
Chapter 62

After waiting for a few days, it was time to check what happened to the goblins, lizardmen, and kobolds after what he had done. He led the skeletons and marched towards the goblin tribe. When he got close, he hid the skeletons and went to investigate alone. The battle that day was originally a battle between lizardmen and kobolds. It was originally one-sided, and the lizardmen defeated the kobold guards like a broken bamboo. When the lizardmen were about to enjoy the fruits of victory, they were attacked by the goblins. The mighty army of goblins rushed out from behind the lizardmen. Although the ordinary goblins had low combat effectiveness, the strength of the goblin warriors was still good.

And the goblin warriors were an organized and disciplined team. They were good at teamwork. Compared with the lizardmen who liked to fight alone, their combat effectiveness was undoubtedly higher.

Seeing the reinforcements coming, the kobolds also rushed out of the mine. Under the two-sided attack, even if the lizardmen were strong, they ended up with a big defeat.

Seventeen black irons, five died in the battle, and more than sixty of the more than two hundred adult lizardmen died.

When the main force of the goblins returned to the tribe after a great victory, they saw the tribe full of smoke and realized that it was not good.

They had just won a victory, but their home was stolen, and even the shaman of the tribe was dead.

This was a major blow. The goblin tribe usually relied on the shaman's medicine and totems to keep harvesting lizardmen and kobolds.

Now not only has the tribe's strength been damaged, the shaman has also died, and even the resources accumulated by the shaman for so many years have been wiped out.

The current strength comparison is very subtle.

On the goblin side, there are still eleven black iron hobgoblin warriors, and there are less than ninety adult hobgoblin warriors left. The combat effectiveness of ordinary goblins is not strong, but there are seven or eight hundred.

The lizardmen still have twelve black irons, about one hundred and fifty adult warriors.

The strength of the kobolds is ominous, but they are the weakest of the three parties. Now they are hiding in the mines and not going out.

When the lizardmen were ready to admit defeat, they suddenly found that the goblin's nest was attacked by someone, resulting in a great loss of strength.

The rage of revenge could not be held back immediately, and the lizardmen chieftain approached the goblin tribe again with the remaining warriors.

Even if he did not attack the goblins this time, he would cut a large piece of meat from the goblins.

He did not dare to do this before, mainly because the goblins had a shaman, and he had experienced the horror of the spellcaster.

Now that the goblin spellcaster is gone, the remaining green-skinned dwarves are no match for him.

So, when Huo Ling came to investigate, he saw the troglodytes blocking the goblin gate, looking like they were ready to attack.


In the goblin tribe, the remaining hobgoblin warriors were all frowning. Now their strength is still inferior to that of the troglodytes.

The most important thing is that there is a terrifying necromancer as an enemy, hiding in the dark, which really scares them.

The original ally, the kobold, is now scared out of his wits, and his strength has been greatly reduced, so he dare not come out to support.

Now the goblins have to face the anger of the troglodytes and the spying of a necromancer.

"How about we agree to the troglodytes' request?" A hobgoblin warrior said helplessly.

This time, the troglodytes asked for the condition of retreat, which was to give them hemostatic herbs and two hundred magic stones.

"If the shaman was still here, this condition would be acceptable, but now these herbs are used one less each time." A hobgoblin warrior shook his head.

He looked at a goblin sitting in a corner of the room, who was the assistant of the goblin shaman.

"Soni, can you make these herbs?"

"I can't..., making herbs requires communicating with the ancestral spirits, and these ancestral spirits have all died in the teacher's battle..." The goblin Soni bowed her head and sobbed.

"Damn the necromancer!!!"

The hobgoblin warriors in the room all started cursing at this moment.

At this moment, suddenly a hobgoblin warrior rushed into the meeting room.

"My lords, it's bad! The necromancer is coming!"

As soon as these words came out, most of the green faces in the room turned pale.

Especially the hobgoblin warriors who had fought with the skeletons were even more terrified at this time.

"How many skeletons are here? Have they started attacking?" One of the hobgoblin warriors calmed down first and asked the messenger.

"There has been no attack yet, but judging by the number, there are at least seventy or eighty skeletons!" the messenger replied.

"Let's go, everyone, let's go and take a look first!"

The hobgoblins walked out of the building and stood on the wall looking at the necromancer and the skeletons he controlled.

These skeletons were stationed in the opposite direction of the troglodytes, and their target was obviously the goblins themselves.

"Go ask them what conditions they are willing to leave!" The leading hobgoblin warrior was silent for a moment, waved his hand and ordered.

Since these skeletons did not attack at the beginning, it means that conditions can be negotiated.


On the other side, in the troglodyte camp, Gusli Tooth also received a message from his men and found the traces of Huo Ling and his skeletons.

"Go, ask this necromancer if he is willing to attack the goblins together, and split the spoils 50-50 after the success!"

Gusli Tooth swallowed his tongue and showed a creepy smile on his face.

They, the troglodytes, had cooperated with this necromancer. Now thinking back, the necromancer also reminded himself to be careful of the goblins.

But he didn't take it seriously. Now it seems that the wizard still has good intentions towards the lizardmen.

A lizardman quickly set out from the camp and headed straight for Huo Ling.


Huo Ling took the initiative to reveal his tracks in order to stir up trouble.

Although the earth elves and the lizardmen are now in a state of confrontation, and both sides look like they are on the verge of a fight, it is hard to say whether they can fight.

After all, both races have been hit hard by the war, and now is the time to lick their wounds.

If Huo Ling didn't come to disrupt the situation, the lizardmen might leave after extorting certain resources.

This is not the result Huo Ling wanted.

Soon, the goblin messenger approached tremblingly. He passed by the tall skeleton warrior and saw Huo Ling.

"Sir, the Green Vine Tribe salutes you. What is your purpose here?"

Feeling the terrifying aura of death around him, as well as the pressure from Huo Ling and the skeleton warriors around him, the goblin messenger's knees softened and he knelt on the ground.

"I just brought my men to see his goblin friends." Huo Ling said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the goblin messenger's face suddenly showed joy. He raised his head to see who the goblin's friend was. As a result, in addition to the tall skeleton warriors, there was only a short skeleton in the room, and there were no other living things here.

The goblin messenger licked his lips and asked in a dry voice: "Sir, who is the goblin's friend?"

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