
Chapter 64

The battle was won, and the battle was won.

The goblins surrendered quickly, and they decided to accept the new master and become the servants of the Necromancer.

The great Necromancer also visited his loyal Green Vine Tribe this afternoon.

All the goblins knelt on the ground along the way, looking at the skeleton warriors passing by them with fear.

Some of them had fought with these terrifying undead creatures and understood the horror of these undead creatures.

Downstairs of the clean building of the goblins, all the goblins knelt here, waiting for Huo Ling's arrival.

Huo Ling came to the goblins surrounded by the skeleton warriors.

"Okay, my servants, start your loyalty to your new master. ”

“Master, Guy Green Vine, under the witness of the ancestors, swears to be loyal to you forever until the fire of life is extinguished!”

The chieftain of the hobgoblins knelt on the ground, crawled over on his knees to kiss Huo Ling’s boots, and officially became Huo Ling’s servant.

Other hobgoblins and more goblins followed suit, saying various oaths and swearing their loyalty to Huo Ling.

Huo Ling happily accepted the loyalty of these goblins. Although they were very weak, from now on, he was also a person with a foundation in the spirit world.

Of course, the loyalty of goblins is limited. If loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal, so Huo Ling needs some conditions to ensure their loyalty.

The Green Vine Tribe now has another threat to deal with, that is, the troops of the War Lizard Tribe outside.

Now Huo Ling has taken down the Green Vine Tribe without bloodshed. He has made a lot of money, but the War Lizards have not gained a penny of benefit.

However, Huo Ling had been prepared for this. He could not break up with the lizardmen now, and he needed to maintain the threat of the lizardmen to the goblins.

In this way, Huo Ling's rule in the Green Vine Tribe could be stable. Therefore, after the goblins had pledged their loyalty, Huo Ling brought these big goblins to their city walls.

It was called a city wall, but it was an earthen wall built on the basis of the wall of the former community and piled up with mud.

Huo Ling walked to the middle of the camp with a few skeleton warriors and called the lizardmen on the opposite side.

The lizardmen also noticed the actions of the goblins just now. They were confused and found that Huo Ling had come out of the goblin tribe.

The chief of the lizardmen, Gusli Tooth, rode a swamp giant lizard to meet Huo Ling.

"Mister Mage, why did you come out of the goblin tribe?"

Gusli Tooth already had a bad premonition.

"The Green Vine Tribe just decided to submit to me and become my loyal servants, so I just went in to take a look. "

Huo Ling said in a relaxed tone.

"So, you are now in the same group with these damn goblins?" Guslichi's eyes narrowed slightly, his tongue was rapidly swallowing, and he looked uneasy.

"Yes, they are my property now." Huo Ling nodded.

"These damn goblins attacked my people, and I have a grudge against them, which you also know. My warriors and I need revenge now!"

Guslichi said in a cold tone.

"No, I think you and your warriors need to rest now and go back to treat the wounds on your body. "

Huo Ling smiled slightly. On the city wall not far away, the skeleton warriors burst out with black iron momentum. At the same time, the skeleton wizard Marlowe also cast a spell, and a bone cone was suspended in the air.

Looking at this scene, Gusli Tooth's mood suddenly sank. These skeletons plus the earth elf warriors can definitely defeat his lizardmen.

Not to mention that there are two wizards now. He looked at Huo Ling not far in front of him, and then looked at the skeleton wizard Marlowe on the city wall, and gave up the plan of a surprise attack.

"Mage, I thought we were friends." Gusli Tooth retracted his gaze from the city wall and turned to look at Huo Ling.

"Of course we are friends. These are my gifts to friends. Take them and treat your people. "

Huo Ling ordered the skeleton to carry out some finished herbs, which were the works of Shaman Malo.

These products could no longer be used, and they could not be sold at a high price on Blue Star, so they were just used as a favor at this time.

Looking at the herbs in the box, Guslichi knew that this was a step given by Huo Ling, and there were indeed many people in the tribe who were injured and needed medical treatment.

So, Guslichi bowed slightly and said sincerely: "Thank you, Master Mage, I will take my people back to heal their wounds now."

Soon, the lizardmen packed up the camp and left.

Huo Ling returned to the meeting room of the hobgoblins, sat where the chief used to sit, and said, "Okay, the guests have left. Guy, tell me what property I have in the Green Vine Tribe now."

In the meeting room, all other stools had been removed. The hobgoblin warrior Guy Green Vine knelt on one knee on the ground, lowering his head:

"Great master, the Green Vine Tribe now has more than 600 magic stones, two magic potion planting sites, and some food..."

"Eleven black iron hobgoblin warriors, eighty-six adult hobgoblin warriors, thirty-six underage hobgoblins, and more than 780 ordinary hobgoblins."

"All adult hobgoblins are qualified warriors. They can become sharp blades in your hands to protect your safety."

Huo Ling sat on the chair, listening to Guy's report, and nodded.

It seems that this move was right. What's the point of killing all these goblins? At most, there will be a few more black iron skeleton warriors. Now is the time for sustainable development.

"Bring the magic stones here, I'll check them."

After working for most of the day, it's time to enjoy the fruits of victory.

"Yes, master!"

Soon, several goblins brought out boxes of magic stones. Huo Ling used a zero-level spell, the magician's hand, to recite the magic stones in the box.

Not bad, all natural magic stones, I like it!

Huo Ling was overjoyed, and then put all the magic stones in the box into the bracelet.

Seeing this scene, these goblin warriors swallowed their saliva. These magic stones are public accounts and belong to the property of the tribe.

Of course, they also have magic stones on them. This is their own property. They can use magic stones to speed up their practice.

Seeing this scene, Huo Ling directly took out some magic stones from the bracelet and divided five units of magic stones in front of each goblin warrior.

"This is a reward for you!"

"Thank you, Master!"

"Thank you, Master!"

The earth elf warriors were immediately overjoyed, completely forgetting that these magic stones originally belonged to their own tribe.

But it was normal, these magic stones belonged to the tribe, and had nothing to do with them personally, while the rewards given by Huo Ling fell into their personal pockets.

As for Guy, he was left with pure heartache. He used to be the chief of the tribe, and these magic stones were all under his care. He had long regarded these magic stones as his own.

As a result, when Huo Ling came, there were only five pieces left in the big box of magic stones in front of him. He was really crying without tears.

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