
Chapter 34

The dead body was still alive, but the dead body was still alive.

But after thinking about it, Huo Ling still restrained his desire to leave.

Anyway, judging from the situation just now, although these zombies are led by the corpse king, they may be influenced by the corpse king to make them fearless of the influence of sunlight.

But if he doesn't go in and tease them, these zombies should still be as harmless as before.

There are still many corpses of war lizards on the road, and Huo Ling is not in a hurry to leave this time.

He chose a safer place again, ready to see if there will be any escaped war lizards coming back to collect the bodies.

After a long time, just when Huo Ling was a little sleepy, several war lizards appeared in the distance.

Sure enough, Huo Ling guessed correctly, these war lizards probably knew the habits of these zombies.

The lizardmen returned to the battlefield and carefully looked into the mall. After not finding any zombies at the door, they returned to the original place and brought back more lizardmen. They collected the corpses of their own tribe on the ground. In addition to the corpses of their own tribe, the corpses of the zombies that were originally killed were their main target. This time, the lizardmen tribe lost a group of tribesmen and did not get prey. How could they do it? The main task of these lizardmen was to bring back all the corpses of the zombies. As for the corpses of the lizardmen who died in the battle, only a part of them was brought back. Huo Ling was on the high building, watching these lizardmen pick up the corpses of the zombies one by one and walk away. After thinking about it, Huo Ling decided to follow them carefully. After all, he has now found a second creature in this city besides the goblins. Huo Ling followed the lizard man from a distance, and at the same time, he spread his mental power to pre-detect the surrounding situation to prevent the vigilant lizard man.

Although Huo Ling followed far away, he was not worried about losing him.

The traces left by this group of lizard men were still very obvious. They took away many corpses of zombies and some corpses of lizard men.

These corpses would definitely drip blood on the way, but in order not to leave traces of blood, the lizard men left a few tribesmen behind to clean up these traces.

This is also a way to prevent the zombies from finding their tribe at night because of the attraction of blood.

However, the traces of blood are gone, but the traces left on the road when they cleaned the blood are still very obvious.

In this way, Huo Ling followed all the way, and finally found the tribe of the lizard man after a while.

However, Huo Ling did not dare to get too close. After knowing the direction of this tribe, he chose to return the same way.

Now his strength is not enough to deal with this tribe of lizard men. After knowing this tribe, he will avoid this area in the future.


When the morning sun shines again, Huo Ling wakes up from meditation.

Recent meditation has also benefited him a lot. His strength is close to the peak of the apprentice level, but he needs to wait to break through to the black iron level.

He calls out the attribute panel and takes a look.

Name: Huo Ling


Spirit: 9.9/9.9

Magic: 99/99

Skills: "Dark Breath Meditation Method" Zero-level spells: Bone Fang, Gray Mist, Touch of Fatigue, Secondary Defense Armor, Secondary Surveillance Eye

Potential points: 41.5

Since seeing the lizardmen being killed by the zombies during the day last time, Huo Ling's hunting trip has become extremely cautious.

He only dares to look for those small zombie groups later, the kind with only dozens of zombies in a wave. Such small zombie groups will not have black iron-level zombies, so it is relatively safe to hunt.

After each hunt, Huo Ling would continue to meditate, exhausting his potential points and increasing his combat power in time.

Originally, he wanted to get some zero-level spells from Teacher Li, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

After all, he was not one of his own, and asking for help would always consume his favorability. The current spells were enough for him to use for the time being.

Since his mental power accumulated to 9.9 and 99, he stopped meditating for the time being, fearing that he would accidentally break through to the Black Iron level.

The reason is that from the apprentice to the Black Iron level, when breaking through, some inheritances can choose some magic materials or even powerful organs of certain creatures.

Take it into the body, wait for the body to gradually digest it, and enhance strength.

In addition to the inheritance of the Black Iron level, the Silver level meditation method and above will have this secret method, and each secret method requires different materials.

The Dark Breath Meditation Method also has such a secret method. After Huo Ling's mental power reached 9 points, this secret method was successfully unlocked.

"Seed of the Skeleton Cemetery"

The name of this secret method is quite unique, and the materials required are also the same. Huo Ling can't get them for the time being, so his plan to break through to Black Iron has been suspended.

This secret method requires three main materials, namely the Secondary Dimension Stone, the Nether Flower, and the Styx Water.

In addition, there are more than ten kinds of auxiliary materials, which are more varied.

Such as: bones, cemetery soil, tombstone fragments, coffin fragments, rotten meat... etc.

Fortunately, these auxiliary materials are not precious magic materials, but rather more curious materials.

Huo Ling went to the cemetery outside Shixi City one night and got all these things at once. Except for the feeling of being nervous that day, afraid of being discovered by the gravekeeper, everything else was fine.

Huo Ling had already found the main materials needed in the mall of Tiannan University, but they needed credits to buy.

There was no other way, he could only wait until he started school to successfully break through.

But he couldn't waste a few days, school was about to start, and Huo Ling had been hunting zombies around in the past few days, accumulating some potential points.

After school started, he could use these potential points to break through and be one step ahead of others.

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