
Chapter 54

The battle was a battle, but Huo Ling was still alive.

Huo Ling had been on guard against the Kobold Lurker, and he had released his Mage Shield before the battle began.

But the Kobold Lurker had been invisible, so he couldn't find it.

After the Kobold's first attack, Huo Ling found the Kobold's trail. Although he had his back to the Kobold, he still smiled grimly.

The Kobold Lurker's first attack was when he was at his strongest. One knife directly consumed Huo Ling's armor strength of more than 40 points. Then he continued to stab, and each time he could take away more than 20 points of armor.

But the Kobold had lost his chance. When the Lurker showed his trail, it was time for him to die.

As long as the mage shield was not shattered at once, Huo Ling could input magic power to restore the armor strength.

Then he released the spell that he had already outlined in the magic space, the bone cage.

Under the guidance of mental power, the cage born in the void directly trapped the dog-headed lurker inside.

The dog-headed lurker showed panic in his eyes, and he waved the dagger in his hand, trying to shatter the bone cage.

But Huo Ling would not give him this opportunity. As the previous spell was just released, the second spell was already being cast.

Negative energy ray

This first-level attack spell was successfully released by Huo Ling, and a ray as thick as a thumb was released from the staff.

It passed through the gap in the bone cage and hit the dog-headed lurker who was still struggling inside.

The terrified expression on the dog-headed lurker's face was completely fixed, and the negative energy ray shot directly from his forehead and pierced his head.

Then, a small light spot flew out of his body and entered Huo Ling's body.

After checking, the black iron-level kobolds provided him with 5 potential points, which was not bad.

With the end of Huo Ling's battle, the battle on the main battlefield continued in full swing.

"The mage has been entangled by the wanderer. He summoned so many skeletons, and there must be not much magic left. Brothers, hold on, and victory will definitely belong to us!"

During the short time when Huo Ling fought with the kobold lurker, the kobold officer obviously noticed the change.

The spell that had been harassing him stopped now, and he hurriedly stood up and loudly encouraged morale.

The morale of the kobolds was about to collapse now, and this encouragement came at the right time.

But before the kobolds launched a counterattack, the stopped spell appeared again.


The kobold officer roared angrily, and in addition to anger, there was a hint of fear in his voice.

He knew what it meant for the mage to continue casting spells. His lurker companion might have failed.

He just didn't know whether he was dead or escaped.

As the ordinary kobold soldiers died one by one, only two black iron kobolds were left facing the enemy back to back.

The enemy's five skeleton warriors were still alive, but their skeletal armor was now in tatters and covered with scars left by weapons, but this had little effect on their combat effectiveness.

"Hu... Hu!" The kobold officer gasped heavily.

The battle left a lot of scars on his body, including blood holes left by the white bone teeth and wounds left by the skeleton warriors.

Although these wounds were not fatal, the continuous bleeding would still reduce his combat effectiveness.

As for his companions, it was even worse. They were just ordinary black iron kobold warriors, and now they were all relying on their last breath to support themselves.


A ray of negative energy silently passed through the gray fog and hit the head of the dog-headed warrior, ending his life.

After a fierce battle, the two dog-headed men noticed the attack of this spell, but their bodies could no longer avoid it.


The dog-headed officer howled to the sky, and he urged the last bit of fighting spirit in his body to rush towards a skeleton warrior.

He knew that he was going to die today, and now he just wanted to change something, even if it meant dying together.

But his goal was obviously not going to be achieved, and a spell fell on his body.

Zero-level spell: Touch of fatigue

The dog-headed officer, who had already experienced high-intensity battles, immediately felt like lying down and sleeping after being exposed to this spell.

He tried hard to cheer up and delivered the last blow of his life.


The weapon chopped on the bone shield of the skeleton warrior, making a loud noise.

Then, several other skeleton warriors

The soldiers also surrounded him.

The bone spears stabbed, and the sharp spears pierced the armor and natural scales of the dog-headed man, penetrating deep into his internal organs and causing him a lot of damage.

Another spear stabbed his leg, and the huge pain made his legs weak and he knelt on the ground.

A sword swung and cut off his head, completely ending the life of this powerful dog-headed officer.

It was not until the battle was completely over that Huo Ling, who still had half of his magic power in his body, came to the battlefield leisurely.

With a wave of his hand, he dispelled the remaining gray fog and saw his target this time.

A full box of magic herbs and bloodthirsty totems.

The battle happened and ended quickly, and Huo Ling did not dare to delay on the battlefield any longer, so he asked the skeleton warriors to lift the box.

Then he directly awakened several skeletons from the dog-headed man's corpse, and carried the three dog-headed man corpses whose strength reached black iron together.

This kind of directly summoned skeleton, without multiple spells, has extremely poor combat power, but it is enough to be used for hard labor.

After finding a safe enough place, Huo Ling asked the skeletons to put the boxes and corpses on the ground, and they went downstairs to be alert.

Huo Ling entered a shallow meditation and restored his magic power to full state as soon as possible.

Then he cast a spell to make the two dog-headed corpses into skeleton warriors.

However, the dog-headed corpses were relatively short. After Huo Ling raised their height through skeleton shaping, the bones of these two skeletons were not hard enough, and they could only make up for it by absorbing the essence of flesh and bones later.

As for the corpse of the strongest dog-headed warrior, because his strength reached the stage of Black Iron Elite, he only dealt with the corpse for the time being, and did not revive it.

Now if he uses skeleton resuscitation to make him into a skeleton warrior, limited by Huo Ling's strength, this skeleton cannot exert his true strength, so it is better to save it first.

Huo Ling then checked the spoils from the corpses. These dog-headed people had nothing. Only three black iron-level dog-headed people had slightly better equipment, but no enchanted equipment.

This was not surprising. The production of enchanted equipment required a high degree of wisdom and a mage. It was not surprising that the dog-headed people could not make it.

There were more than a dozen units of magic stones collected from them, which was also a good harvest.

He opened the box of herbs, which was full of hemostatic herbs and boiling blood herbs. Seeing this, Huo Ling nodded with satisfaction.

Huo Ling also urgently arranged the hiding place as his own base, and then Huo Ling teleported back to Blue Star.

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