The wave of light was so bright that it was almost completely blocked.

Following the fluctuations.

A dazzling and brilliant light emanated.

The quantum stress reaction caused by the collision of the laser cannon and the particle shield.

The entire dark space was illuminated.

The countless viewers who were watching the live broadcast in front of the screen.

They couldn’t help but close their eyes slightly.

As if they felt a strong light piercing their eyes through the screen.

It took several seconds.

The light was slightly weaker.

Inside the Star Blade Battleship.

Luan Xing, Rong Tu and others squinted their eyes and looked up at the two split screens in front of them.

After seeing the appearance of the two black blood battleships on the left split screen clearly.

Rongtu and Peiji’s pupils immediately contracted violently.

Luan Xing’s pretty eyes couldn’t help but tremble twice.

The particle shields of the two three-star black blood warships, which were stronger than those of Chifeng and Tianhai, had disappeared at this moment.

Huge penetration holes appeared on the hulls of the two black blood warships.

Another second passed.

The two black blood warships suddenly broke into pieces.

While the laser cannon penetrated them, it seemed to cause destructive damage to their hull structures.

Seeing this, Rongtu and Peiji looked at each other.

They couldn’t help but swallow their saliva with their throats moving.

Then they quickly looked at another split screen.

The dazzling light had completely dissipated at this moment.

After seeing that the Pangu warship’s defense shield was still intact.

The four black hand laser cannons did not cause any damage to it.

The two of them couldn’t help but reveal a deep look of horror in their eyes!

“How is this possible!?”

“Without the phase gun, how could the two black blood warships still not be able to withstand the attack of this Pangu warship!?”

“One shot against a three-star black blood warship, what kind of gold content is this!?”

“Only an attack power that reaches the B-level range can have such terrible lethality!”

“And its defense! The four black hand laser cannons didn’t even break the shield!”

“Its defense system must have reached the B-level!”

“How can this blue planet have a terrible warship that is far superior to Chifeng and Tianhai, and has reached the B-level comprehensive level, which is equivalent to the level of the parliament’s elite warships!?”

Peggy shouted in a sharp voice.

The comprehensive combat power of the Pangu warship is so strong that it obviously far exceeds his expectations.

He couldn’t think of it even if he thought about it, a planet in a micro-galaxy actually has a B-level warship.

And what does a B-level warship mean?

This means that as long as you don’t approach the Sagittarius spiral arm, which is the closest to the main galaxy.

You can walk sideways in any other spiral arm of the main galaxy!

You should know that there are not many B-class battleships in the major civilizations of the main galaxy.

They usually stay in the center of civilization and are the most solid force of a civilization!

“The Star Brain has analyzed it.”

“The laser cannon fired by the Pangu battleship just now does not have any special properties.”

“It is completely relying on the huge energy generated by the frequency of its own photon efficient movement that blasted through the two three-star black blood battleships.”

“Although in theory, the higher the frequency of photon movement, the higher the energy.”

“But generally no one will use this simple and violent attack method.”

“Because it has too high a load and energy requirement for the equipment.”

“The Parliament University once conducted an experiment using pure laser cannons to break the shield.”

“The result is that only three shots can be fired at most to paralyze the photon acceleration device.”

“No matter how valuable a photon acceleration device is, the energy it consumes is only The energy is extremely terrifying. ”

“I don’t know if this Pangu battleship can fire this kind of heavy laser cannon again.”

“But there is one thing I can basically be sure of.”

“That is, there must be a long-range wireless power supply behind this Pangu battleship, so it dares to play like this.”

“When this battleship warned you at the beginning, it claimed to be Blue Star, Dragon Country.”

“The technological development of this Dragon Country must be very strong, very strong!”

“Long-range wireless power supply is probably a quantum energy transmission method.”

“But this is completely different from quantum information transmission.”

“The two are not at the same level at all.”

“If Dragon Country’s technology can monitor this micro-galaxy and discover our existence, this is not so surprising.

. ”

“Then it is really unbelievable that they can break through the quantum energy transmission technology.”

“Even the Parliament has only just broken through the quantum energy transmission technology for less than five epochs (five hundred years). ”

“I am confused. Since this Dragon Country is so strong, why has it never left this galaxy?”

“You should know that when the Parliament broke through the quantum energy transmission technology, it was already one of the three overlords of the main galaxy besides the Hanhai Alliance…”

It seems that Pangu was really shocked.

Facing Luan Xing, who didn’t talk much with Rongtu and Peiji.

They couldn’t help but speak one sentence after another.

Rongtu and Peiji looked at each other after hearing this.

Then the former couldn’t help but say with an exaggerated expression:

“Little Luan Xing, are you bluffing Uncle Rongtu?”

“Don’t bully me and Peiji for not attending the Parliament University and making up nonsense.”

“If the heavy laser cannon is so powerful, why didn’t the Parliament mass-produce and promote it? ”

“Even if it is not suitable for long-distance operations, it is also very good as a defensive weapon for the parliament headquarters, right?”

“But why have I never heard of this heavy laser cannon weapon?”

Rongtu looked at Luan Xing’s back with a questioning look on his face.

A trace of suspicion flashed in Pei Ji’s narrow eyes.

When Luan Xing heard this, her body stagnated slightly.

Then she slowly turned around.

Looking at Rongtu and Pei Ji, both of them looked like they didn’t believe what she said.

After hesitating for a moment.

She sighed deeply and said:

“The reason why the parliament did not mass-produce heavy laser cannon weapons.”

“In addition to the high cost of photon acceleration equipment, there is another most critical reason.”

“That is the high failure rate.”

“To achieve the power of heavy lasers like this battleship, the frequency of photon movement must exceed a certain threshold.”

“The success rate of manufacturing a hundred heavy laser cannon weapons is less than one thousandth.” ”

“And I have seen the heavy laser cannon weapons made by the parliament, and the power… seems to be weaker than that of this Pangu warship.”

“So the parliament gave up the research on heavy laser cannons after comprehensive consideration many years ago.”

“Many parliamentarians believe that compared with other weapons, the cost-effectiveness of heavy laser cannons is much lower.”

“Are you two satisfied with my answer?”

Luan Xing glanced at the two again, and then turned his head to look at the screen not far away.

At this moment, Shui Si’s four-star black blood warship was hovering in space without moving.

It seemed that he was also confused by the picture of the two fragmented three-star black blood warships.

When Rongtu and Peiji heard Luan Xing’s words.

The expressions on their faces were completely stunned.

But the silence only lasted for a moment.

Rongtu and Peiji couldn’t help but exclaimed at the same time:

“You, you mean in the heavy laser cannon technology! ”

“Even the Parliament cannot compare to the Dragon Country on this blue planet! ?”

“How is this possible! ?”

“That is the Parliament, the glorious and great Parliament!”


“The Science Council has gathered the top scientific researchers from the six main parliament planets and dozens of regular parliament planets!”

“They cannot compare to that Dragon Country in this technology! ?”

“Oh! This is simply too unbelievable for me.”

“What does that Dragon Country have? What can make them so strong! ?”


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