
Chapter 90

The old man was very busy.

They came to the former shaman's hut, and with a mental sweep, they saw that the female goblin, the former goblin assistant, was now busy.

After sensing the entry of Guy and Huo Ling, the goblin assistant who was originally busy, trembled with fear and knelt on the ground.

"Soni, take out the potion quickly and show it to the master."

Guy stood behind Huo Ling and reminded him.

Soni seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and quickly stood up and took out a wooden box from the room, which was full of well-preserved potions.

Most of them were snakeweeds for making magic potions to restore magic, which should be worth a hundred or so magic stones.

"Sir, I also asked them to bring the magic stones we recently harvested."

Guy nodded and asked the goblins outside to bring the magic stones they recently harvested.

Huo Ling reached out and took a magic stone, looking at the remaining magic stones in it, estimating that there were fifty or sixty units of magic stones.

The goblin tribe makes money too slowly!

Huo Ling couldn't help but think so. He only earned less than two hundred magic stones in half a year, while he could earn hundreds of them in Xinnan City in a month.

However, after all, he didn't have to work by himself, so he just regarded it as an extra income, which was better than nothing.


After feeling the situation of the goblin Soni, he didn't expect that this goblin had reached the peak of the apprentice. He might break through at any time and become a black iron-level goblin shaman.

After thinking about it, Huo Ling summoned her master, the skeleton mage Marlowe.

"Sony, right? You've been doing well recently. Practice hard and strive to break through to Black Iron as soon as possible. I'll summon your master. You two should stay together for a while."

Then, Huo Ling took Guy out and inspected his Green Vine Tribe.

After Huo Ling left, Soni looked at the skeleton Marlowe with tears in her eyes. Marlowe hadn't recovered yet.

His already thin and short body was even more broken now. His bones were covered with scars and even one leg was broken.

"Teacher..." Soni stroked her teacher's broken skeleton with tears on her face.

The soul fire of the skeleton Marlowe was beating. He didn't understand why the female goblin in front of him had tears in her eyes.

Although he had Marlowe's memory, he was an undead creature and didn't have the emotions of the living.

Maybe, I should comfort this poor living person?

The skeleton Marlowe put the dry hand bones on Soni's head and stroked her gently.

"Teacher..." Soni's tears suddenly flowed down her eyes like a flood.


A month passed in a flash, and all the materials were ready.

Huo Ling officially started his breakthrough journey. He rented a practice room in Xinnan City and started the last meditation of the Black Iron Level.

Compared with others, he was more confident about the breakthrough. For others, every breakthrough requires a long time of adjustment.

They often encounter bottlenecks in their practice. When bottlenecks appear, it often takes a long time to break through.

But Huo Ling is not like this. He has an attribute panel. When meditation practice is stuck in a bottleneck, he only needs to continue to burn potential points to break through. The only difference is the amount of potential points consumed.

With the completion of the last trace of magic power, Huo Ling's magic power began to change qualitatively. The boiling magic power was agitated in the body, and the black magic power turned into silver magic power.


Officially entered the silver level, but this is not the end. There are more important things waiting for Huo Ling.

Using spells, he outlined spell runes in the magic space, and soaked and fused the various materials prepared in advance one by one.

These materials continued to fuse, and finally formed a small coffin shape, which was contained in Huo Ling's body.

In the magic space, the coffin fell on the magic vines that grew from the seeds of the Black Iron Class's Mystical Skeleton Cemetery.

The vines surrounding Huo Ling's magic space seemed to have derived a new trunk, and continued to derive more silver vines.

Finally, the coffin was hung on the vines, like a small fruit.

The Tomb of the Dark Warrior!


Silver Mage! Here I come!

Huo Ling continued to meditate, and as his mental power moved, the magic stones placed in the practice room became shattered, and the magic in them was released all at once.

Huo Ling eagerly absorbed these magic powers and took them for himself.

This was his first practice at the Silver Class.

The effect of cultivation at this time is the best. The more magic power you can absorb, the more advantages you can have in the silver-level cultivation.

After four days of continuous meditation, Huo Ling finally woke up from the practice room, his body full of rich magic power.

This is the performance of just breaking through and not being able to fully control his magic power.

He called out his attribute panel and checked his latest attributes:

Name: Huo Ling

Bloodline: Human

Rank: 2nd-level Silver Mage (first stage)

Strength: 18.3

Constitution: 17.5

Agility: 17.1

Mental strength: 186.4/186.4

Magic power: 1864/1864

Skills: "Dark Breath Meditation"

Level 0 spell: Bone Fang... Treat minor injuries

Level 1 spell: Bloody Skeleton, Skeleton Shaping, Revenant Transformation, Skeleton Resurrection, Skeleton Armor, Bone Cone, Mage Shield, Language Proficiency, Treat Light Injuries, Negative Energy Ray, Bone Cage, Soul Whip, Eagle Eye, Minor Weakness Eye of Exploration

Secret Art: Bone Cemetery 43/43

Dark Warrior's Tomb 0/10

Potential Points: 236

Silver Mage Level 1, the magic power has reached nearly 2,000 points.

Moreover, the quality of this magic power is higher, and the attack power of the spells released is more fierce than that of the previous Black Iron level.

The same spell now has at least twice the attack power of the Black Iron level.

Take Bone Fang as an example. This zero-level attack spell has an attack power of about 7 degrees when it is released at the Apprentice level.

When he broke through to the Black Iron Mage, the attack power increased to 11-15 degrees, and the attack power stabilized at 15 degrees when he was a senior Black Iron.

Now that he has broken through to the Silver Mage, the spell attack power of Bone Fang has reached about 30 degrees.

With the support of silver magic power, it is comparable to the attack power of the previous lowest version of the first-level spell, Bone Cone.

The original first-level spell, Bone Cone, had an attack strength of 30-100 degrees, but now it has reached about 200 degrees.

It can be said that just looking at the first-level spells, Huo Ling's attack power has greatly increased, and this type of spell is also faster to cast.

On average, it takes just over a second to release a first-level spell. As for the zero-level spells, it goes without saying. Now the mind moves, and the release speed is close to instant.

Huo Ling looked at his attributes and nodded with satisfaction. His current strength is not yet his full form. When he is ready, he will deal with those who sneaked up on him in the forest.

As for revenge at the Black Iron Level, this is completely crazy and is not within Huo Ling's thinking range.

What Huo Ling has to do is to crush them with strength, without any accidents.

Because it is completely unnecessary. As long as there is enough time, Huo Ling can even crush them to death with just one finger, so there is no need to gamble with his life.

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