The sound of the nine elders muttering to themselves fell.

The three black robots seemed to have absorbed the energy of the army of hundreds of thousands of robots.

A black storm suddenly emerged from their bodies.

Then the next second.

The robot in the center stretched out his finger and lightly pointed forward.


A black laser suddenly condensed out.

It went straight to the direction of the water wall.


The moment the water wall constructed by the Zuwu mecha was touched by the black laser.

It collapsed.

Then the black light continued to move forward and blasted towards the Zuwu mecha still in the glass chamber.


The glass chamber, which did not have much defensive power, cracked instantly after being hit by the black light.

Cracks appeared on it like spider webs.

The next second.

The glass chamber exploded into powder.

The Zuwu mecha, which was surrounded by the stream of light, was completely exposed to the air.

At this time, the ninth elder stared at that place.

But he saw that the black light did not cause any lethality after shooting into the stream of light.

Seeing this, the ninth elder frowned slightly.

And at this moment.

The stream of light lingering around the Zuwu mecha suddenly began to slowly dissipate.

A heavy blue foot stepped out.


At the moment the foot stepped out.

The sky, which was about to clear up, suddenly streaked with thunder.

The dark clouds covered the sky again.

In a breath, heavy rain poured down.

More violent than before.

At the same time, all the lakes and oceans on the Three Stars were flooded in an instant.

The water surged inexplicably, all rushing towards the direction of the star fortress.

Looking at the images sent back by the dark matter information base established by the Vast Sea Alliance over the years.

The pupils of the Ninth Elder suddenly shrank.

He turned his eyes to the data analysis projection of the Wisdom Sky.

After seeing the information streams clearly.

He finally couldn’t help but take a breath.

“The particles on the Three Stars are extremely excited! How is this possible!”

“Then, why can that mecha change the origin of the universe!”

At this moment, the Ninth Elder could no longer remain as calm as before.

Hearing this, the other figures couldn’t help but tremble violently.

The origin of the universe is a kind of law of the universe.

Other civilizations are developing in accordance with the laws of the universe.

But their Vast Sea Alliance is different.

They believe that the laws of the universe can be broken, and breaking the laws of the universe is one of the important factors for achieving rapid technological development.

The idea left by Shuangbi is not to be dominated by the universe, but to dominate the universe.

Over the years, they have been following this idea.

Even though they have never broken even one law of the universe so far.

They still think that their idea is not wrong.

One day they will break the laws of the universe one by one.

And what do they see now?

The laws of the universe that they have never been able to break are broken by a mecha!

The unchangeable rhythm of the origin of the universe.

It is becoming more and more active under the action of the Zuwu mecha.

The idea they have been pursuing has been achieved by other civilizations first.

How could this not make the seven elders of the Hanhai Alliance scalp numb!

“Blue Star Civilization! Blue Star Civilization!!”

“Why can that person do this!”

“What kind of technology did he give to this mecha to break the origin rhythm!”

“The most important thing is that from the current point of view, the breaking of the origin rhythm of the universe has not produced any terrible consequences!”

The clenched palms of the Ninth Elder were wet with sweat.

In his opinion, breaking the origin rhythm of the universe is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

What’s more terrible is that breaking the laws of the universe will cause terrible consequences.

But Shen Fei broke through this point.

This is what made their backs cold the most.

If they were just afraid of Shen Fei before.

Then at this moment, they were really scared.

Since the rise of the Hanhai Alliance in the Milky Way thousands of years ago.

For the first time, they felt the existence of the word crisis.

“Ninth Elder, I think we must wake up Master Shuangbi.”

“Only Master Shuangbi can deal with this Blue Star civilization.

“Even if the time limit has not yet arrived and the conditions are not met now, the awakening must be implemented.” “Otherwise, with the strength that person has shown now, if he is given some more time, the Blue Star civilization will really be difficult to solve!” Looking at the screen in the midst of the storm. The Zuwu mecha fought fiercely with three Gehaixing robots approaching the peak of Class A, and still gained the upper hand steadily. A figure couldn’t help but speak. From the Zuwu mecha, he seemed to see a technology that none of them could break through. That is, the combat capability of the mecha can be comparable to that of an interstellar battleship. He had no doubt that even an A-level interstellar battleship could be hung up and beaten by the Zuwu mecha. The idea that mechas are not very useful in interstellar wars was completely shattered at this moment. The combat speed reached 0.9 times the speed of light. The attack fluctuations also broke through the A-level standard.

Although their Zhiyuan Cangqiong cannot analyze the defense level for the time being, it will definitely not be lower than A-level.

This kind of thing is useless in interstellar wars, and they don’t believe it!

“Wake up Master Shuangbi…”

When the Ninth Elder, who was already not very calm, heard this.

Instantly, his heart was filled with waves.

More than two thousand years ago, Shuangbi’s lifespan was exhausted and he was almost dying.

He was the founder of the faith and technology of the Hanhai Alliance, and no one wanted him to die.

Of course, Shuangbi himself didn’t want to die.

And it must be said that Shuangbi is definitely a A genius.

With the last bit of energy in his life, he developed a way to make life eternal.

That is to create a four-dimensional space to make time stand still.

At that time, the Vast Sea Alliance had just touched the third-level civilization, and the four-dimensional space technology was simply beyond their control.

Even if they only created a four-dimensional space slightly larger than a coffin, it almost consumed all the resources of the Vast Sea Alliance at that time.

Although the double walls survived to a certain extent through this four-dimensional space later.

But a huge amount of galaxy still needs to be consumed every year to maintain this space.

Otherwise, if the space is broken, the double walls will be instantly reversed. .

The huge price paid by the Hanhai Alliance for this was in vain.

When Shuangbi entered that space and fell into a deep sleep.

It also left an opportunity for future generations to wake him up.

First, the biotechnology of the Hanhai Alliance must reach a certain level to achieve the reverse growth of life forms.

Extend his lifespan.

Second, the civilization level of the Hanhai Alliance must completely reach the peak of level three and touch the threshold of level four civilization.

Third, a powerful civilization outside the main galaxy that the Hanhai Alliance cannot deal with is discovered.

Shuangbi said that these three points are indispensable.

Otherwise, never wake him up.


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