
Chapter 53

The battle was over, and the enemy was in trouble.

Huo Ling now carries five skeleton warriors with him, and there are more skeleton warriors at home, but time is urgent now, and there is no time to bring these skeleton warriors for support.

However, even without cannon fodder, relying solely on the mage and these black iron skeleton warriors, it is only possible to easily defeat the dog-headed man.

Huo Ling looked at the route the dog-headed man was advancing, which was the road leading out of the city.

The dog-headed man's nest is usually in the mine cave on the mountain, and the city is definitely not suitable for them to live in.

Huo Ling found a two-story building in the suburbs, summoned the five skeleton warriors, and then hid himself.

The five skeleton warriors stayed quietly behind the building on the side of the road, waiting for Huo Ling to issue the order to attack.

“Speed ​​up, we have to get back to the tribe as soon as possible!”

The dog-headed officer frowned at the dog-headed man carrying the herb box. Their slow speed affected the speed of the entire team.

“Yes! Sir!” The dog-headed man who heard the reprimand did not dare to refute, but forced himself to lift the herb box a little higher and speeded up the pace of action.

“Who is it!”

A group of gray mists suddenly enveloped the dog-headed team, completely obscuring the dog-headed man’s vision.

The dog-headed officer aroused the black iron fighting spirit, drew out his weapon, and waved the weapon to disperse the gray mist, but the effect was not very obvious.

“Everyone come closer to me!”

The dog-headed officer shouted loudly, and with his shouting, the dog-headed men who were originally at a loss also found their target and approached him.

Among the dog-headed men, there are a total of three black iron ranks, two of which are warrior-type professions, and the other is a wanderer.

The dog-headed wanderer used the gray fog to quietly hide his figure and began to look for the enemy in stealth.

Huo Ling, who was two hundred meters away, was not panicked when he saw this scene. He was in good condition now, and even if the dog-headed wanderer came over, he would definitely not get any good.

As the order was issued, five skeleton warriors rushed into the fog with their weapons.

After Huo Ling cast a spell for a short time, a bone cone had already formed.


The bone cone, with a whistling sound that cut through the air, hit the dog-headed officer locked by Huo Ling.

The dog-headed officer was quite powerful, and his fighting spirit had been cultivated to the Black Iron Elite stage, at least several stages ahead of Huo Ling.

He sensed a hint of danger coming, and after a roar, he gathered all his fighting spirit on the shield and directed the shield to defend the direction of the danger.


The bone cone collided with the fighting spirit, making a huge roar.


Even though the shield of the Kobold officer was already attached with a large amount of fighting spirit, it was still smashed to pieces by the bone cone, but at least it blocked the attack.

The broken bones of the bone cone flew, leaving wounds on the bodies of several Kobolds nearby.

But before the Kobold officer could breathe a sigh of relief, another bone cone came, and the spell came with a huge scream.

The Kobold officer didn't have time to think about it, so he grabbed an apprentice-level Kobold warrior next to him and threw him in the direction of the spell.

Then he condensed fighting spirit again and attached it to the sword.

The bone cone easily passed through the body of the Kobold, killed him, and continued to move towards his goal.

The Kobold officer shouted, condensed fighting spirit on the sword in his hand, and chopped the incoming bone cone.


The bone cone was shattered again!

"Over there!" The dog-headed officer pointed his sword at Huo Ling's hiding place more than 200 meters away, signaling the dog-headed lurkers to move out.

Huo Ling was not angry even though two bone cones were shattered in succession. He used the spells that came with his staff for both of them, and his magic power had not been consumed.

After giving the order to kill the skeleton warrior, Huo Ling continued to cast spells.

Huo Ling casted a number of bone teeth successfully. After breaking through the black iron, sometimes one bone tooth appeared, and sometimes three appeared.

These zero-level spells also had a good attack power in his hands.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The bone teeth, with a deadly sound, were like the soul-catching sickle of the god of death, killing the dog-headed soldiers one by one with a headshot.

Of course, there were also some strong apprentice kobold warriors who successfully resisted this spell, but the consumption of these zero-level spells was not worth mentioning to Huo Ling. If one spell was not enough, he would just use a few more.


Moreover, the Skeleton Warriors have already killed their way into the crowd of Kobolds. They will not be affected by Huo Ling's spell, the Gray Mist.

On the contrary, the Kobolds are still trapped in the Gray Mist until now, and ordinary soldiers can't even see the enemy.

This is a one-sided massacre. The blades of the five Skeleton Warriors easily kill the Kobold soldiers, and they avoid the Black Iron Kobolds and don't fight with them.

These Skeleton Warriors have to cut off the cannon fodder guards around the Black Iron Kobolds, and then take down the Black Iron Kobolds.

If the Skeleton Warriors are entangled by the Black Iron Kobolds, they will not be defeated quickly, even if the attributes of this Kobold officer are much higher than theirs.

According to the current feedback, the level of this Kobold should have reached the fifth or sixth stage, which also means that the physical attributes of this Kobold officer are higher, and his Dou Qi reserves are also more, which can maintain a longer battle.

Now on Huo Ling's side, only the first Skeleton Warrior has reached the third stage of Black Iron, and the other Skeleton Warriors are still in the second stage.

However, there are five Skeleton Warriors, and they cooperate well with each other. From time to time, Huo Ling's White Bone Fangs harass them.

The kobolds don't want to resist Huo Ling's attack, even if it is a zero-level spell, so this kobold officer is also very frustrated in this battle.

Seeing that the number of kobold soldiers under his command is getting smaller and smaller, and another Black Iron kobold is beginning to have more and more scars on his body, he can't help but roar angrily: "Don't do it yet!"

He is urging the Black Iron kobold lurker.

This kobold lurker has long been close to Huo Ling, but has never found a chance to attack.

Now Huo Ling has been releasing zero-level spells to guard against this kobold lurker.

The dog-headed lurker heard his companion's urging, gritted his teeth, and crept behind Huo Ling.

He raised the dagger in his hand high, and there was a layer of dark color on the dagger. This was the poison he applied. As long as he left a trace of scar on the mage's body, he would soon be sent to hell.

The lurker gathered all his fighting spirit and used the fighting skill backstab to stab Huo Ling's back.


The dagger's attack stabbed Huo Ling's mage shield.

A glimmer of understanding flashed in the lurker's eyes. He understood that this was the life-saving shield of the mage in front of him.

Then, he continued to stab frantically with the dagger in his hand!

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