〖I have been to the top of the mountain, and I have also been to the trough, and I have benefited a lot from both. 〗

Gem's deep and deep voice sounded.

Song Qiguo said in surprise:

"Okay, there are some golden words."

"The atmosphere is free and easy, and it has quite a charm."

"At my age, I understand it deeply."

"A person's life cannot be smooth sailing, so ups and downs, big ups and downs are the most normal thing."

"Whether it's ups or downs, it teaches us a lot."

"When you are at a low point, it is also when you benefit the most. As long as you get through it, you will definitely get to the next level!"

Song Qiguo sighed again and again, "Young people are more interested in sentences like this. Are all the characters in this game so philosophical?"

Song Ruoling smiled and said:

"Now dad should understand that games are not garbage."

Song Qiguo nodded, "I, a literature professor, cannot figure out these sentences. If it is garbage, then I will be a maggot in the garbage."

Originally, he was just cooperating with his daughter and watching her casually.

But now I am really attracted.

[Look... Isn’t uncle better than that self-proclaimed literary writer Zhao Dawen? There is no harm without contrast. 】

【Shock! I actually learned a lot of life principles in a game! 】

[There is another classic saying about gemstones, bright bricks and stones start from coal! 】

[I remember that I used to like to use a sentence when writing articles, "When you are at the top, you need to stay humble; when you are at the bottom, please be hopeful." I think this is the tenacity of gems. 】

[Don’t be proud of subversion, don’t be discouraged by lows! 】


Next up.

Camille's cold and sharp words sounded:

〖The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray. 〗

As soon as he opened his mouth, Song Qiguo was shocked.

He said slightly surprised:

"Oh my god, this sentence is amazing, so well written!"

"I finally understand why you like the author Qi Bai so much. His views on the world and life are very unique!"

Song Ruoling chuckled, "Of course."

Song Qiguo touched his chin and evaluated carefully:

"There is no absolute black and white, no absolute good and evil, absolute right and wrong in this world."

"There is only good and evil in the eyes of people standing in their respective positions."

"If there is no good in the heart, there will be no evil in the world. If there is no evil in the heart, there will be no good in the world."

Song Ruoling nodded, "The world is a delicate gray, full of complexity and diversity. Most of the time it is in the gray area between extremes. When I first heard this line, I thought it was amazing! "

She smiled and said: "This sentence is as delicate and elegant as the hero Camille!"

Song Qiguo was full of praise, "Like, like, I learned something again."

Song Ruoling asked:

"How would you rate this sentence?"

Song Qiguo said without hesitation:

"This is the truth of the world. It must be perfect, 10 points!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also frantically calling for Camille and buying all kinds of gifts.

Countless special effects are flying all over the place!

【You taste it, you taste it carefully! 】

[True God, a hundred things are reasonable! 】

[The most profound words, there is no one, Qing Gangying is simply my life mentor! 】

[When I was very young, I felt that the world was always black and white, such as the righteous Ultraman and the evil monsters. It wasn’t until I watched Tiga that I realized that there is no absolute black and white, and there are good monsters too! 】

[If the water is clear, there will be no fish! 】

[Here I go, the game I played was instantly improved! 】


The inventory continues.

〖A true master always has the heart of a disciple. 〗

Master Yi's experienced and profound words sounded.

Song Qiguo sighed:

"Live and learn, and remember this saying that you will never suffer a loss in your life. It is so right."

"Simple yet profound!"

Song Ruoling nodded, "The words spoken by many of the heroes in this game are very positive and educational. Although it is a game, it can also allow young people to learn a lot."

Song Qiguo agreed, "It's true, it's very positive."

He thought deeply and said:

"There is no end to learning. A truly powerful person must always be learning."

"In reality, many of us are prone to become complacent, lose control, and end up doing somersaults if we have even the slightest achievement."

"However, it is indeed difficult to achieve this sentence, but we must strive to align with it."

"I give this sentence 9.9 points!"

Song Ruoling laughed and said:

"so tall?!"

Song Qiguo: "The truth is, if we can implement this sentence in this life, then we will not be far from the real master."

Song Ruoling pondered:

"Speaking of which, the game character who said this is also a true master in the world of the game."

"He once held a sword and practiced year after year. Even if he reached the ceiling of mortals and became a sword master, he was still humble and peaceful, without the arrogance of a strong man."

Song Qiguo praised:

"Anyone who can say such words and practice them must be a true master."

[I used this sentence in my composition, and the teacher gave me a high evaluation, but my deskmate used this sentence. My sword is your sword, and he was called to the office...]

[Heroes who fall into the trap, this sentence has a great impact on me, although I can't do it yet. 】

[Don’t be blinded by pride! 】

[I used to be so self-righteous, but now I feel so regretful after seeing this sentence. 】


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