“Okay, Lao He, please calm down.”

“That old fox, Byps, is right at this juncture that we won’t cause trouble to the Eagle Country, so he dares to issue such a flashy announcement.”

“To be honest, I’m not even fucking angry.”

“Just now I wanted Su Ting and the others to drive Qinglong to the west coast of Yingjiang Country to give Yingjiang Country a heads up.”

“But since we proposed this plan first, then when this matter is over, everything will be revealed.”

“And with Comrade Shen Fei’s terrifying manufacturing efficiency, it won’t be long before the star carrier he builds for us will fly into space.”

“There is something in this projection plan created by the United States.”

“But compared to the star carrier that we can actually fly into space, that pales into insignificance!”

“It is important to bluff alien civilizations, but it is equally important to achieve a real breakthrough in energy utilization through Shen Fei!”

“Do you think Comrade Shen Fei will make a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology this time?”

At the end, Zhang Taifeng couldn’t help but reveal a hint of hope in his eyes.

When He Jianzhong heard Zhang Taifeng’s words, he was slightly startled, and then he couldn’t help but shook his body and said:

“Controllable nuclear fusion!?”

“That’s right! Why didn’t I think of that!”

“It must be controllable nuclear fusion technology! It must be controllable nuclear fusion technology!”

“Only by realizing controllable nuclear fusion can such a huge ship be able to fly into space!”

“The three orders that Xia Shou gave to Comrade Shen Fei are actually the Nantianmen plan orders that are more difficult.”

“After all, the remaining two orders are just decorations. They basically don’t have much effect. They were made by Xia Shou to give Comrade Shen Fei some more monetary compensation and rewards.”

“Comrade Shen Fei dares to directly take the order for the Nantianmen project, and he must have the confidence to achieve a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion!”

“Okay! Okay! This is really exciting and good news!”

“Lao Zhang, your sharp reminder makes me so happy that I can’t sleep tonight!”

“The thorium nuclear fission reactor on Qinglong is enough to shock the world!”

“Right now, scientific researchers on the shores of the Western Theater Command are devoting themselves to studying the thorium nuclear fission reactor built by Shen Fei.”

“It is said that there has been some progress!”

“If Comrade Shen Fei really achieves controllable nuclear fusion, I simply can’t imagine what a huge chain reaction it will have on the development of our Dragon Kingdom!”

“If this continues, we only need to buy a hundred years from alien civilization! Maybe we can really enter the era of interstellar civilization!”

“Although we can’t wait or see that day.”

“But our children and grandchildren can!”

“I can’t imagine what a magnificent scene it must be.”

“But our children and grandchildren can appreciate it for us!”

“In the future, we should be able to be like the old leaders and them, and be called an outstanding generation of ancestors by future generations!”

As He Jianzhong spoke, he couldn’t help but burst into tears.

His emotions at this moment seemed to be extremely excited.

He seemed to have thought that many years later, countless people in the Dragon Kingdom would remember Shen Fei’s name and would also talk about them.

He said, “The beautiful and peaceful life they have now was all created by their ancestors and alien civilizations back then”!

“Yes, Lao He, I definitely will.”

Seeing He Jianzhong so excited, Zhang Taifeng couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

He patted He Jianzhong on the shoulder, and then couldn’t help but look up out of the window.

In fact, it is not clear how the younger generations will evaluate Zhang Taifeng of their generation.

But he was certain.

On the first page of the book New Era, there is one and only one candidate.


At the same time, Zhang Taifeng and He Jianzhong decided to ignore the announcement from Yingjiang Country.

The matter of Yingjiang Country building an interstellar battleship continues to ferment.

The front pages of major news media around the world are vying to report on this incident.

Global Broadcasting Corporation even linked this matter to the defeat of Yingjiang Country at the hands of Dragon Country.

In the report, the global broadcaster said this:

[The war not long ago clearly resulted in two defeated countries. 】

[The punishment for defeat in the Crested Ibis country is extremely cruel, but the Eagle Sauce Country announced by the United Nations

The terms of defeat were almost nonexistent. 】

【At that time, all countries in the world could not understand why Longguo was so kind to Yingjiangguo. 】

【And the answer is about to come out at this moment. 】

【Yingjiangguo should have told Longguo in advance that they had interstellar battleships. 】

【On land, Longguo has Xuanwu, in the sea, Qinglong, and in the sky, Longguo also has dragon scales. 】

【But in the vast universe, Yingjiangguo has Washington No. 1. 】

【Although we don’t know how powerful this interstellar battleship is at present. 】

【But there is no doubt that Longguo must have weighed the pros and cons and felt that Washington No. 1 was a threat to Longguo, so it chose to let Yingjiangguo go. 】

【Of course, all this is just speculation by this broadcasting company and does not have any substantive direction. 】

【Whether it is Longguo or Yingjiangguo, we should give them great respect, because they are leading the development of the era of technology! 】


The operation of the global broadcasting company is more or less suspected of riding on the popularity.

But it must be said that their “fantastic” report makes many people feel very reasonable.

The image of the Eagle Sauce Country, which had fallen to the bottom of the valley in the minds of people from all countries, has begun to rise again.

[You can say that the Eagle Sauce is bad, but you can’t say that the Eagle Sauce is not good] This catchphrase has reappeared in the mouths of people from all countries.

However, the netizens of Longguo did not feel much about this matter.

After experiencing so many ups and downs during this period.

The IQ of the netizens of Longguo has long been improved by who knows how many levels.

At this moment, countless netizens gathered in Shen Fei’s live broadcast room and were chatting enthusiastically.

“Brothers, this is really making me laugh to death. I just want to laugh when I read some comments on the Internet.”

“What do you mean the Eagle Country is no longer afraid of us and will soon return to the position of the world’s number one power.”

“Especially the White Tiger Country, as the lackeys of the Eagle Country, they are the most excited, saying that the Eagle Country surrendered to the Dragon Country just because they love peace and can’t bear to see the lives of the people destroyed.”

“I’m going to go to the stupid grandmas of the White Tiger Country! The Eagle Country loves peace? I would rather believe that Qin Shihuang is not dead, and I would v Qin Shihuang 300 to help him revive.”

“That’s right, the Eagle Country surrendered because the super nuclear bomb made by Brother Fei is about to fall on their heads. If they don’t surrender, they will be gone in the next second. Do they dare not surrender!?”

“Anyway, I hope the Eagle Country will jump up a little more, so that we can send Brother Fei!”

“Haha, if the enemy doesn’t use interstellar battleships, we won’t use Brother Fei, right?”


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