
Chapter 61

The dead body is not a dead body, but a dead body.

The necromancer's own undead creatures cannot be made by others, otherwise Huo Ling would like to trouble the teacher to make this corpse.

Among the skeleton creatures, the skeleton warrior is relatively simple to make. Most of the revived skeletons are warriors.

To obtain a spellcaster, two conditions must be met.

First, this skeleton was a spellcaster before his death, and his natural qualifications can make him a spellcaster.

Second, whether he can be lucky enough to obtain the spirituality of the spellcaster when he is revived.

Although the skeletons of these spellcasters are naturally attracted to the spirituality of spellcasters in the undead plane, there are always accidents.

Generally speaking, at least one-third of the caster skeletons produced will fail and become ordinary skeletons, which can only become warriors with slightly stronger soul power.

After Huo Ling was ready, he began to formally produce the caster skeleton.

The previous steps remained unchanged. When it came to the third step, the transformation of the dead soul, this was a spell unique to the Dark Breath.

The skeleton of the warrior, he would have a combat template, which could be written into the soul.

When encountering the skeleton of the caster, there is also a template for the caster.

However, this is much more complicated. Feeling the soul remaining in the body, Huo Ling knew that he could leave two first-level spells and three zero-level spells on the soul of this skeleton.

If there are more, this soul can't bear it.

After a little thought, Huo Ling knew what spells he would leave behind.

First, the zero-level ones: Bone Fang, Dark Mist, Touch of Fatigue

First-level ones: Bone Cone, Negative Energy Ray

Carefully engrave the runes of these spells into the soul of the corpse. There must be no accidents in this step.

Otherwise, the failure of spell engraving is a small matter, but accidentally destroying the soul is a big deal.

Fortunately, luck is on Huo Ling's side, and he succeeded.

Although he was tired and sweating, the result was gratifying.

With the casting of the last spell, Skeleton Resurrection, the short skeleton also stood up at this time.

In order to avoid any accidents, Huo Ling did not even change the size of the skeleton this time.

A spirituality was injected into the soul fire of the skeleton, and the skeleton officially possessed the spirituality of the undead creature.

"My Lord..."


Huo Ling reached out and sensed the properties of the skeleton, and was overjoyed.

Skeleton Mage

Name: Skeleton Mage

Bloodline: Undead Skeleton Clan

Rank: First-level Black Iron Mage

Strength: 3.2

Constitution: 3.4

Agility: 3.1

Spirit: 13.4

Soul Power: 134

Skills: Basic Skeleton Mage Combat Skills Bone Fangs, Gray Mist, Touch of Fatigue, Bone Cone, Negative Energy Ray

A spellcaster skeleton with five spells was successfully made by himself, and Huo Ling couldn't help laughing.

Compared with the spellcaster skeletons made by others, Huo Ling's skeleton mage can be said to be ahead at the starting line.

A skeleton mage made normally will not be able to master spells when he is revived. He can only slowly engrave spells into his soul fire after he is revived. And after each spell engraving, he needs to wait for a few days for his soul to stabilize.

After casting spells, Huo Ling, the skeleton mage, has five spells when he is revived. He has combat power from the beginning and can help Huo Ling.

Huo Ling is also ready to continue adding spells after the skeleton mage's soul is stable.

Generally speaking, depending on the qualifications of the skeleton mage after resurrection, his soul fire can accommodate seven to twelve first-level spells at the black iron level.

Now there are only two first-level spells in this soul fire, and there is still a huge space.

The attributes of this skeleton mage can even lead Huo Ling, after all, Huo Ling cannot absorb soul power directly.

Huo Ling's next goal is to take this skeleton mage to kill more zombies and upgrade him to the third stage of black iron first.

The soul power of the skeleton mage is equivalent to Huo Ling's magic power.

Although the skeleton mage can only be upgraded to the third stage due to Huo Ling's own level limit, the soul power of the third stage mage can reach at least 300, and the number of spells that can be released is even greater.

The combat power is incomparable.

"From today on, you will be called Ma Luo!" Huo Ling looked at the skeleton mage in front of him, thought about it and gave him a name.

"Yes, my lord!" The skeleton mage saluted.

The skeleton mage is different from the skeleton warrior of the combat profession. He has wisdom.

The skeleton warriors only have fighting consciousness and do not have the wisdom to think independently.

After receiving the name from the master, Marlowe began to look through the soul memory of the skeleton. He quickly checked the memory of the goblin Marlowe from a third-person perspective.

Although they share the same soul, the skeleton Marlowe will not empathize with the memory of the goblin Marlowe.

Because he is an undead creature, his spirituality also comes from the Styx in the undead plane.

In the next few days, Huo Ling took Marlowe to hunt zombies in the spirit world and quickly raised his level to the third stage of black iron. At this time, Marlowe's spell attack ability even exceeded Huo Ling.

After all, with a huge soul power as support, he can cast first-level spells without care.

Although there are few types, there are many.

With the help of such a skeleton wizard, Huo Ling can be much more relaxed. He only needs to find a building where zombies gather, and then he can let Marlowe lead the skeleton warriors in to hunt.

A large number of potential points began to gather on Huo Ling.

Taking this opportunity, Huo Ling certainly would not waste it, and meditated at full speed to quickly increase his magic power.

That day, after he finished meditating, he called out the attribute panel to check his current attributes:

Name: Huo Ling


Skills: "Dark Breath Meditation Method"

Zero-level spell: Bone Fang...Treat minor injuries

First-level spell: Bloody Skeleton, Skeleton Shaping, Revenant Transformation, Skeleton Revival, Skeleton Armor, Bone Cone, Mage Shield, Language Proficiency, Treat Light Injuries, Negative Energy Ray, Bone Cage, Soul Whip, Eagle Eye

Secret Spell: Skeleton Cemetery 0/10

Potential Points: 55

Thanks to his magic power level breaking through to the second stage of Black Iron, the upper limit of the strength of the skeletons under Huo Ling can also be increased by one level.

The Skeleton Mage was promoted to the fourth stage of Black Iron at a speed that was not to be outdone, with nearly 400 soul power, worthy of the elite Black Iron level.

Currently, Huo Ling has nine skeleton warriors and one skeleton mage under his command.

The skeleton warriors are all at the third stage of Black Iron, and the skeleton mage is at the fourth stage of Black Iron.

In addition, there are sixty or seventy cannon fodder skeleton warriors, which are accumulated recently.

Originally, Huo Ling had a hard time controlling them alone, but now with Ma Luo, who has shared part of the command power, the pressure has been reduced.

At present, Huo Ling is not planning to increase the number of skeletons, but to increase the quality.

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