
Chapter 43

The first time I cast a spell, I succeeded.

Not bad, the first time I cast a spell, I succeeded!

Huo Ling looked at the skeleton in front of him with green soul fire shaking in its head, and couldn't help but admire it.

"Get up."

The mental power moved slightly, and an order was issued.

The skeleton also stood up with the order.

Although the skeleton was successfully cast, the quality of the corpse used to make him was too poor. Even if Huo Ling used magic to make it, the skeleton was only at the level of a low-level apprentice.

Strictly speaking, it is hard to say whether it can beat the zombies for a night.

However, it is not a big problem, and this skeleton can continue to be strengthened.

Then, Huo Ling recovered his magic power and released the fifth spell.

Skeleton Armor

After casting the spell, he placed his hand on the skull of the skeleton and injected the spell rune into the soul fire of the skeleton.

After the spell ended, Huo Ling released his hand.

"Go absorb the corpse to arm yourself." Huo Ling gave the order through his mental power,

"Yes! My Lord!"

The skeleton's mouth opened and closed silently, and then walked to another corpse and pressed the hand bone on the head of the zombie.

With the surge of soul power, the soul in the corpse was drawn out of the corpse by the skeleton in front of him.

This is the talent of undead creatures. They can strengthen their soul fire by absorbing the soul in the corpse.

As the soul was absorbed by the skeleton, the soul fire in the skull of the skeleton shook more violently.

Then, not only the soul of the corpse, but also the essence of the flesh and bones of the corpse were constantly absorbed by the skeleton.

After more than ten minutes, the skeleton finally absorbed the corpse in front of it, leaving only a little gray bone powder in the original place.

After the skeleton absorbed the soul and the essence of the flesh, blood and bones of the corpse, it became visibly stronger.

Not only that, he also condensed a bone sword for himself through the absorbed bone essence.

Huo Ling walked over, pinched the bone sword, and felt the strength of the sword.

At present, the strength of this sword is not high enough, just like ordinary bones, but this is just the beginning. The skeleton can continue to absorb corpses to strengthen itself.

An order was given to the skeleton to continue to absorb the remaining corpses and strengthen itself. If there are no corpses, go and kill the other zombies in this building and continue to absorb.

Huo Ling left the building and walked to another building not far away.

The skeleton absorbs the essence of these corpses too slowly. It takes more than ten minutes for a corpse. He can't wait that long.

He will continue to make a few skeletons to speed up the accumulation.

Soon, another skeleton appeared in front of Huo Ling. He smiled faintly and gave it the order to absorb and evolve.

At this time, a small light spot flew dozens of meters from the next building and headed straight for Huo Ling.

Huo Ling was delighted when he saw this scene. It seemed that the zombies killed by the skeletons also had the opportunity to gain potential points, which was very good.

It took Huo Ling a whole morning to make five skeleton warriors. These weak undead creatures were also constantly killing zombies and absorbing essence to strengthen themselves.

When it was night, Huo Ling took these five skeleton warriors back to his nest.

The appearance of these skeleton warriors now is very different from when they were first made.

The strength of these five skeleton warriors has now reached the peak of the apprentice level. Huo Ling can also check their attributes through the attribute panel.

Skeleton Warrior

Name: Skeleton Warrior

Bloodline: Undead Skeleton Clan

Rank: Zero-level Apprentice Warrior

Strength: 9.5

Constitution: 7

Agility: 6

Soul Power: 9

Skills: Basic Skeleton Warrior Combat Skills

This attribute, strength, is not much different from those peak apprentice warrior apprentices.

However, in addition to strength, constitution and agility, these skeleton warriors are relatively lame.

But there is no way, after all, relatively speaking, skeleton warriors are still cannon fodder in terms of combat power.

This attribute has reached the top of their apprentice level. If you want to improve the attribute again, you need to advance to the black iron level.

Compared with the skeleton warriors, the attributes of those apprentice warriors in the school will be much stronger.

Generally speaking, if these apprentice warriors want to advance to the black iron level, they need to at least improve their strength, constitution, and agility.

, one of them reaches 10.

Some talented and ambitious people will suppress their impulse to advance, and even start to advance after all three attributes reach 10.

In this way, they can get a higher improvement in their bodies after advancing.

However, it is necessary for these skeleton warriors under Huo Ling to suppress their realm. Their current attributes can no longer be increased by ordinary methods.

Advancement is their only choice. Of course, it is not so easy for skeleton warriors to advance.

According to Huo Ling's estimation, these skeleton warriors have to kill and devour at least four or five hundred zombies to break through to the black iron level.

Improving the strength of skeleton warriors is a long way to go.

However, for now, the combat effectiveness of these skeleton warriors is also of some help to Huo Ling.

After a day of killing and improvement, the five skeleton warriors are no longer bare skeletons.

They were already wearing armor, and these black-gray bone armors were the result of the skeleton arming.

The skeleton warriors condensed the absorbed bone essence into their own weapons and armor, and now this armor has a good defensive power.

These armors were put on the skeletons. If they were replaced with armor made by other creatures and worn on the skeletons, because the skeleton warriors had no flesh and blood, they would definitely be shaky.

But at this moment, these armors grew out of the bodies of these skeleton warriors, and there were still many hollow bones supporting them.

Because this kind of hollow bone can not only keep the armor stable, but also form a certain shock-absorbing effect on the enemy's attack, which is quite good.

Among the five skeleton warriors, three of them were sword and shield soldiers, holding a bone knife in one hand and a bone shield in the other.

The other two were spear and shield soldiers, holding a shield in one hand and a four-meter-long bone spear in the other.

The five skeleton warriors also carried four bone short spears on their backs.

This is the means of long-range attack for the skeleton warriors, because they are skeleton warriors and cannot use bones to make bowstrings.

And it is not worthwhile to buy crossbows for the skeleton warriors.

Therefore, throwing short spears is a good means of long-range attack.

With the help of the strength of the skeleton warriors and the soul power, the attack power of these thrown short spears is also quite good.

The attack power of the short spear can reach 7-9 degrees.

With the protection of these skeleton soldiers, Huo Ling's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, and he can cast spells and attack more calmly.

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