
Chapter 89

After checking out, Huo Ling returned to Xinnan City after leaving the outpost. His magic power had accumulated to the peak of the Black Iron rank, and the meditation method revealed two secrets again. [Tomb of the Dark Warrior] [Underground Prison of the Ghost] These two secrets can be engraved when the Black Iron breaks through to Silver, but this time Huo Ling can only choose one of them to engrave. After choosing, the other secret will be hidden. [Tomb of the Dark Warrior] Secret effect: After the secret is engraved successfully, a dimensional space is obtained, which can accommodate the Dark Warrior. [Underground Prison of the Ghost] Secret effect: After the secret is engraved successfully, a dimensional space is obtained, which can accommodate the ghost. Dark Warrior and Ghost are both silver-level spell summons, and are also one of the signature summons of the Necromancer.

Dark Warrior is a melee professional. They have thick armor, strong body, superb combat skills, and are one of the main forces of the army of the Kingdom of Death.

Huo Ling also met Ghost once. When testing his qualifications, he met a ghost from the spirit world and almost died at the hands of the ghost.

Ghost is a soul-like undead creature. They have no real body, only a translucent soul body. The soul body allows them to avoid most physical attacks. Only spells or enchanted equipment can cause damage to them.

And their attacks are also to possess the enemy, using their own death magic to torture the enemy's soul until the enemy is destroyed.

If possible, Huo Ling would definitely want both Dark Warrior and Ghost, but there is no way to have both in the world.

You can only choose one of the two, so you must be prepared when you choose.

Dark warriors are powerful melee professionals. Unlike skeleton warriors, skeleton warriors are slightly inferior to warriors of the same level.

But dark warriors are different. Their combat effectiveness is comparable to that of living warriors, or even better, because they have no sense of pain and are not afraid of death.

The selection of materials for dark warriors is also stricter. At least silver-level warriors are required, otherwise they cannot be made.

Compared with dark warriors, the selection of ghosts is more strict. It requires torture to make ghosts. Silver professionals need to be fed special potions and tortured for at least one month, and they must be kept alive during this period.

After torture, they are killed and a tortured soul is harvested. Then runes are added to this soul. After complex operations, a ghost is harvested.

After checking the information, Huo Ling knew his choice.

Dark warriors and ghosts have their own advantages. Ghosts have their own miraculous effects in attack and defense, but the corresponding production difficulty is also higher.

Moreover, it is even more controversial in Blue Star.

The necromancer itself is not a profession with a good reputation. Although making a dark warrior involves desecrating corpses, people can still understand it.

But making a ghost requires torturing a professional for a month. Even if this professional may be an alien enemy, it is difficult for the public to accept it.

Although Huo Ling does not care too much about his reputation, he does not want to be dragged down by a bad reputation. After all, most people are ordinary people. They have no opinions of their own and believe everything they hear.

Moreover, thinking of his spiritual world transmission beacon, the zombie city, the corpse king there is not the best material for making dark warriors.

Thinking of this, Huo Ling also made up his mind and chose the secret technique: the tomb of the dark warrior.

After the selection, the materials needed for this secret technique also appeared:

First-order Dimensional Stone

Helmet of the Dead (Enchanted)

Water of the Styx X10

Tombstone of the Underworld

These are the main materials, and there are more auxiliary materials. These auxiliary materials are varied and are all products of various cemeteries.

Although these things are rare, they are not unavailable. The most expensive one is the first-order Dimensional Stone, which is necessary for making space equipment.

One Dimensional Stone is worth 500 Magic Stones. This Dimensional Stone can at least make space equipment as large as four or five of Huo Ling's bracelets.

The helmet of the dead, this requires enchanted equipment, and it is also stained with the blood of the dead. This kind of thing can only be bought on the black market.

There are quite a few such equipment on the black market. Some are indeed picked up by some hunting groups, and some are indeed the spoils of the hunting groups of looters like the one Huo Ling encountered.

This broken equipment took Huo Ling a day to make.

After finding it, he spent dozens of magic stones to buy this broken enchanted equipment.

After that, the other materials need to wait. These things can be bought from the school with money, but like the water of the Styx, it has a time limit and can only be reserved in advance.

During the waiting period, Huo Ling was not idle. He returned to Blue Star and used his spiritual star mark to travel again.

He returned to the Green Vine Tribe again after a few months of absence. At this time, his strength was stronger than before.


After returning here, Huo Ling went to the zombie city first, hunted some zombies, and filled the skeleton cemetery again.

Although these supplementary skeleton warriors are only apprentice-level combat power, it is not a big problem. When they go to the forest later, they will soon be able to raise their level.

Back in the Green Vine Tribe, the hobgoblin chief Guy soon arrived. He prostrated himself on the ground and kissed Huo Ling's boots.

"Great master, welcome back to the Green Vine Tribe. Your loyal servants have been waiting for you."

Behind the hobgoblin Guy, there were other hobgoblin warriors in the tribe. These black iron warriors had lived a relatively comfortable life during Huo Ling's absence.

In the three tribes in this small corner, the dog-headed people and the lizardmen did not dare to provoke the goblins now, after all, there were still hundreds of skeleton warriors defending the walls of their tribe.

Huo Ling quietly looked at the twelve hobgoblin warriors kneeling in front of him. In the few months since he left, two more hobgoblins had advanced to black iron.

Should he kill them and make them into skeleton warriors?

Huo Ling's fingers stroked the staff, and the scene became quiet for a while.

The hobgoblin warriors who were being looked at by Huo Ling's cold eyes could not help but get nervous. Some of them who were timid even began to tremble.

Feeling this gaze that seemed to want to eat them alive, the goblins were almost scared to death.

"Great master, please follow me to see the potions we have harvested in the past few months. Your servants are loyally planting potions for you!"

Seeing that the scene was getting more and more wrong, the hobgoblin Guy said to Huo Ling in a trembling voice.

This sentence made Huo Ling pause in his thinking. Yes, even if he killed these hobgoblin warriors and made a few skeleton warriors, it would be useless now.

He would soon be silver. These black iron-level skeleton warriors could be made from ordinary zombies, and then absorb the soul and flesh essence of magic beasts, and soon they would reach the level of senior skeleton warriors.

Let's keep these hobgoblins for now. Maybe they will be useful someday.

"Lead the way, and the others will disperse." Huo Ling said lightly, letting Guy lead the way.

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