Are All Online Articles Rubbish? Take Stock Of Golden Sayings To Teach You How To Be A Good Person

Are All Online Articles Rubbish? Take Stock Of Golden Sayings To Teach You How To Be A Good Person


71 Chapters Ongoing Status

Su Bai traveled through the parallel world and became a copywriter. He copied countless classic online novels from his previous life and became famous.

In the father-son dialogue program, literary writers criticized online novels as all unsightly


Su Bai traveled through the parallel world and became a copywriter. He copied countless classic online novels from his previous life and became famous.

In the father-son dialogue program, literary writers criticized online novels as all unsightly garbage, which, like games, are the main culprit that harms the healthy growth of young people. They clamored to ban novels and games!

Su Bai doesn't care, his number one book fan, the beautiful anchor Song Ruoling, quits!

She took her father, a literature professor, to live broadcast and reviewed the famous sentences in the novel written by Su Bai, as well as the lines he wrote for the game characters:

“The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray.”

"Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is."

"I knew at an early age that the world would be difficult, but I still had the chance to fly high in the clouds."

"We are all little monsters, and we will one day be killed by the righteous Ultraman."

"When you are unsure about something, you can ask the spring breeze."

"There are 80,000 words in the world, but the word love is the most murderous."

The whole network was shocked!

Who knew there were so many shocking stories and famous quotes hidden in novels and games!


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