
Chapter 63

The old man was very happy.

"Isn't that right?" Huo Ling raised his chin and gestured to the skeleton mage Marlowe.

"Who is he?" the goblin messenger asked carefully.

"Hahahaha, he is the goblin shaman Marlowe, but now he is the skeleton mage Marlowe!"

Huo Ling laughed loudly, his tone cheerful.

But these words fell into the ears of the goblin messenger, which was undoubtedly a heavy hammer. He felt a little dizzy for a while and looked at the skeleton in disbelief.

The goblin messenger's legs softened and he felt the urge to urinate.

"If you dare to urinate, I will turn you into a skeleton too." Huo Ling threatened with a sneer.

"Sir, what can you do to let our Green Vine Tribe go?"

The goblin messenger collapsed on the ground, holding back the urge to urinate.

Coincidentally, the messenger of the lizard man also arrived at this time.

"Why don't you wait for a while, I will listen to what the lizard man has to say first." Huo Ling said, without giving the goblin messenger a chance to react, and ordered the skeleton to drag him aside.

Soon, the messenger of the lizard man also arrived, a black iron warrior.

In fact, Huo Ling and this black iron lizard man had a half-time encounter, this lizard man was Pate. Sharp Teeth.

After Pate. Sharp Teeth entered Huo Ling's room, he immediately found the goblin lying in the corner.

He smiled grimly at the goblin, and then said respectfully to Huo Ling: "Your Excellency the Undead Mage, I pay my respects to you on behalf of the tribe leader Gus. Sharp Teeth!"

"Give my regards to your tribe leader for me when you go back." Huo Ling nodded gently.

"Sir, I am here to cooperate with you on behalf of the tribe leader. We can defeat this goblin tribe together."

Pet. Sharp Teeth had a ferocious face. Even though he said this with a smile, his expression was terrifying in the eyes of the goblins beside him.

"How do we divide the harvest?" Huo Ling asked with interest.

"Fifty-fifty!" Pet. Sharp Teeth smiled. This profit sharing was not low.

"Very good. I'll consider it!" Huo Ling nodded.

"If you agree, notify us and we will launch an attack together!"

Then Pet. Sharp Teeth turned around and left without any hesitation.

He always felt a chill under his scales when he stayed in the center of the skeleton. He left here as soon as he delivered the message.

"You also heard that the lizard man invited me to pass by together and then divide your assets fifty-fifty."

Huo Ling smiled and ordered the skeleton to bring the goblin messenger out, but the words he said made the messenger extremely cold. "Goblin slaves should also be a kind of asset. I will take you over and make you my slave."

"Sir, we goblins are willing to offer 300 magic stones. Please let us go!"

The goblins knelt on the ground with a plop and begged loudly.

"300 magic stones are not enough."

Huo Ling shook his head and continued, "If I kill you, I will definitely get more than 300 magic stones."

"Four hundred!"

"Four hundred and fifty!"

"If you are willing to submit to me and become my slaves, I can let you go." Huo Ling grinned, his white teeth flashing coldly.

The dagger was revealed, Huo Ling's goal had long changed.

From the initial looting and running away, to later wanting to cooperate with the lizardmen to break through the goblin tribe, to now completely occupying this goblin tribe.

As his strength changed, this goal has been changing.

"Ah~?" The goblin envoy who knelt and kowtowed couldn't help but raise his head and look at Huo Ling.

"Sir, it's normal for us goblins to submit to the wizard, but you are a necromancer!" The goblin had a sad face and pointed at the skeleton wizard Marlowe not far away.

Huo Ling was startled and suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, don't worry, you are more valuable alive than dead, I won't make you into skeletons."

"If you need skeletons, I will go to the city to find zombies."

"Then what do you want us to do?" The goblin messenger asked cautiously.

"I need magic stones, various magic herbs, and magic materials, and you are responsible for providing them for me."

Huo Ling smiled slightly, this is his current goal.

There are many magic materials in the spirit world, and you can make money by taking them back to Blue Star.

But relying on Huo Ling himself, it is definitely a drop in the bucket. No matter how hard he looks, he can't find much valuable things.

Now he wants to colonize, control this goblin tribe for his use, and collect food for him.

Although the skeletons are useful in combat, they lack independent intelligence and cannot do these tasks.

"I want to go back

Go report to the lords in the tribe and see the result of their discussion. "

"As soon as possible, if you don't give me an answer before dark, I will attack with the lizardmen tomorrow."

The goblin messenger left the skeleton camp and ran towards the tribe.


"Is this the condition of the necromancer?" A hobgoblin warrior thought after hearing the messenger's words.

"What should I do? Should I agree to this evil necromancer? If not, he and those damn lizardmen will attack tomorrow!"

A hobgoblin warrior paced nervously.

The hobgoblin warrior sitting in the first seat opened his eyes and said in a deep voice, "We have no choice but to agree to him!"

This hobgoblin is the chief of the goblin tribe. He has the combat power of elite black iron and good military literacy.

"It's not shameful to submit to the strong. Perhaps under the protection of this lord, we will have a better life. "The hobgoblin chief said.

"But, he is a necromancer! ?" A hobgoblin warrior was still a little worried.

"He is right. There are still a lot of zombies in this city. He has no shortage of materials for making skeletons. And if we don't agree to his conditions, the final result may be that we will become skeleton puppets."

The hobgoblin chief analyzed calmly.

The hobgoblin warrior on the opposite side opened his mouth, but was unable to refute. Indeed, if he did not agree to the necromancer's conditions, his body would probably still be made into skeletons after the attack tomorrow.

After figuring this out, the hobgoblin warrior sat down dejectedly.

The hobgoblins in the room quickly reached a consensus on this decision and decided to submit to the necromancer.

Surrender and submission often appear in the dictionary of hobgoblins.

They are excellent officers of the evil country. Fighting everywhere is a tradition engraved in their bones. Failure and surrender are also common. There are things.

Now that the Necromancer is stronger than them, they will be loyal to the Necromancer. If a stronger enemy comes one day and kills the Necromancer, they can quickly change sides and submit to the new master.

In the corner, the goblin assistant's objections were drowned out by the fierce discussion of the big goblins.

He heard from the goblin messenger that her teacher had been turned into a skeleton by the Necromancer.

Thinking of this, the goblin assistant couldn't stop crying, and she secretly swore in her heart: "Even if they all surrender to the evil Necromancer, I will avenge you! Teacher!"

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