
Chapter 84

After a day of observation, there are about a hundred petrified baboons in this tribe, including three baboons with spell-like abilities.

These baboons will definitely have magic cores, and the other baboons are also strong humanoid creatures.

After the battle, Huo Ling can choose to revive some of them and make them into skeleton warriors. For him, killing these monsters is more cost-effective.

"Maybe I can sneakily kill all these baboons."

Huo Ling suppressed his thoughts and began to look for a suitable battlefield.

Relying on Huo Ling's current mental strength, he can at least start casting spells at a distance of one or two kilometers and project the spells unnoticed.

But the attack spells he was using were all straight-line attacks, whether it was the bone cone or the negative energy ray.

This limited his ability to perform. If he was too far away, the spell effect would definitely encounter obstacles such as trees at such a long distance, consuming the spell ability.

Huo Ling found a tree that was tens of meters high and climbed up carefully. If he cast a spell here, he could avoid most of the trees blocking the spell.

He also summoned the skeleton wizard and placed most of the skeleton warriors not far away. These skeleton warriors would serve as the last line of defense.

After everything was ready, Huo Ling looked at the time and began to cast.

After the magic rune was outlined, a bone cone was already suspended beside him. Huo Ling looked at the bone cone.

Even though he was already at the ninth level of black iron at this moment, the attack strength of this spell was not much different from that at the first level.

"Maybe it's time to learn some super magic spells."

Huo Ling thought that the skills of super magic spells include speeding up spells, increasing spell strength, and increasing spell range.

Huo Ling's strength has improved too quickly. He has been hunting recently and has not had time to study.

Just like this bone cone, if it comes with spell penetration or spell enhancement, the attack strength will definitely be much higher, even if it consumes more magic power.

Pressing down the flowing thoughts, Huo Ling began to attack.

Through mental scanning, the petrified baboon group more than a thousand meters away was within his perception.

It was noon, when the sun was the strongest, and the baboons were all sleepy at this time.

They were in groups of three or two, looking for a cool place on the mountain, lying on the ground to rest, and some were playing with each other.

Other petrified baboons were doing the big thing of life reproduction, adding bricks and tiles to the number of tribes.

Huo Ling chuckled, and decided that it was you!

As the mental power turned, the skeleton wizard beside him also cast a spell, and two bone cones burst out with a huge scream and were thrown out.

The two petrified baboons were working hard in a cool place at this time, unaware that the danger had arrived.



The two bone cones shot out one after another, and the first one hit the male petrified baboon's head, directly defeating the magic power flowing around it, leaving a wound on its head.

Then came the second bone cone, which hit its head again when its magic power was not supplied.

This time its head was directly shattered like a watermelon, and blood gushed down, spilling on the female petrified baboon under it.

The female petrified baboon opened her eyes in confusion, and saw that the petrified baboon, which was still majestic just now, had now become a headless corpse and staggered to the ground.

The female baboon screamed in fear, but the sound did not spread far.

Two bone cones attacked again one after another and shot it here.

Although the petrified baboon tribe was all on this steep mountain, they did not stay together, but scattered in various corners of the mountain.

As Huo Ling and the skeleton wizard continued to cast spells, one petrified baboon after another fell under their hands.

Although the petrified baboons on the mountain were surprised by the screaming sound, and some were even awakened by the sound, they never found anything unusual.

But as time passed, Huo Ling had shot nearly 30 petrified baboons, and the smell of blood all over the mountain still awakened other petrified baboons.

The leading baboon king ran wildly on the mountain in anger, and saw the corpses of his fellow tribesmen, many of whom were his partners, who had been headshot and fell on the mountain.


The petrified baboon king was angry

It stood on a boulder and roared. Its strong and powerful arms beat the boulder under it, and stone chips flew for a while.

It only saw the corpses of its own people, but did not find the enemy, so it could only rage helplessly.

A large number of petrified baboons gathered together, chirping and barking.

Seeing this scene, Huo Ling frowned a little. After gathering together, these baboons might be able to find his position through the incoming spells.

But it was not a big problem. Huo Ling continued to cast spells, and bone cones and negative energy rays were constantly projected.

The petrified baboon group was like a headless fly. From time to time, one of its own people was shot dead, but the enemy could not be found.

Finally, a petrified baboon found the direction of the spell attack. It roared loudly and conveyed this discovery to other baboons.

The petrified baboon king roared angrily and found the incoming spell again. The magic power in its magic core was stimulated by it, and the spell-like ability: Stone Armor was released.

This stone armor formed a gray-white armor on its body.

The baboon king jumped up and swung his fist in the air, smashing Huo Ling's spell, Bone Fang.

Then, under its leadership, dozens of petrified baboons began to run wildly in the direction of Huo Ling. They wanted to kill Huo Ling, the murderer who killed the baboon tribe.

The earth shook all the way, and the trees, bushes and weeds that blocked them on the road were brutally destroyed by them.

Seeing this scene, Huo Ling was not panicked at all, because there were still thirty skeleton warriors in front of him.

These skeleton warriors have now reached the ninth stage of black iron, and have reached the peak of their strength.

Although the flesh and soul essence absorbed during this period cannot strengthen their bodies, they have been constantly strengthening their armor and weapons.

These skeleton warriors directly formed a military formation, with those holding spears standing in front, one holding a shield and the other holding a spear.

Those holding swords and shields were on the two wings, ready to attack at any time.

Their weapons flashed with the cold light of bones, and the breath of undead creatures seemed even colder.

Even if the sixty or seventy black iron petrified baboons in front of them made a huge noise while running wildly, it had no effect on them.

Strengthen the skeleton!

Strengthen the skeleton!

Strengthen the skeleton!

Spells fell on the skeleton warriors in the front row. Under the effect of these spells, the skeleton warriors, who were already strong, became even stronger.

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