The two of them were heartbroken.

Tian Xiong and his group were heartbroken.

The missing Dragon Scale fighter was still threatening the safety of the entire Crested Ibis Country.

Finally, he had no choice.

Tian Xiong could only order all the important places in Crested Ibis Country to raise white flags.

Declared surrender.


Inside the Qinglong nuclear submarine.

Qin Ying actually had no interest in continuing to destroy the remaining military bases of Crested Ibis Country.

She had already issued new combat orders to the Dragon Scale fighter.

The target was the Pacific Fleet of Eagle Sauce Country, which was still stagnant in the northwest of the Pacific Ocean.

At that time, on the Zumwalt-class destroyer.

Joseph was standing on the deck facing the sea breeze.

He had just received the latest order from the White House:

[Make final negotiations with Dragon Country and announce a ceasefire. 】

Although he was reluctant to accept such a result.

But Joseph knew that this was the best result.

Otherwise, if the fight continued, he could not imagine what the result would be.

He took the microphone handed over by the adjutant next to him.

After taking a deep breath, Joseph shouted.

“I am Joseph, the commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet of Eagle Country.”

“Now I am negotiating with your Dragon Country on behalf of Eagle Country! To deal with the ceasefire!”

“As for a series of things after the war, please send someone to the United Nations Congress for detailed discussions.”

Joseph’s voice resounded throughout the sea and sky through the loudspeaker on the destroyer.

Although they have not detected any UFOs in the air at present.

But with the stealth technology of Dragon Scale, it may be too late when they detect it.

Therefore, Joseph could only shout at the empty sea and blue sky.

Over and over again.

Even though he was a little dry-mouthed, he didn’t dare to stop.

Five minutes later.

Just when Joseph was shouting and doubting his life.

A sharp sound of breaking through the air finally sounded.

Then, under the gaze of countless American soldiers in the Pacific Fleet.

A cool blue-gray fighter.

Suddenly appeared above the Zumwalt-class destroyer and hovered there.

Although these American soldiers had long known about the horror of the Dragon Scale fighter.

But seeing it hovering in the air like that.

One by one, the American soldiers couldn’t help swallowing their saliva.

Although several countries have developed fighters that can hover in the air.

But that was achieved at the expense of speed and endurance.

It takes half a tank of fuel to take it up and down.

But the dragon scale can not only hover, but also has a terrifying speed and terrifying endurance.

And its body is not as bloated as other hovering fighters, and its shape is as smooth as a natural sculpture.

This completely stunned the Eagle Country soldiers.


At the same time on the other side.

The East Coast Dragon Country Command Headquarters.

Through the perspective of the dragon scale, the Pacific Fleet that has already wanted to cease fire can be seen.

The excitement in the eyes of Zhang Taifeng and others has long been completely concealed.

After all, the one who was shocked by the dragon scale at this moment is the Pacific Fleet known as the strongest in the world.

And this battle destroyed the Red Ibis Country and defeated the Eagle Country.

In their opinion, it is completely enough.

After today, the Dragon Country will completely stand at the top of the world.

No country dares to provoke and block the development of the Dragon Country!

But just when Zhang Taifeng and others thought that it should stop here.

A disdainful voice suddenly came from the dragon scale.

It spread over the entire Pacific Fleet.


“You say ceasefire, so ceasefire?”

“Now the war has started, there are only victorious countries and defeated countries.”

“We do not accept any negotiation.”

“You only have two options now.”

“One is to continue fighting.”

“The other is to choose to surrender.”

Inside the Qinglong nuclear submarine.

Su Ting directly took the communication rights of Long Lin through the authority level of the command cabin and said.

And his words not only made Joseph and others look uncertain.

Even Qin Ying was stunned.

“Su Ting, although Long Lin still has combat effectiveness, its ammunition is not enough.”

“Don’t forget, we can’t replenish ammunition for Long Lin. Only the missiles made by Shen Fei and Long Lin can

It’s a strong alliance. ”

“Our missiles mounted on dragon scales will greatly weaken the dragon scales’ combat effectiveness.”

“And how could Yingjiang Country admit defeat? It’s impossible for them to admit defeat even if they are beaten to death!”

Qin Ying knows the urine properties of Yingjiang Country very well.

It is enough to make them lower their heads and proactively declare a truce.

Of course, the most important thing is that Shen Fei is currently the strongest, not the overall military strength of the Dragon Kingdom.

If they really wanted to fight the Eagle Country in a big way, they would not be the dominant side.

“Sister Ying, I understand everything you said.”

“But the Crested Ibis Kingdom joined forces with the Eagle Sauce Kingdom to declare war on our Dragon Kingdom.”

“If this is the end of the matter, what does it mean?”

“Can anyone declare war on our Dragon Kingdom without suffering any losses?”

Su Ting replied to Qin Ying through the internal communication system.

Then he looked up at the command screen in front of him.

In the picture, Joseph has returned to the cabin after listening to his words.

It seems that he went to ask the White House for instructions.

At the same time, in the East Coast Dragon Kingdom command hall.

At this moment, Sun Dongxian couldn’t help but clapped his hands twice and said:

“Good boy! Su Ting said it well!”

“Old chief, if you ask me to say no, then keep fighting!”

“Keep beating him until Takajia Country admits defeat!”

“What’s the point of just declaring a truce?”

“If you put it nicely, you should go to the United Nations to negotiate post-war matters. If you put it badly, wouldn’t it mean that a major issue is reduced to a trivial matter?”

“Why is his Takao-chan country so thick-skinned?”

As Sun Dongxian spoke, he turned to look in the direction of Zhang Taifeng.

When Zhang Taifeng heard this, he couldn’t help but frowned and said:

“Dongxian, what do you think will happen if the dog gets anxious?”

Hearing Zhang Taifeng’s words.

The expression on Sun Dongxian’s face was slightly startled.

Then he suddenly reacted and said:

“Old, old chief!”

“You mean the Eagle Congress will threaten us with nuclear weapons!?”

Zhang Taifeng sighed slightly and said:

“Nowadays, every powerful country in the world is committed to researching nuclear weapons. Even countries that already possess nuclear weapons are trying their best to make their nuclear weapons more powerful and more difficult to intercept.”

“Isn’t the purpose just to deal with this most difficult situation?”

“Su Ting’s words are also the voice of my heart, and the voice of every person in the Dragon Kingdom.”

“But it is too difficult to make Yingjiang Country admit defeat and surrender.”

“Qinglong and Longlin can continue to attack. It seems that it is not difficult at all to beat the Pacific Fleet to pieces.”

“But what if the Eagle Country is so impatient that it jumps over the wall and uses nuclear weapons?”

“When it comes to that situation, it’s irreversible!”

“We can only compete to see whose nuclear weapons can destroy the enemy country first.”

“We have the Dongfeng series of missiles that can carry out cross-continental nuclear strikes.”

“But don’t forget that the Eagle Country has military bases all over the world and nuclear submarines hidden in several oceans.”

“If we really fight to the death, Yingjiang Country’s nuclear weapons will definitely fall on our Dragon Country’s land first.”

At the end, Zhang Taifeng couldn’t help but shook his head frequently.


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