
Chapter 85

The king of petrified baboon ran at the front of the tribe, followed by two female baboons, who also had the ability to release magic.

The king of petrified baboon was taller than its peers, at least three meters tall, with lush hair all over his body, each hair like a steel needle.

The muscles of his limbs were well developed, and huge power flowed between his limbs.


As they roared, three magic spells were released by these petrified baboons and these monsters.

These gray-white rays of light fell on the skeleton warriors in the front row, directly petrifying the skeleton warriors who were ready for battle.

As the spell energy infected, the three originally black and gray skeleton warriors were dyed gray and white, and changed from bone to stone.


The petrified baboon roared directly and rushed up, knocking the three skeleton warriors away. The stone chips on the skeleton warriors flew in the air.

The armor was broken, and even the bones under the armor had cracks. They fell far away and did not move.

The first attack was effective. The petrified baboon king roared excitedly, and more and more of his fellows rushed over behind him.

But the skeleton warriors were not vegetarians. Although there was a gap in the original well-defended formation, other skeleton warriors immediately filled it up.

They were silent skeleton warriors, and the waving of their weapons spread the signal of death.

The sharp spears and sharp swords, with the blessing of soul power, easily pierced the bodies of the attacking petrified baboons.

The wounds pierced by the weapons became gray and dilapidated under the effect of the death soul power.

The combat power of the petrified baboons is also considerable. They are strong enough. Every time they hit with their fists, they will cause a huge shock to the skeleton warriors.

The shields of the skeleton warriors were smashed and rang. Some of the shields of the skeleton warriors have become broken under this attack, as if they will break at any time.

The combat power of the petrified baboon king is even more extraordinary. It has mastered the ability of two types of spells, which is also a good qualification among the magic beasts.

Most black iron-level magic beasts cannot grow magic cores in their lifetime and gain the ability to cast spells. Even if they have magic cores, most of them will only have one type of spell ability in their lifetime.

The stone armor technique was released by it, and the petrified armor with strong defense provided it with good defense. The attacks of the skeleton warriors fell on it and became painless.

But there are not only skeleton warriors on the battlefield, but also more powerful skeleton mages and Huo Ling.

They had already come down from the tree. If they were stuck on the tree, it would be terrible. Now they were both riding on the skeleton beasts, ready to run away at any time.

Spells were released from their hands one after another.

Secondary Weakness!

Touch of Fatigue!


Weakening spells were poured on these petrified baboons as if they were free.


After the weakening spell hit the petrified baboon king, not only did his body become weaker and his strength decreased, but he was even deprived of vision and hearing.

It beat forward in fear. Whether it was the skeleton warriors or its own kind, they were now under its attack.

The magic power in its body surged, and under its unconscious operation, it continued to consume the magic power of these negative spells.

Finally, after seven or eight seconds, the magic power of the blinding spell was offset by its own magic power, and it regained its vision and hearing.




Huo Ling tore open and activated several magic scrolls in succession, and fired fireballs one by one, erupting into huge flames.

The flames exploded, and at the same time, these magic flames could not be easily extinguished. The flames attached to the fur of these petrified baboons.

The flames burned their hair and flesh, emitting a pungent smell of burnt paste, and the petrified baboons howled miserably for a while.

Seeing this scene, Huo Ling could not help but nod his head. It seemed that he also needed to learn a spell that could cause large-scale damage.

Speaking of which, Fireball is indeed one of the most cost-effective spells. Not only is the single attack strong, but continuous release can also have a higher effect.

The battle on the battlefield has never stopped, and the battle between the Skeleton Warriors and the Petrified Baboons has become more and more intense.

The Skeleton Warriors formed a military formation. In front of this military formation, the Petrified Baboons were like a mob.

However, the Petrified Baboons have good defense and great strength, just like heavy armored soldiers.

Like soldiers.

Petrified baboons were constantly stabbed by spears and chopped by swords, leaving fatal injuries and dying.

Some skeleton warriors were pulled out of the army by the huge power of petrified baboons, and then they were hammered by several petrified baboons, their armor and bones were smashed to pieces, and their soul fire was dispersed.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The petrified baboon king found Huo Ling not far away, and it broke through the obstruction of the skeleton warriors and rushed towards Huo Ling with a huge sound.

The petrified baboon king was now covered in blood, some of which were his own blood, and some of which were gushing out from his fellow tribesmen when they were injured.

At this moment, he was extremely angry and wanted to tear Huo Ling to pieces alive.

But Huo Ling would not give it this opportunity. With a slight movement of his mental power, the skeleton giant wolf under his crotch began to run wildly.

During the twists and turns, Huo Ling and the petrified baboon king kept a distance of more than 200 meters.

Originally, Huo Ling was going to clip its wings first, kill the other petrified baboons in its tribe first, and then slowly deal with the baboon king.

But now the baboon king has been chasing him, so he can only deal with this baboon king first.

Huo Ling's magic power flowed, and negative spells fell on the petrified baboon king, weakening its state.

Blinding spell!


Suddenly losing his vision, the petrified baboon king ran directly into a giant tree, and the tall tree was directly broken by it, and the wood stubble flew.

Bone cone!

Negative energy ray!

Soul whip!

Attack spells also kept falling on it, especially soul whip, which did not cause damage to the soul, but would cause severe pain.

Under the continuous attack, the petrified baboon king was beaten to the point of not knowing where to go. He could not catch up with him, and could not hit him, and he kept getting beaten.

This attack strength directly defeated the mind of the petrified baboon king. It had no intention to continue fighting, but was ready to run away.

Unlike other baboons in its tribe, those petrified baboons were still trapped in the battle with the skeleton warriors and could not get out for a while.

But he was alone outside, and he was ready to run away if he couldn't win. He roared, which was considered a reminder to other baboons in the tribe.

Then, he released the spell-like ability, stone armor, on himself, strengthened his defense and ran away.

The petrified baboon king directly ignored the attack behind him, and it really worked.

The vitality of the magic beast itself is even stronger. Their physique is much stronger than that of humans of the same level under the influence of magic.

The petrified baboon king also has a defensive spell-like ability. After releasing the strong defense, Huo Ling's spell attack can injure it, but it cannot kill it.

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