
Chapter 60

The three girls worked hard in Huo Ling's room, sorting and selecting herbs while complaining.

They complained about the collection and processing methods of herbs.

Huo Ling was free at this time. He made a pot of tea and sat quietly beside them, watching the three busy people.

After working for most of the day, the herbs were finally classified.

The senior sister took a notebook and recorded all the herbs on it. There were seventy or eighty kinds of herbs in total.

"Most of these are common herbs. There are fourteen kinds of magic potions, and the most common one is snakeweed... This is one of the materials needed for magic potions to restore magic, and it is the most expensive!"

"If you buy it, how much is it worth in total?" Huo Ling asked the question he was most concerned about.

"All added up is five hundred and thirty-six magic stones... I have the quotes in this table, take a look." The senior sister handed the notebook to Huo Ling.

Huo Ling looked at the weight, quality, and purchase price behind each herb, and nodded with satisfaction.

The quotation table was very detailed and professional. Although he didn't understand it, it didn't look like a scam.

He had expected that he would be satisfied if he could sell these herbs for two or three hundred magic stones, but he didn't expect that these would be the biggest gain.

"By the way, there are also these medicine-making vessels, do you need them?"

Huo Ling pointed to the vessels thrown aside, which were once the treasures of the goblin shaman Marlowe.

The senior sister covered her nose and checked it, then threw it away like trash: "No! These things are wasted... and there are drug residues on them, it's too dangerous to use."

"What a pity." Huo Ling thought these things were still valuable.

"Then I'll sell these herbs to you in a package for 500 magic stones!" Huo Ling waved his hand, ready to make some profit, after all, he made him busy for most of the day.

"Hehe, junior brother, no need... We have made a profit with the price we gave!"

The senior sister smiled slightly and declined Huo Ling's profit.


As a truck took away all the herbs, Huo Ling waved goodbye to the three girls.

Back in the room, he poured the magic stones on the ground, and looking at the magic stones all over the ground, he made a satisfied sound.

When you make money, you need to spend it to increase your strength.

Open the online mall and continue to buy.

He opened a robe that he had been eyeing for a long time and finally placed an order.

Contemplative Mage Robe

Engraved Spell: Mage Armor (First Order) 2/2

Mana Recovery (First Order Constant)

Cleansing (Zero Order Constant)

Armor Strength: 200 degrees

Casting Time: Instantaneous

Spell Energy Storage: 1 Time/Day

Enchantment Effect: +10% Mana Recovery Speed

Equipment Material: First Order Spider Silk

This is a mage robe, both the passive effect and the active spell are very good, and the market sales are also very high.

The shape of the mage robe is also good, a black mid-length windbreaker shape with a detachable hood.

Of course, the price is not cheap, three hundred magic stones.

Accelerated Mage Armguard

Enchantment Effect: +10 Casting Speed ​​(First Order)

Equipment Attributes: Sturdy (First Order)

This is a one-handed armguard, the enchanted attribute is good, worth one hundred magic stones.

Boots of Swiftness

Engraved spell: Wind Walk (first order) 2/2 times

Spell effect: Release an elemental wind, increase action speed by 20%.

Casting time: 2

Spell consumption: None

Spell energy storage: 1 time/day

Enchantment effect: +10% movement speed

This is a pair of enchanted boots, which is convenient for Huo Ling to escape in time when encountering danger.

This equipment cost 290 magic stones.

Although he just made a lot of money, Huo Ling spent almost all of it. He spent money like water, and it was not a loss to exchange for three pieces of equipment.

Huo Ling also bought some spell scrolls to enrich his reserve, just in case.

After this purchase, the original value of more than 900 was now only 200 magic stones.


In addition to making money, Huo Ling also harvested his first corpse of a spellcaster, which needs to be put to good use.

If he can use it well, maybe he can get a spellcaster summon.

Although the corpse was a spellcaster before death, it actually requires a certain amount of luck to determine whether the spellcaster's qualifications are still there after the skeleton is revived.

What to do when you are in doubt? Of course, you should find a teacher.

Huo Ling took the corpse of the goblin shaman Marlowe.

bones, came to the teacher's laboratory.

When I came, the teacher was also busy. Professor He Wenhan specializes in the undead system and is also good at flesh and blood transformation.

When I came for the first time, I saw him disemboweling a jackal man. The second time I came, he was still doing experiments.

But this time, the experimental subject on the test bench was changed. This time the experimental subject was a warg.

Huo Ling was brought to the laboratory by the undead creatures under the teacher. After he came, he did not make a sound to disturb his teacher, but quietly changed into the assistant's clothes and began to help his teacher.

From time to time, he handed over scissors, scalpels, etc.

After more than an hour of busy work, the teacher closed the chest of the warg and cast a spell to restore it.

"Didn't you take leave these days to prepare to do business in the spirit world? How is it? Did it succeed?"

Professor He cast a spell to clean up the blood stains of the injury and asked Huo Ling.

Thinking about the final appearance of the goblin tribe, Huo Ling nodded: "Success."

"Teacher, this time I got a corpse of a spellcaster, and I want to make it into a skeleton mage, but I am afraid that it will fail and waste the corpse."

Huo Ling honestly told his teacher his problem.

"Oh, the corpse of a spellcaster, what level, take it out and let me see." Hearing Huo Ling's question, He Wenhan also became interested.

Huo Ling took out the corpse of Marlowe from the bracelet. The corpse had been processed by him.

The flesh and blood had disappeared, leaving only a skeleton in the world.

"What was the occupation of this goblin in his lifetime?"

He Wenhan looked at the skeleton. The skeleton was processed well, and all the attributes of the corpse were intact.

"He was a goblin shaman in his lifetime. His strength should be ordinary black iron, and he is not young anymore." Huo Ling briefly repeated the situation of the goblin shaman Marlowe.

Marlowe died because he was killed by a melee weapon after being approached by a skeleton warrior. There were many scars on his body, but fortunately, no bones were injured.

"The skeleton is well made. I will tell you the difficulties of making a spellcaster skeleton based on your skeleton. Please absorb and understand it."

He Wenhan checked the skeleton with his mental power, and after thinking about it for a while, he began to make a production plan based on the skeleton, and told Huo Ling the solution to the difficulties.

After listening, Huo Ling suddenly became enlightened and had more hope for the next production.

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