Are you crazy? I start with 9 million attack power.

Chapter 53 The Almost Invincible Lei Shi

The scout's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

Zi Ren is a level 40 boss.

One of the top ten experts in the Killer Association.

This kind of existence can be considered a top existence for people with special abilities.

In the eyes of the scout, this materialized Thunder Lion cannot withstand Zi Ren's attack.


Accompanied by a strange sound.

The purple blade shot by Zi Ren was bounced off by the defense shield produced by the Thunder Lion's defense value.

The scout's pupils condensed slightly, and his face changed: "This..."

Even the attack power of Zi Ren, one of the top ten killers in the Killer Association, can't break the defense of the Thunder Lion in front of him?

Then what kind of existence is the person who materialized this beast?

Zi Ren's eyebrows slightly frowned: "This thunder lion won't attack actively?"

The scout heard: "I have attacked it before, and it doesn't seem to care about others attacking it. I guess that the ability user gave it a certain order, and it is now acting according to that order. This order is the top priority for this beast, so it doesn't care about others attacking it."

Zi Ren raised his hand again.

The purple light condensed on Zi Ren's arm.

The scout's eyes were shocked: "What a surging source of power..."

Suddenly, the scout looked forward.

In sight, you can see that there is a purple light above the head of the thunder lion.

Then a huge purple long sword that is ten meters long appeared out of thin air, the long sword was suspended in the air, and the tip of the sword was aimed at the head of the thunder lion.

"Snap!" Zi Ren snapped his fingers.

The giant purple long sword fell from the sky and suddenly stabbed at the head of the thunder lion.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

The limbs of the thunder lion sank into the ground.

The purple sword collided with the natural defense shield formed by the defense value of the Thunder Lion.

The Thunder Lion stared forward, and the ground beneath it cracked due to the terrifying impact force, and a pit appeared below.

But it ignored the purple sword on its body.

Zi Ren frowned.

The scout's eyes widened, and his expression became very solemn: "How is this possible..."

It was unbelievable that a level 40 ability user could not kill the Thunder Lion instantly with his ability.

"Zi Zi Zi Zi..."

Suddenly, lightning flashed on the Thunder Lion.

The lightning spread along the giant purple sword.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

The purple sword exploded.

Zi Ren's pupils trembled: "Impossible..."

The scout was also stunned.

It was already night.

After a day of hunting, Chen Guan and the other five were now planning to rest in the wild.

The five of them built a bonfire.

Chen Guan was lying on the grass at this moment, looking at the starry sky above.

After a day of hunting, Chen Guan's level has reached 18.

From level 14 during the day to level 18 after nightfall.

This upgrade speed is much faster than that of the Ferocious Beast Island.

However, now that night falls, Chen Guan is not so concerned about his level.

All he can think about is the scene of him resting with Qian Yin in his arms the night before.

Qian Yin is so cute.

I wonder what she is doing now.

"Hey." Suddenly, a voice came.

Chen Guan came back to his senses and looked at Zizhu beside him.

Zizhu was sitting next to Chen Guan, and she looked at Chen Guan with a smile on her face.

Chen Guan's eyebrows relaxed.

Zizhu slowly lay down on the grass beside Chen Guan. She looked at Chen Guan and said with a smile, "I want to ask you a question."

Hearing this, Chen Guan retracted his gaze and looked at the starry sky: "What's the question?"

Zizhu said, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Chen Guan knew that Zizhu had a crush on him, so he was not surprised to hear this question: "Yes."

Zizhu's smile slowly disappeared. She adjusted her mood a little and smiled again: "What's her name?"

Chen Guan looked at the stars in the night sky: "You should have heard of her. Her name is Qianyin."

Zizhu was startled: "Granddaughter of the president of the Thunder Association?"


Zizhu blinked and said: I remember Qian Yin was the most beautiful woman in Leiyun City. Everyone who saw her was shocked by her beauty. However, because of her beauty, she also has many suitors. I heard that Dongfang Hao from the Oriental Association was also her suitor. For this reason, Dongfang Hao killed many love rivals to establish his authority. He also said that he married Ding Qianyin. "

"Well..." Chen Guan crossed his legs, put his hands under his head, pillowed his hands, and looked at the sky: "This is what happened, so I beat that guy up."

When Zizhu heard this, she was happy and said with a smile: "As expected of you."

She turned over and lay on the grassland, looking at the starry sky: "But she is so happy to have someone as strong as you love her. It would be much better if I had someone like you."


Chen Guan said: "There will be."


Chen was concerned.

He had an inexplicable feeling.

Qian Yin was thinking about herself.

With this feeling, Chen Guan couldn't help but smile.

He knew that it was the necklace Qian Yin was wearing that was working.

As soon as night fell, did Qianyin start to think about herself?

On the other side.

Qianyin lay by the campfire, holding the necklace around her neck, she looked at the pendant on the necklace.

She was tired all day to level up today.

Her level finally reached level 21.

Qianyin was busy during the day, but when she rested at night, she couldn't help but think of that man when she saw the pendant on her neck.

Recalling the scenes with Chen Guan and being kissed by Chen Guan.

Qianyin's cheeks flushed: "Why do I think about such things..."

"Really, why did I agree to be his girlfriend at that time... That guy is a big gangster."

Thinking of the feeling of Chen Guan hugging her to rest.

Qianyin's heart warmed slightly.

She slowly closed her eyes.

"It's just that it's so comfortable in his arms."

This thought came up in her mind, and Qianyin only felt her cheeks hot.

She had never thought of this idea before, and even felt that she would never stay in a man's arms obediently in her life.

But now she misses that feeling very much.

Although Qianyin didn't want to admit that she missed him, her brain was not under her control.

Qianyin used to think that this pendant was useless, and that if she missed someone, she could just go find him directly.

But Qianyin found that she was wrong.

She could go find him, but now she had to continue upgrading and couldn't leave.

But the longing for this thing was like a tide, making it difficult for her to suppress it.

At the same time.

Zi Ren and Scout stood on the tree, staring at the Thunder Lion below.

"What's going on?" Suddenly, a voice sounded behind them.

Hearing this voice, Zi Ren and Scout looked at the people behind them.

In sight, they saw an old man with a sheep's beard, with his hands behind his back, jumping over from another tree trunk.

"President." Scout showed a respectful look.

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