The burning music melody sounded.

Deng Ziqi hummed the prelude, like the immortal war song of mankind echoing in the horizon, tragic and ups and downs!

Her figure moved to the rhythm of the music, and then she sang a heart-stirring song:

"The fish of obsession..."

"The choice to cross the ocean with a lamp."

"Keep diving."

"No oath required..."

“My heart is like an old mothership that sank itself.”

"Sinking into the abyss."

"Farewell forever, I once gazed at the sunrise that was once the course."

"The end of the road..."

"Let me blow it out.

"Hide the fire and travel far into the universe..."

In Song Ruoling's live broadcast room.

Netizens who were originally shocked to the point of having their brains shut down by the Three-Body Problem gradually regained their consciousness.

The extremely Trisolaris-style lyrics of "Night Flying Star" made them feel the insignificance of human beings and the grandeur of the universe!

The old self-sinking mothership sank into the abyss

Hearing these words, they couldn't help but think of the wreckage of the fleet that was destroyed by water droplets in the universe.

Tragic, desolate, and cold.

The cold war between cosmic civilizations makes people despair.

Hiding the fire and traveling far into the universe....

Suddenly, they thought of Zhang Beihai!

Reminds me of the phrase "Natural selection...forward four!"

Isn’t this lyrics about his behavior?

For the continuation of mankind, he sacrificed his conscience, calmly shot and killed the old astronauts, and decisively became a deserter!

At this moment, Xianhouguo and netizens all understood what Beihai had done.

"Natural selection...forward four!" The meaning of this sentence has been completely sublimated!

Natural selection, natural selection!

Only by abandoning their homeland and escaping from Blue Star can humans avoid the Trisolarans' genocide and continue to multiply!

Deng Ziqi's singing gradually entered the high-pitched part, igniting the emotions of every audience:

"Light the star!"

"Lign the crosshair at the end of your sight with your own hands."

"Let the night "Nine Zero Three" come..."

"Let the meteorites resume their flight like the flickering fireflies."

"Destroy the soul..."

"Light the star!"

"Light up the dark forest with your own hands.

"Awakening from ignorance..."

"But I bid farewell to this new dawn..."

The tragic and exciting accompaniment blasts!

When Song Qiguo heard this, he was moved and took off his glasses again.

He seemed to feel the loneliness in Zhang Beihai's heart...

In the Three-Body novel, human beings are like babies awakening from ignorance, officially embracing the universe...

The sparks sprouting in the darkness and the sense of mission without giving back make people cry.

Su Bai─Cracking melon seeds while watching the live broadcast.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but praise Deng Ziqi's singing skills as a professional singer.

The fan groups of "The Three-Body Problem" are all high-quality groups.

The fan songs they released are indeed very flavorful.

"The fish of obsession."

“Being alone through nature’s selection.

"Civilized shore."

"No oath required..."

“My heart is like an old mothership rebooted.

"Go to the top of the nebula."


"I once gazed at the sunrise, whose layers were the course.

"The last remaining candle...let me blow it out.'"

"Hide the fire...far away from the universe..."

The lyrics came back for the second round.

The more netizens listened, the more they became obsessed with it, the more they understood the lyrics and were deeply moved.

Fish is the beginning of human evolution.

Now, we are facing an evolutionary stage of life and death crisis again.

If you can't transform, that's the end!

Deng Ziqi's singing became more and more impassioned, her tone was firm and full of tragedy!

"I am a star!"

"The sharp sword sharpens the edge of the silver star with cold light."

"Never fade."

"Don't look back...the time in your hometown that you can never return to."

"Determined to move forward!!"

"I am a star!"

"I would like to cast myself among the stars whose future is uncertain."

"Long-lasting dreams."

"Let hope be my silent and eternal epitaph..."

The song "Night Flying Star" ends.

Song Qiguo was so moved that he applauded wildly.

"The lyrics are so well written!"

“It’s so consistent with the three-body problem!”

"I finally understand why Zhang Beihai is so popular."

"He was too far-sighted. He knew that mankind would be defeated, so he gave up his own humanity and continued human civilization."

"The hometown that can never be returned, the stars that have thrown themselves into the unknown future, the silent epitaph that lasts forever... Like, like!"

Song Qiguo sighed repeatedly and burst into tears.

The charm of the Three-Body online novel impressed him again!

"It is a pity that I have not read such a treasured novel until now."

"That sentence of natural selection...forward four is indeed a shocking and golden sentence.'

"It symbolizes the first time that human beings embrace the universe and step into the sea of ​​stars!"

[Here, I would like to pay the highest respect to Comrade Tong Beihai, the continuation of human civilization! 】


【Tears in tears! 】

[Beihai~ If we say goodbye here, it will be a long time ago~]

[Even if I die, I believe that countless me will appear in the future, and we will move forward at all costs for the sake of civilization!!!]

