The battle was about to start.

After the order of Commander-in-Chief Hamasaki of the Crested Ibis Navy was issued.

A Kongo-class destroyer launched the attack first.

Then other destroyers and eight Shinshin-23 fighters of the Crested Ibis also attacked the 051 destroyer at the same time.

Faced with such an overwhelming attack.

Captain Geng Jie of 051 had closed his eyes in despair.

He knew that with this level of firepower coverage, the 051 destroyer could not defend at all.

And let alone 051, even 055 would be sunk in an instant.

This is still under the premise that the Red-crowned Crane Kingdom does not want to completely destroy 051.

Otherwise, 051 will not even be qualified to sink to the bottom of the sea, and will be blown to pieces by missiles and torpedoes!

“Minister Wang, you make your own choice.”

“I’ll go first.”

“Longguo soldiers swear to never be captured!”

Listening to the harsh sound of the early warning system in his ears.

Geng Jie handed a 77-type pistol to Wang Yi.

Then he picked up another pistol and pointed it at his temple.

Wang Yi laughed heartily and said:

“Well, with Captain Geng accompanying me on the road to the underworld, I am not lonely!”

After that, Wang Yi was about to pull the trigger without hesitation.

But at this moment.

Hua Ying, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hurriedly stopped Geng Jie and Wang Yi’s actions with one hand each.

“Commander Wang! Captain Geng!”

“Don’t be impulsive! Have you forgotten…”




Hua Ying hadn’t finished her words yet.

A series of violent roars suddenly sounded.

The huge sound drowned out her voice.

After more than ten seconds.

All the noise disappeared and returned to calm.

Hua Ying wanted to continue speaking subconsciously.

But just as she was about to open her mouth, she realized that something was wrong!

It’s okay! ? They are actually okay! ?

The 051 destroyer not only did not have a tendency to sink, it didn’t even shake twice! ?

At this moment, Geng Jie, Wang Yi and others also reacted.

Then they hurriedly looked at the display screen.

Although the alarm sounded as harsh as before.

But the ship status display column was obviously still green!

This means that the attack by the Crested Ibis Kingdom just now did not cause any damage to 051 at all!

Geng Jie was stunned for two full seconds.

Then he hurriedly shouted:

“Bring up all the defense images of 051 just now!”


“Yes, it’s the captain!”


Accompanied by the slow playback of the images of the attack by the Crested Ibis Kingdom and the defense of 051 just now on the display screen.

Geng Jie, Wang Yi and others immediately looked straight over.

In this round of attack by the Crested Ibis Kingdom.

A total of sixteen air-to-ground missiles, eight torpedoes, and six anti-ship missiles were bombarded at 051 at the same time.

The interception system and close-in defense guns on 051 only intercepted two-thirds of these attack forces.

The other one-third.

Five air-to-ground missiles, two torpedoes, and two anti-ship missiles!

As early as two seconds before the Type 051 destroyer’s full defense was fully opened, it was intercepted in advance!

And all of them hit the target with one shot. When it was nearly 500 meters away from the Type 051 destroyer, it was blown up!


At this moment, it was not just Geng Jie, Wang Yi and others.

The Navy Command of the Crested Ibis Country, Joseph, the Bear Country, the Gaul Country, etc.

All were shocked by the scene in front of them!

Especially after the picture was slowed down several times, many countries could not see how the thing that intercepted one-third of the Navy force of the Crested Ibis Country in advance appeared!

It seemed to stand there out of thin air, and then waited for those missiles to hit it!

“Damn it! It’s really a ghost!”

“God, what is going on!?”

After Joseph on the Zumwalt-class destroyer came to his senses, he couldn’t help but stand up from his seat with a bang.

Although he had already told the Crested Ibis Kingdom to weaken the power of the missiles and torpedoes launched, so as not to kill all the people on the ship directly.

It would be best if Wang Yi, an important figure of the Dragon Kingdom, could be captured alive.

But the weakening was only in power.

The speed and anti-interception performance were not at all

There is a weakening!

And in this case, all the missiles and torpedoes were intercepted! ?

How could Joseph not be shocked by this!

“Fuck! What means did this Dragon State ship use!?”

“With such strong firepower coverage, even Jumwo can’t completely intercept it!”

Joseph kept talking to himself.

Standing aside, the hot and elegant Kailin looked at the 051 destroyer in the picture and frowned slightly.

And at this moment.

The command screen in front of Joseph suddenly prompted that there was news from the White House.

Seeing this, he hurriedly clicked it.

Then a video message appeared in the eyes of Joseph and Kailin.

“General Joseph, the image just now was analyzed by the Tianjing supercomputer, and it was confirmed that the interception object came from under the sea!”

“In addition to this Dragon Country submarine! There are other Dragon Country armed forces under the sea!”

“Next is the image analyzed by Tianjing.”

Watching the video, the Minister of Defense of Eagle Sauce, Oster, said this.

Joseph’s expression on his face could not help but be slightly stunned.

Then he hurriedly looked up.

In the slow-motion image.

One by one, objects like spikes broke out of the sea surface.

Flying towards those air-to-ground missiles and anti-ship missiles.

The spikes exploded instantly when they pierced the missiles.

Easily intercepted one-third of the attack force of the Red Ibis Country.

Seeing this, Joseph’s face was full of doubts.

Kailin next to him also frowned tightly.

They had never seen such incredible means.

The interceptor that broke out of the sea could actually have such a speed and such a terrifying interception efficiency!

If they were not mistaken.

Almost all of those spikes hit the missiles launched by the Red-crowned Crane Kingdom!

“What the hell are these things!?”

“And under the sea? How could there be the armed forces of the Dragon Kingdom hidden under the sea!?”

“The sonar detection system of the Red-crowned Crane Kingdom has reached the world’s most advanced level with our technical support. How did the armed forces of the Dragon Kingdom avoid detection!?”

Joseph said with a look of horror.

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