ling discovered their whole family and killed them all.

The brothers were made into a mouse special forces team and sent to the front line of intelligence investigation.

A little mouse jumped back and forth between the stones in the cave, constantly moving forward. The cave was pitch black, but this had no effect on the skeletons.

The skeleton mouse crawled and crawled until it came to a cavity in the cave, where a team of dog-headed guards were guarding.

This made the little mouse even more cautious. Huo Ling didn't even dare to send out his mental power here. He could only attach his mental power to the skeleton mouse and observe everything here through its soul fire.

There were more than 20 dog-headed guards in the cavity of this cave. Although he couldn't use his mental power, Huo Ling could judge their strength based on his experience.

At least five of them were silver-level dog-headed warriors, and the rest were black iron-level dog-headed warriors.

These dog-headed warriors all had dark vision, and even in a cave with just a few torches, the dim environment did not affect them.

These more than 20 dog-headed guards guarded the cave here, which was both an honor and a gift.

They guarded their masters. Similarly, because they were closer to the red dragon, they were more infected by the dragon's radiation. Here, the dragon blood of these dog-headed warriors could be purified at a faster rate.

The skeleton mouse carefully crawled slowly among the rubble, bypassing one dog-headed guard after another. At the slightest disturbance, it would lie on the ground, trying to reduce its presence as much as possible, and the soul fire in its head also shrank to a tiny spark.

The skeleton mouse carefully bypassed the dog-headed guards and continued to move deeper into the cave.

After crawling for half a day, the temperature in the cave became higher and higher, and even the skeleton mouse's bones began to heat up.

This was already close to the red dragon, and only the body of the red dragon had such a high temperature.

The skeleton mouse's essence was very low. It was just an ordinary mouse when it was alive, and Huo Ling did not strengthen it. Only such a low-energy skeleton could avoid layers of danger and get close to the dragon.

If it were someone else, he might be discovered by other dog-headed guards halfway, or wake him up after getting close to the dragon.

As the skeleton mouse got closer and closer to the red dragon, its bones were dried by the high temperature and began to smoke. Huo Ling knew that it would not last long.

Finally, in the soul fire vision of the skeleton mouse, a mass of high-temperature objects appeared, and the red dragon was in sight.

The red dragon curled up on a hill made of magic stones. This hill of magic stones not only had magic stones, but also a lot of magic minerals. These glittering treasures with magical breath were all things that the dragon liked.

In addition to these things, there were some broken bones around. It seemed that sometimes the red dragon liked to pack food back to the cave to eat.

The red dragon had fallen asleep at this time, and his long breath blew the cave. Along with his breathing, flames and sparks spewed out from his mouth and nose from time to time.

The skeleton mouse climbed carefully here and continued to go down. Huo Ling wanted to see what else was below.

Continue walking down, and you will reach a dead end soon, but there is not nothing here, this is the dragon's toilet.

A large amount of dragon dung is piled here, and some plants grow on it. These are magic potions grown on dragon dung, which are very valuable.

The dragon is full of treasures. The dragon core is the best material for making staffs, and the dragon's bones are good for making weapons.

Dragon skin and dragon scales can be used to make armor, dragon blood can be used to make various potions, and dragon meat can help combat professionals practice.

Dragon whips are excellent aphrodisiacs, and there is no market for them on the market.

Even dragon dung is a very good material that can be used to grow rare magic potions. There are people buying dragon dung on the market all year round.

As the skeleton rats kept wandering around this red dragon, the dragon seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised its head and looked around suspiciously.


Huo Ling was frightened, and he let the skeleton mouse squat behind the stone, then extinguished the soul fire and died on the spot.

Since he got the information he wanted, Huo Ling did not stay here any longer, and started to return, preparing to plan how to deal with the red dragon after returning.

It took Huo Ling more than half a month to find the dragon's nest, and it took only four days to return to the Green Vine Tribe.

At such a fast speed, even the wild dwarf tribe had not arrived yet.

However, judging from the location of the magic mark, the wild dwarf tribe was indeed heading towards the Green Vine Tribe, so Huo Ling did not continue to care.

He also told Wilmot about the information about the dragon to see if he had any suggestions.

"Master, is there an adult dragon behind this dragon?" Wilmot asked.

Huo Ling waved his hand, "I don't know, how can we know so much in such a short time."

"We can start with their prey. I know a poison that can prevent the dragon from finding it and make it sleep better." Wilmot gave a suggestion.

Huo Ling: "There is such a good thing, but the dragon's resistance is so strong, will it work?"

"Of course there is. This is also a famous formula in the Jackal Empire. I heard that it came from a farther place. Many dragon slayers have used this, and the effect is very good!" Wilmot said confidently.

"Okay, go back to Xinnan City in two days to equip a set, and then buy a slavery scroll to see if you can get a red dragon mount!" Huo Ling said with a smile.

Wilmot shook his head: "Master, there is no need to buy the enslavement scroll. Your chances of successfully enslaving him are very small."


"To enslave a giant dragon, you must be at least one level higher than it. Now you are only a gold dragon, and that dragon is also a young dragon, also at the gold level. The hope is too slim." Wilmot explained patiently.

Huo Ling: "It's not okay to threaten him with his life?"

Wilmot smiled awkwardly and continued: "Giant dragons are arrogant. Even if you kill him, he will not surrender to the same level unless he voluntarily signs a contract."

"That's a pity. Then this dragon can only be killed to make a bone dragon." Huo Ling sighed.

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