【Tragic and explosive, this is the war of mankind!!】

[Zhang Beihai’s most charming sentence is yet to come, it doesn’t matter, it’s all the same!!]


After Deng Ziqi finished singing, he sat back to his original position and gave up the middle position.

Song Ruoling who was listening was also very moved and her eyes were red.

She clapped her hands and said, "It sounds good, it's on fire, keep talking!"

Song Ruoling couldn't wait to share all of Zhang Beihai's subsequent plot.

"On the other side of the universe, Zhang Beihai woke up from his sleep and was ready to face the angry crew calmly.

"However, when he walked out of the prison chamber, what greeted him was not anger, but a respectful military salute!"

"Because of his decision, the Natural Selection and the four spacecraft that pursued him escaped the doomsday battle between humans and water droplets."

"Leaving a trace of fire for Blue Star Civilization."

"All members of the five fleets held a meeting and named this new world on board the space ship Starship Blue Star!"

"We make laws and discuss new social forms, hoping to continue human civilization."

"However, the good times did not last long. When the crew members realized that they would be homeless forever like a kite with a broken string, psychological imbalance began to spread..."

"Subsequently, there were incidents of mentally broken crew members killing their roommates, and one captain even shot himself!"

Speaking of this, Song Ruoling felt anxious.

The same goes for Song Qiguo and netizens. They already feel that the plot is developing badly!

"The darkness of despair spreads across the fleet."

"Then, everyone realized something even more horrifying."

"For any spacecraft, the existing supplies and fuel are far from enough to reach the nearest supply center."

"So the chain of suspicion triggered devilish thoughts..."

"That is to use the infrasonic hydrogen bomb weapon equipped on each spacecraft to take away the lives of our companions and plunder their resources."

At this moment, Song Qiguo realized the seriousness of the problem.

But this seems to be a dead end!

In order to continue, the fleets must kill each other!

He said helplessly:

"What's the explanation?"

"We finally survived, but now we have to kill each other?"

Song Qiguo beat his feet and chest, distressed, "In order to survive, human beings can only continue to abandon their humanity. It's so sad!"

【Black, so dark!】

【Fuck, is the universe really that dark!】

[Can a fish that has entered the universe still be considered a fish?]

[Can you please give me a break? Let’s have a light-hearted plot. Mr. Bai, do you really want to write down the ruthless side of the universe so profoundly?!]

[This is a dead end. Can Zhang Beihai continue to make a decisive choice? Keep moving forward? 】

【Ahhhhhhh...going crazy!】


"Faced with such a life-and-death situation, Dongfang and others were at a loss and eager to inform spiritual leader Zhang Beihai of the situation."

"But when they arrived..."

"Zhang Beihai has activated the infrasonic flick launch system."

"He is willing to be like a father and play the devil's role for all the ship's members..."

"But his hand on the button hesitated for a few seconds."

"However, during this moment of hesitation, the Natural Selection suddenly sounded an alarm like a howling ghost!"

"They were attacked by neighboring ships!"

〖In the remaining three seconds, Zhang Beihai turned towards Dongfang Yanxu, smiled and said a few words: "It doesn't matter, it's all the same."〗

Song Ruoling's mood collapsed a little, and she announced with a slightly trembling voice:

"Natural Selection Number, Full Team

The live broadcast room fell into silence again.

Only the phrase "It doesn't matter, it's all the same" echoed in everyone's mind.

Song Qiguo wiped his face and sighed heavily:

"It doesn't matter, it's all the same."

"Yeah, it's all the same."

"In Zhang Beihai's eyes, whether his own fleet survives or other fleets survive, humanity will eventually continue.'

"He smiled at the end..."

Song Qiguo's eyes were full of appreciation and admiration.

"Perhaps for Zhang Beihai, dying in the infrasonic hydrogen bomb of the Ultimate Law is a better destination for him.

"If this war ends with Zhang Beihai decisively pressing the button and winning."

"Then for the rest of his life, he will probably worry countless times about whether the new humanity after his death will be able to face this empty and dark universe..."

"Now, Zhang Beihai no longer needs to worry."

"The new humans on Starship Earth are finally "ruthless" enough and no longer need the protection of his "old father" from the golden age."

"Even if the so-called growth is a sharp knife coming straight at him.

"He has already regarded the continuation of mankind and the survival of the starship Blue Star as more important than his own life.

The literature professor's comprehension skills are stretched to the max.

Deng Ziqi gave him a thumbs up, "Awesome, uncle analyzed it so well without reading the original work carefully."

