
Chapter 42

After the break, Huo Ling started his study life again.

He first used the five first-level spell exchange coupons given by the school when he enrolled, and spent three of them to exchange for several spells.

They are "Language Proficiency", "Mage Shield" and "Treatment of Light Injury".

These are also relatively practical spells, which are basically necessary for every mage to learn.

There are still more than a dozen potential points, and Huo Ling first learned the spell of Mage Shield.

After all, the spirit world is not a particularly safe place, and keeping one's personal safety is the first priority.

Mage Shield can help Huo Ling very well.

Spell Effect: After casting, a shield containing magic power is formed outside the body of the recipient, which can resist minor attacks.

Casting time: 3 seconds

Spell consumption: 30 magic points

Armor strength: 150 degrees

Spell duration: 15 minutes

Maintenance consumption: 20/15 minutes

Shield recovery: 1 magic point/5 degrees of armor

Mage shield is another spell, an enhanced and upgraded version of the zero-level spell secondary defense armor.

This spell can achieve all-round defense without dead angles. Of course, the magic power consumed is also higher, but it is worth it.

Calling out his attribute panel, Huo Ling checked his latest attributes and skills:

Name: Huo Ling

Bloodline: Human

Rank: 1st-level Black Iron Mage (Part 1)

Skill: "Dark Breath Meditation"

Zero-level spell: Bone Fang...Treats minor injuries

First-level spell: Bloody Skeleton, Skeleton Shaping, Revenant Transformation, Skeleton Revival, Skeleton Armor, Bone Cone, Mage Shield

Secret Spell: Skeleton Cemetery Seed

Potential Points: 3.5

Huo Ling's strength at this moment can be said to have been greatly improved, in addition to mastering these seven first-level spells.

His zero-level spells have also been strengthened, and most of the spell casting time has been compressed to less than one second, and the spell effect has also been strengthened.

Take Bone Fang as an example:

Spell effect: After casting, release one to three Bone Fangs, which will attack the enemy after a short suspension.

Casting time: 1 second

Casting cost: 2 points of magic

Spell range: 30X mental power

Spell strength: 11-15 degrees

In general, the enhancement of these zero-level spells is comprehensive, the casting time is shortened, the spell effect is stronger, and only one bone tooth can be released before.

Now one or three bone teeth will be shot out according to the different infusion of magic.

And the attack power of each one has become higher, and the range has become longer.

Now let Huo Ling go to fight, the bone tooth can fire continuously like a rifle.

All the preparations are in place, and the next step is the most critical step to improve Huo Ling's strength.


Huo Ling passed through the portal and came to the spirit world again.

This time, he came to make his right-hand helper, the skeleton warrior.

Among the seven first-level spells he now mastered, five are for making skeleton warriors, and these spells cannot be wasted.

Huo Ling walked down from the upstairs and walked slowly towards the place where he usually hunted zombies.

He manipulated his mental power to explore whether there were any traces of zombies on both sides of the road.

His mental power quickly captured a building with more than ten zombies hiding.

Huo Ling walked upstairs, and in the magic space, spell runes were outlined here.

In less than a second, three bone teeth were suspended beside him.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

The bone teeth cut through the air with a tiny sound.



The three zombies were directly head-blasted by Huo Ling's spell.

A tiny light spot flew out from one of the zombies and headed straight for Huo Ling.

Then, Huo Ling cast a spell on one of the strongest zombies.

Bloody skeleton!

The gray spell sank into the zombie's body, and the zombie also changed immediately.

It was as if small black holes appeared inside the corpse, and the flesh and blood of the zombie gradually shrank.

After a few minutes, only a human-shaped skeleton with blood-colored patterns was left.

Then Huo Ling continued to cast the spell.

Skeleton transformation!

During the growth process of this zombie skeleton, perhaps due to fighting with other creatures or congenital deformities, his bones were not perfect.

After the spell was released, the skeleton began to fine-tune under the control of Huo Ling's magic.

His bones

The distribution of bones is more reasonable, and the spine that was once somewhat scoliotic is now recovering under the effect of magic.

Some hidden injuries on the bones are also transported to other places by the magic, and the essence of flesh and bones is restored.

Then, the third spell begins.

Revenant transformation!

The spell was released from Huo Ling's hand, and a ghost with the appearance of the zombie was pulled out from the skeleton by Huo Ling.

With the help of magic, he repaired the ghost, constantly injected various spell runes to help stabilize the ghost, and strengthen the power of the ghost.

Then, the ghost was injected with the basic skeleton soldier combat skills recorded in the magic book. After all this, Huo Ling stuffed the ghost back into the skeleton.

The soul is something that all living things have.

In the cognition of the spirit world, the soul is divided into two parts.

The first part is spirituality, and the second part is soul.

When a creature dies, his spirit will leave his body, if he had believed in the gods or signed some kind of contract with evil creatures such as demons and devils.

At this time, their spirit and soul will fall into the hands of gods or demons and devils.

If he had no faith in his life and did not sign some evil contracts, his spirit will return to the Styx.

Sinking in the Styx, constantly absorbing soul power, until one day he reincarnates again, or sinks in the Styx forever.

The second part is the soul.

This part will not leave the body after the creature dies, and the soul records the memory of the creature's life.

If there is no belief in the gods and no evil contract, these souls will stay in the dead body.

As the body rots, it gradually dissipates and finally returns to the world.

And Huo Ling's spell, the transformation of the dead soul, is to transform the soul of the creature left in the body.

When this spell ends, it comes to the most critical item.

Skeleton Revival

As Huo Ling cast the spell, a spirit from the Styx in the Undead Plane was summoned and fell into the skeleton in front of him.


In the skull of the skeleton, a ball of undead fire lit up.

The skeleton in front of him successfully revived and became a new undead creature, the skeleton species of the Undead Clan.

The soul power flowed from the flame in the skull along the skeleton's body, and then, under the effect of the soul power.

The skeleton stood up again, it moved its bones, leaving only the teeth and the jaw of the skeleton, which were constantly opening and closing.

As the soul fire of the skeleton sensed Huo Ling, it knelt on one knee on the ground, and its bones collided, making a "crackling" sound.

Its head drooped, and a message came out of the soul fire.

"My Lord, thank you for giving me a new life... I will fight for you! Until the soul fire is extinguished!"

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