I went through the initial idea of ​​building the Pangu battleship again in my mind.

Shen Fei opened the system material library.

This time the cost budget is more than 40 billion, and Shenfei has much more room to play.

First on defense.

Compared with the defense system of Houyi Tianshu Center.

The Pangu battleship must be more than one level stronger.

Especially in terms of point defense, Hou Yi’s defense system cannot be compared to Pangu even if it is a pat on the back.

After all, Hou Yi’s defense system needs to protect the entire Blue Star.

The Pangu battleship’s defense system only needs to protect Pangu’s body.

As for the attack.

Shen Fei currently has many ideas.

Concept-level military attack means such as starfighters, turbolasers, ion cannons, and proton torpedoes can all be mounted on Pangu by Shenfei.

Shen Fei will gradually determine and improve the specific attack attributes to be given to Pangu during the creation process.

This is also his usual habit.

You won’t be sure of everything right away.

It will give yourself greater freedom of imagination.


This time, Shen Fei spent a relatively long time selecting materials.

It took nearly two hours.

Shen Feicai carefully selected the materials used in the first step of creating Pangu.

Among them, more than one hundred precious materials are limited in the concept-level military industry stage.

Some rare materials, like 銊, can only be purchased once.

Purchase limits range from one gram to one kilogram.

But Shen Fei guessed.

After the system is upgraded to the civilized military industry stage, some limits will definitely be relaxed.

But currently, there are some materials that cannot be bought a second time with money.

This means that Shenfei only has one best chance to build the Pangu battleship experiment.

If the first experiment fails.

Even if he can find some other substitutable materials, it will have an impact on the completed performance of the Pangu battleship.

This will then affect the final evaluation of the ‘final exam’.

So this is the final exam.

Compared with the final exam to build Qinglong, the challenge for Shen Fei is more than a level higher.

“System, settle the matter.”

At this time, Shen Fei looked at the piles of materials in front of him and said.

【Ding! Settlement is now done for the host. 】

[The total value of this selection is 22.391 billion. 】

A soft mechanical sound fell gently.

This cost price is within Shen Fei’s acceptance range.

Of course, this is just the first round of selection.

If Pangu is to be completely built later, Shen Fei will definitely need to conduct multiple rounds of material selection.

“Phew! Now everything is ready and we can start!”

“Although Houyi Tianshu Central Base has not found anything wrong within the scope of the solar system.”

“But if we build the Pangu battleship as soon as possible, we can rest assured.”

Shen Fei let out a breath.

Then he looked down at the watch in his hand.

[Qinling] has connected the early warning function of Houyi Tianshu Central Base with the watch on his hand.

Now if there is any movement within the solar system.

Shen Fei was the first to get the news even during the experiment.


After Shen Fei summoned various equipment.

This time the ‘final exam’ for concept-level military industry has officially begun.

And when Shen Fei gradually fell into a new round of busyness.

Another vast area in the Sagittarius spiral arm of the distant Milky Way Galaxy.

There is an unusually huge planet here called the Tower Star.

In a certain hall on Jieta Star.

Two tall black figures shrouded in mist seemed to be talking.

Their voices are hoarse and deep.

Translated as:

【Jie Jie Jie! Shuisi! I got the latest news! 】

[The little princess of the Huacai tribe participated in the new round of energy collection mission of the Council of Three. 】

[This time without the protection of the three major fleets, it will be easy for you to get her. 】

[The ordinary Huacai clan members are nothing compared to this beautiful and picturesque little princess. 】

The black shadow monster on the left smiled.


[Oh, my dearest friend Luo Chai, this is really exciting news. 】

[I will now lead three black-blooded battleships to capture Luan Xing. 】

【I seem to have smelled her body


The black shadow on the right licked his face with a huge tongue and was about to walk out.

But as soon as he lifted his foot, he fell back.

[Luo Chai, which spiral arm and area did Luan Xing go to? ]


[Hehehe, Shui Si! My beloved relatives, brothers and sisters! ]

[You know, I am even willing to go to the Hanhai Alliance alone for you. ]

[But the Anbu has its own rules. I have told you enough…]


[One hundred thousand galaxy coins. ]


[Brother, I think you misunderstood me. ]

[Our Jieta Empire can be so glorious today because we abide by the rules of the empire. ]

[If you do this, it will be difficult for me…]


[Two hundred thousand galaxy coins. ]


[Brother, it is really difficult for me… ]

[My suggestion is that you go to the Imperial Sky Strike Department to apply for instructions. After obtaining the permission of the Sky Strike Department, our Anbu will naturally tell you all the news. ]

[You also know that the Sky Strike Department has been working very efficiently recently. From application to obtaining permission, it takes at most 200 hours. ]

[Then the various procedures of our Anbu will be relatively simple. You can set out to capture Luan Xing in more than 50 hours. ]


[Three hundred thousand galaxy coins!! ]

[This is my final price! ]


[Oh, deal. ]

[Luan Xing’s mission collection planet is probably near the Orion X area. ]

[Dear brother, I wish you good luck. ]

[I hope you will be gentle to the lovely Princess Luan Xing. ]

[Don’t kill a member of the Huacai tribe in two days like before. ]

[Hehehe. 】

Luo Chai’s hoarse laughter echoed in the hall.

Shui Si was too lazy to talk nonsense with Luo Chai.

His huge black shadow stepped and left the hall in a few steps.

Then the humming sound of the warship started up.

At this time, Luo Chai stretched out his left arm, looking at the newly received 300,000 galaxy coins, and an unusually bright smile appeared on his face.

But the next second, a violent roar suddenly sounded.

Then the whole hall turned into a ruin.


After an unknown amount of time, a black palm covered with scales stretched out from under the ruins.

Then a roar echoed here.

[Shui Si! You bastard, bastard! ]

[This is your home, your home! ]

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