
Chapter 35

Today, it is finally time to go to school.

Tiannan University is in the capital of Tiannan Province.

If Huo Ling wants to go to school, he must first take a bus from Shixi County to Donghe City, and then take a train to the provincial capital.

Although the Blue Star is now extraordinary in Daxia, many professionals do not move around in Blue Star, and ordinary people rarely come into contact with the extraordinary world.

In the hundreds of years since Daxia was established, the magic of the extraordinary society has developed rapidly, while the technology of ordinary people has progressed slowly.

After all, the superstructure of Daxia is all extraordinary professionals, and they are more concerned about their own things.

For them, what needs to spend more energy is how to obtain more powerful enchanted equipment.

When the superstructure ignores mortals, the bureaucrats will naturally ignore them.

So in the past hundred years, Daxia's ordinary technology has hardly made any progress, but everything in the extraordinary society has developed rapidly.

Huo Ling bought a ticket and took the train to the provincial capital.

As a reserve professional who has successfully awakened his spirit, his treatment is better than that of ordinary people, and he does not have to stay in a crowded carriage.

Sitting in a comfortable seat, Huo Ling walked out of Donghe for the first time. This is also the first time he has taken a train in more than ten years.

Even though he has seen more magical things in the spirit world, and even he himself is an apprentice-level mage.

But sitting on the train, watching the scenery on both sides of the railway receding rapidly, he still felt novel.


This journey took Huo Ling more than four hours. After the train arrived at the station, Huo Ling got off the train with his luggage.

Class is everywhere, which is particularly prominent in Daxia.

The train has been at the station for a while, and the people who got off in front are all real professionals.

These professionals are in the more luxurious carriages in the front row, and the decoration of the carriages they are riding in is even more luxurious.

After these formal professionals have left, it will be the turn of apprentice-level professionals like Huo Ling.

These apprentice-level professionals are not only students, for example, there are some retired soldiers, who will never be able to advance to Black Iron in their lives.

When Huo Ling walked out of the ticket gate, he saw a table placed in the reception hall with a conspicuous sign hanging on it.

Tiannan University!

"Hello, senior, I am a freshman this year." Huo Ling walked over, showed his admission notice, and said hello.

"Hello, junior, follow me."

A male classmate stood up, read the notice, and took Huo Ling to a lounge.

"Classmate, sit here for a while, we will leave for school at five o'clock."

"Okay, senior."

Huo Ling sat on a chair in the lounge and looked around.

There were already seven or eight people sitting in the lounge. Judging from their young faces, they were probably all freshmen this year.

"Brother, where are you from?" A boy sitting nearby came over and asked in a familiar manner.

"Donghe." Shixi County is under the jurisdiction of Donghe City. Huo Ling glanced at the boy and replied.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Su Hao. I'm from Baishi." The boy extended his hand and introduced himself.

Baishi City, also a city under the jurisdiction of Tiannan Province, is not particularly far from Donghe where Huo Ling is. .

"Huo Ling." He shook hands with him.

"Brother, are you a spellcaster or a warrior?" Baishi asked with a smile

"Spellcaster, what about you?"

"I'm a warrior..." Su Hao cast an envious look, and he should be envious.

Even among professionals, there is a chain of contempt.

Among spellcasters, mages are the strongest, followed by druids, bards, and warlocks.

Below the spellcasters, the combat professionals are also divided. The combat professionals who can practice knights are the best, followed by functional combat professionals, such as wanderers, hunters, etc.

The most common and basic ones may be warriors, who are at the bottom of the professional contempt chain.

There is no other reason, because there are too many warriors, and the competitiveness is reduced after there are too many.

Then the two chatted in the lounge of the station.

Su Hao's family conditions are not bad. There are also professionals in his family. His father is a silver-level knight with quite good combat power.

And the department he applied for at Tiannan University is also the Knight Academy.

And Huo Ling, of course, applied for the Mage Academy.

"Have you heard?" Su Hao lowered his voice and said quietly.


What?" Huo Ling asked curiously.

Su Hao then said mysteriously: "Some of the freshmen in this class have already broken through to the Black Iron level."


Huo Ling asked in surprise.

"It's only been two months since the awakening of the spirit? How come some people have broken through to the Black Iron level?"

"You don't understand this, right? Not only have some people broken through to the Black Iron level, but there are quite a few of them."

Su Hao chuckled and continued:

"It's not surprising that some people have broken through to the Black Iron level after two months of awakening the spirit. Some people have good qualifications, and their families provide them with meditation or breathing methods suitable for their physique, so it's not surprising that they practice fast."

"And there are many potions that can increase the progress of practice. If you drink these potions at the apprentice level, the speed of practice will be first-class."

"Besides, ordinary people's awakening of the spirit starts at the end of the semester, but some people go to awaken their spirits at the beginning of school, and some even earlier, maybe at the age of eleven or twelve. ”

“How can they survive in the spirit world when they are so young? What if they encounter some danger?” Huo Ling was puzzled.

“Hehehe, you don’t understand this, right? Their families are rich, so they can directly arrange a complete set of enchanted equipment, and bring some scrolls that ordinary people can use. Unless they fall into a place where they are sure to die, their survival rate is much higher than that of ordinary people like us.”

“I heard that there is also a very expensive potion. Drinking it after entering the spirit world can increase the probability of successful awakening. "

Su Hao said, shaking his head.

After listening, Huo Ling couldn't help but smack his lips. It was true when he thought about it.

Those children whose parents were high-level professionals had started much earlier than him.

You know, even the rich among ordinary people would try their best to get their children more good equipment when they awaken their spirits so that they can survive.

Then how could such high-level professionals be willing to let their children spend their lives in mediocrity? They can provide more things.

Huo Ling was still thinking that maybe what Su Hao said was not strange. After all, his family was only at the middle and low end of the professionals.

Perhaps in the families of higher-level professionals, there are better things to offer.

Huo Ling couldn't guess these things for the time being, just like the farmers guessing that the emperor used a golden shoulder pole to farm.

Until they reached that level, how could they know what the final situation was.

The happiness of the rich, Huo Ling and his friends didn't say that they had experienced it, and they couldn't even imagine it.

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