He was just worried for a moment by the news reported by Pangu.

Zhang Taifeng and others regained hope.

At this time, He Jianzhong stood up directly and said:

“Lao Zhang, everyone, I have received the news before.”

“Comrade Shen Fei placed many orders for materials.”

“Now batches of various materials are being sent to Comrade Shen Fei as quickly as possible.”

“There are some very rare military materials in here.”

“But some are very ordinary. The scientific researchers at Longteng Military Industrial Base don’t know what the uses of those materials are.”

“But this just shows that Comrade Shen Fei’s scientific research pace has far exceeded Blue Star’s current technological level.”

“I think with 4.945 trillion orders, Comrade Shen Fei will definitely be able to give us a big surprise!”

Hearing He Jianzhong’s words.

Zhang Taifeng, Zhao Zongqi and others all nodded deeply.

Then they moved their eyes to the screen in front of them again.

Pangu was still waiting there.

Stay close to Blue Star.

At this moment, even the military bosses of the Dragon Kingdom.

They all deeply felt the sense of security provided by Shen Fei.


Meanwhile on the other side.

On the Star Blade battleship in the wormhole.

It was completely different from the gradually relaxed atmosphere in Long Kingdom.

The heavy expressions on the faces of Luan Xing and Rongtu were extremely intense.

Just two minutes ago.

Star Blade received a message from the Council of Three.

The Senate of the Assembly told Luan Xing and others.

Pan Lie has learned everything that happened in the solar system through the black box recorder on the four-star Black Blood Battleship.

Crazy Pan Lie unilaterally declared war on Blue Star, Huacai Xing and other forces related to Shui Si’s death.

And Pan Lie also warned the three councils that if they want to interfere in this matter, they will fight together with the three councils.

Using a fleet to single-handedly challenge an entire second-level civilization would make Pan Lie crazy.

And Huacai Xing is a member of the Three People’s Council, and the Three People’s Council will definitely not ignore it.

Not to mention that this matter also involves Rong Tu and Pei Ji.

It’s just that Pan Lie doesn’t know it yet.

So immediately, the Three Councils contacted the Queen of the Tower Empire.

He asked Pan Lie if he also meant what they meant by the Tower Tower Empire.

The reply from the Empress of the Tower Tower Empire exceeded the expectations of all the top officials of the Three Councils.

She claims that the Tower Empire has expelled Panlie and his Black-headed Fleet.

Everything Pan Lie and the Black Head Fleet did had nothing to do with the Tower Empire.


“Xiao Luanxing, come and analyze this for me.”

“The Black-headed Fleet that is loyal to Pan Lie is very strong.”

“Except for the red-headed fleet under the personal control of Queen Jessa, it is the most terrifying battle force among the remaining four fleets in the Tower Empire.”

“There are many five-star black-blooded battleships and even six-star black-blooded battleships.”

“But the parliamentary fleet army also sent a very large fleet force this time.”

“Nearly a quarter of the warships in the three fleets of Taiyu, Donghe and Yunshan are said to be on their way.”

“In addition to the hundreds of ordinary standard C-class star battleships, there are also dozens of B-class elite battleships and the three top B-class main ships.”

“Judging from the surface strength, the parliamentary fleet may not be unable to compete with Pan Lie’s black-headed fleet.”

“But why didn’t the Senate issue an order to directly annihilate the Black-headed Fleet?”

“Unless this lunatic Pan Lie dies, all the members of our three tribes will not be able to sleep!”

“There are only a few of us here, so I’ll just say it directly.”

“We, Shi Xing, have absolute loyalty and respect for the Council.”

“But what does the council think?”

“If you don’t get rid of Panlie, doesn’t it mean that you don’t care about us?”

“Is it possible to let our three tribes deal with Pan Lie on our own?”

“Who can do this better than this old madman Pan Lie?”

Rongtu said with a sad face.

At any other time, he would not have dared to speculate so casually on the Council of Three.

But now it is obvious that they are almost at the point of life and death for Shi Xing.

Rongtu couldn’t hold back any words.

And Luan Xing heard what he said.

Then he couldn’t help but turned his head and looked at Rongtu as if he were a fool.

“Rong Tu, don’t say such words again.”

“Don’t say it in front of me.”

“The parliament will not ignore us. We must understand the difficulties of the parliament.”

“For example, so many people from Hua Caixing have disappeared every year in recent years, and I have never had any complaints about the parliament.”

“Because I know that if there is no parliament.”

“The situation of Hua Caixing will be even more difficult.”

“As for why the parliament does not directly issue an order to annihilate the Black Head Fleet…”

“Is your big head weighing dozens of kilograms filled with paste?”

“Not to mention that even the parliament fleet will have to pay a heavy price to annihilate the Black Head Fleet in one fell swoop.”

“Take Queen Jiesa for example. Do you think she is really that simple?”

“What is she thinking? The twelve main members of the Senate must have thought it through long ago.”

“She is the first one who hopes that the parliament fleet will fight with Panlie.”

“Panlie’s Black Head Fleet has only obeyed Panlie in recent years. The queen is probably always worried about this matter.”

“A few years ago, the parliament’s spies planted in the Jieta Empire reported it.”

” The Empire of the Tower has launched a large -scale friction with the Three Parliament, and the resource competing has been in three universal conferences. ” “And” and now that Panlie has been crazy because of the death of Shuishi. ” What we can do is not what we can expect. “” So the parliament had to consider what happened at present. When Rongtu and Peiji heard her words, they couldn’t help but look at each other with frowns.

After a while, Peiji suddenly said:

“Luan Xing, have you forgotten the existence of the Hanhai Alliance?”

“The Queen of the Jieta Empire is ambitious.”

“But the Hanhai Alliance just ignores the small-scale frictions between civilizations.”

“But if the Jieta Empire really has a full-scale conflict with our parliament, the Hanhai Alliance will not turn a blind eye, right?”

“After all, the Hanhai Alliance is also the arbiter of the order of the civilization of the main galaxy.”

“They won’t watch the lives of the people in the main galaxy being destroyed and corpses everywhere, right?”

Hearing this, Luan Xing looked up at Peiji.

After a moment of silence, she replied:

“You are right.”

“The Hanhai Alliance is the real owner of this galaxy.”

“But haven’t you noticed?”

“In recent years, the Hanhai Alliance has been less and less involved in the affairs of the main galaxy.”

“Pan Lie declared war on several races in such a high-profile manner.”

“In the past, the Hanhai Alliance would have stood up and made a ruling.”

“But until now, the Hanhai Alliance has not made any statement.”

“This shows that the Hanhai Alliance’s energy is no longer in the main galaxy.”

“They may have set their sights on places outside the main galaxy.”

“In other words, we used to be able to attract Hanhai’s attention. Alliance’s attention.”

“But now the development of the Hanhai Alliance is probably beyond our imagination.”

“Who lives and who dies, who can continue to develop and who will perish, the Hanhai Alliance has no interest in it.”

“Their ideas have always been completely different from the parliament.”

“The parliament hopes to carry forward the ideas of democracy and equality, so that every planet and every race in the universe can obtain the same right to survive.”

“And the Hanhai Alliance is a group of tough guys who are fighting against the laws of the universe.”

“They have one and only one goal.”

“That is not to be dominated by the universe, but to dominate the universe…”

As Luan Xing spoke, she waved her hand with some tiredness.

The current situation is so complicated that she is a little tired of thinking about what the outcome of this matter will be.

Now she can’t think of any possibility at all.


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