
Chapter 44

After the death of the skeletal warrior, the dead body was buried.

Then, Huo Ling put the five skeleton warriors into his secret technique: the skeleton cemetery.

This secret technique is a major feature of the meditation method of Dark Breath.

Compared to other necromancers, the skeleton warriors they created have only two choices when traveling through the spirit world.

The first is to leave the skeleton warrior in the spirit world, but this also means that the skeleton warrior will not be used in the battle on Blue Star or other planes.

Because in Blue Star or the spirit world far away from the location of the skeleton warrior, to summon this skeleton warrior to fight, the magic power consumed is amazing.

The second way is to teleport the skeleton warrior to the undead plane.

In the vast void of the spirit world, there are many upper planes suspended. Some of these planes are elemental planes, with four elements of wind, fire, water and earth, and elemental creatures living in them.

There are also various celestial planes. In this positive energy plane, there live various celestial races, such as the Aesir celestial race, various angels and the like.

The undead plane is also one of them. This is a kind of lower plane of the spirit world, which is full of death aura, and the tributaries of the Styx also flow here.

The mage teleports the skeleton warrior to the undead plane, and then through the transfer of the undead plane, whether it is summoned to Blue Star or other places in the spirit world, the magic power consumed is much less.

At least it is much better than using spells directly to create a magic skeleton warrior through magic.

The summoned creatures from the undead plane belong to the mage himself, and there is no limit on the battle time.

However, the disadvantages are also obvious. The undead plane is also full of dangers. If things go wrong, this skeleton warrior may be seriously injured in a battle or even devoured by other undead creatures.

Therefore, putting skeleton warriors in the undead plane has both advantages and disadvantages.

Huo Ling's skeleton cemetery is different. He takes the advantages of the undead plane and abandons the disadvantages.

At present, this skeleton cemetery secret can store five skeleton warriors for Huo Ling.

When Huo Ling's magic power flows in his body, through this secret space, his black iron magic power can also continuously baptize these skeleton warriors and slowly increase their strength.

When Huo Ling needs them to fight, he does not need to pay magic power to summon the skeleton warriors stored in the skeleton cemetery, which greatly increases Huo Ling's sustainable combat capability.

The only disadvantage of this secret is that the space is too small. If he wants to expand the space in the future, Huo Ling can only continuously fill it with magic power and slowly expand this secret space.

But this is also a very cost-effective deal.

Just imagine, when Huo Ling expands this secret space to accommodate dozens or hundreds of skeleton warriors.

With just one call, one person can form an army and drown the enemy with the sea of ​​skeletons.

Just thinking about this scene makes people excited!

Huo Ling crushed the Blue Star Beacon, returned to his dormitory in the school, and sat in meditation for the last time.

Decided to strike while the iron is hot and learn the other two spells.

Language Proficiency

Spell Effect: After casting, the recipient can understand the language of the intelligent creatures in the spirit world through spells and speed up the learning of this spirit world language

Casting time: 8 seconds

Casting cost: 25 points of magic

Spell duration: 30 minutes

Casting distance: 10x mental power

Maintaining the spell: 10 minutes/5 points of magic

Second door, treat light injuries

Spell effect: After casting, communicate with natural energy to heal the light injuries suffered by the recipient, stop bleeding, and the effect can be superimposed.

Casting time: 5 seconds

Casting cost: 20 points of magic

Casting distance: 20X mental power

Healing light injuries is a more practical spell for mages, and it is much better than treating minor injuries.

It can heal a wound within 15 centimeters, and it can also stop bleeding for larger wounds.

At the same time, this spell can also be superimposed. Only two treatments of light injuries are needed to achieve the effect of the silver spell of treating medium injuries.

For internal injuries, the effect of this spell is not very good, but it can also stop bleeding.

With this spell, most of the injuries in the spirit world adventure can be solved.

After learning these two spells, Huo Ling called out the attribute panel to check his latest data:

Name: Huo Ling

Bloodline: Human

Rank: 1st-level Black Iron Mage (Part 1)

Level 0 spells: Bone Fangs…Treat minor injuries…

Level 1 spells: Bloody Skeleton, Skeleton Shaping, Revenant Transformation, Skeleton Revival, Skeleton Armor, Bone Cone, Mage Shield, Language Proficiency, Treat Light Injuries

Secret Spells: Skeleton Cemetery 5/5

Potential Points: 13

So far, he has successfully mastered nine level 1 spells, and his combat effectiveness has taken shape.

Last night, Huo Ling, who just felt that his strength was pretty good, suffered a blow right after that.

After Huo Ling spent his potential points to learn and understand two main courses and two elective courses, he added several elective courses to study.

Today is one of the courses, "Enchanting and Maintenance of Enchanted Equipment".

This is a large class, not only for freshmen to study, but also for many old students.

There are at least hundreds of people sitting in the large classroom.

Huo Ling's class leader Tan Tai Yishuang also came to study this elective course.

After Huo Ling greeted her, he sat in the back rows.

As the teacher on the podium explained the manufacture and identification of various enchanted equipment in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

Huo Ling couldn't help but look at Tan Tai Yishuang sitting in the front row.

Looking at her earrings, hairpins, necklaces on her neck, bracelets and bracelets on her hands.

Huo Ling took a deep breath and was shocked by her worth.

Enchanted equipment is generally made by mages, after using magic materials to make the base of the equipment.

The mage uses special materials or solutions to enchant the equipment. Most of the general enchantments are various auxiliary spells.

Such as: primary magic recovery, mage shield, eagle eye, resistance ring.

Some will also increase the attributes carried, such as increasing strength and mental strength.

There are also enchanted properties that warriors like, used on weapons, such as sharp! Strong! Light! Armor-breaking! Bloodsucking.

Some equipment also has offensive spells, such as scorching rays, summoning celestial creatures, kinetic cones, ice rays, and the universal fireball.

These enchanted equipment are very valuable because they can be reused.

After the enchanted spell is used, it can be restored by absorbing spiritual power through the equipment itself, or by injecting magic power to speed up the recovery of the number of spells.

Therefore, the value of this type of enchanted equipment is relatively high, and the price is more than 20 to 30 times higher than that of spell scrolls.

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