Song Ruoren sighed:

"The original work written by Bai Lao Zi is better. You should read the original work to understand how dark this dark battle is!"

[When I was reading the book, I didn’t feel like crying about Zhang Beihai’s death, because Qi Bai’s writing was extremely calm and restrained, as if Zhang Beihai who died in this dark battle was just an ordinary person, not worth mentioning... 】

[Same feeling! The first white writing style conveys the grand feeling of the universe. On the scale of the universe, everyone's sacrifice is insignificant, but the charm of Zhang Beihai is still fascinating!]

[Forgive me, I only now understand the meaning of "I committed suicide to bid farewell to this new dawn" in the lyrics of "Night Flying Star"!!]

【New humanity is being formed, new morality is being born!】

[It doesn’t matter, it’s all the same... Seeing this, Zhang Beihai’s character has been sublimated again! 】

[Here I would like to pay the highest respect to Comrade Zhang Beihai, the "Father of Starship Earth" and the "Father of Humanity in the Galaxy"! ]


Song Ruoling continued:

"At this moment, at the other end of space, two warships are also engaged in a dark battle to harvest resources...

"The last two remaining ships are Blue Space and Bronze Age..."

"They each harvested all available resources and held a heavy space funeral for their victims.

"The surviving Blue Space ships erected a memorial to the victims."

"The crew found Zhang Beihai's information board on the Natural Selection."

"Captain Yan of the Blue Space stared at the information board and said slowly.

"You don't need to take this away, just leave it here."

"The stars and the sea are where he belongs..."

"From now on... salute!!!"

"There is no real winner in this dark battle.

"No matter which side the survivors are, they will...and must embark on a long and difficult journey that lasts 20 worlds.

"This will also be the first time that human civilization embraces the universe..."

At this moment, netizens watching the live broadcast on their mobile phones were in tears.

Even the strongest man is a little moved!

Everyone in the live broadcast room has stood up and is full of salutes!!

Song Ruoling's narrative point of view returns to Luo Ji.

The human space force has been completely defeated.

Everyone's hopes were pinned on Luo Ji, the playboy.

They want to know how Luo Ji, a sociology professor with so little power, became the strongest C in the minds of Three-Body fans!

"This dark battle made Luo Ji more certain of his inner understanding."

"He concluded from this that the water droplet that was coming so fast might have come just to complete the mission of murdering him."

"In order to avoid injuring innocent people during the water droplet attack, Luo Ji left the city and drove alone to a U-shaped valley.

"The water droplets that reached the ground at this moment flew over the city and reached Luo Ji's head."

"However, it did not attack any target. Instead, it suddenly turned and began to emit strong electromagnetic waves towards the sun."

"Luo Ji then realized with a silly smile that it was not here to kill him."

"It's just here to seal out the sun."

"Under such strong electromagnetic waves, humans can no longer use the sun to send any messages to outer space."

"At this time, Da Shi arrived, and the two of them drove back to the city."

"On the way back, the car was suddenly blocked by a dense crowd."

"They shouted for Luo Ji, the savior, and knelt in front of the car to pray.


"Two people walked out of the crowd, one of them was Hines."

"He told Luo Ji in 0.5 that the Wall-Facing Project has been restarted and you are the only Wall-Facing Person."

"Because the star you cursed...the fire has gone out!"

Song Qiguo's spirit was shocked!

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

what's the situation?

That witch-like spell actually worked?

What is the principle?

"At this moment, the whole world is listening to Luo Ji's voice."

"He asked the city to restore order and dispersed the crowd.

"Under the silent night sky, only Luo Ji and Da Shi were left."

"They came to a sandy area and lit up cigarettes."

"Here, they reveal the ultimate picture of cosmic civilization!"


Everyone’s thirst for knowledge has been pushed to its peak!

They pricked up their ears and listened attentively.

Song Ruoling took a deep breath, prepared herself mentally, and said slowly:

"Laws of the Dark Forest."

〖The universe is like a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun, walking in the forest like a ghost, even breathing carefully...〗

〖It must be careful, because there are hunters walking like it everywhere in the forest!〗

〖If it finds other life, whether it is a hunter or not, there is only one thing it can do, shoot and kill it!〗

〖In this forest, other people are hell and an eternal threat!〗

〖Any life that exposes its existence will be quickly wiped out!〗

"This is the way to civilization in the universe."

"This is the explanation for the Fermi Paradox!"

Song Ruoling finished his words.

Shock hit everyone's heart again!

It was as if what they were hearing was not science fiction, but the real laws of the universe!

Deng Ziqi shrank her neck. Every time she heard the law of the dark forest, she couldn't stop being afraid.

If the universe is really like this, it would be so disappointing!

Everyone once again bowed before the imagination of the first white!.

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