“Of the three awakening conditions left by Master Shuangbi, only the first one is currently in compliance.”

“We cannot go against Master Shuangbi’s will…”

After a moment of silence, the ninth elder finally shook his head.

Their biotechnology development has made great breakthroughs in recent years.

After paying a lot of costs, the double-walled body has achieved reverse growth.

The cell activity of the double walls has now returned to its youth.

However, their technological development has not yet reached the level of reaching the threshold of level four civilization.

Moreover, Shen Fei and Blue Star Civilization are not civilizations outside the Milky Way.

All these made the Ninth Elder afraid to make decisions at will.

“Ninth Elder…”

“Okay, don’t say any more.”

“Let’s continue reading.”

“Although Blue Star Civilization has mastered the technology to break the original rhythm of the universe, it has not reached the point where the Vast Sea Alliance cannot deal with them.”

“And if the Blue Star civilization is really that powerful, that figure will not choose to threaten us by detonating the galaxy while it is in the solar system.”

The hazy Ninth Elder waved his hand and said.

The other figures looked at each other after hearing this, and then fell into silence.


Meanwhile on the other side.

Everyone in the three councils was extremely excited at this moment.

When the Zuwu mecha Gonggong battle armor is fully activated.

The three singing starfish robots had been beaten back and forth.

Except that they were domineering for a while when they first entered the scene.

After fighting against the Zuwu mecha, their heads were never raised again.

“Handsome! The Zuwu mecha is so handsome!”

“Just now, the senior congressman said that in the past ten minutes, the Zuwu mecha has consumed nearly 200 million galactic coins in materials.”

“But I would say it’s well worth the money.”

“Also, I have to take back what I said before. It’s not that mechas have no role in interstellar wars, it’s just that our technological level is far from reaching them.”

“I feel that even the nine main ships combined cannot defeat a steel beast like the Zuwu Mecha.”

“Mr. Shen Fei really opened our eyes.”

In the battle command room of Hua Caixing, Nong Bei cheered.

Everyone nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Only Luan Si silently moved his gaze to the Fuxi combat base floating near Huacaixing.

While the Zuwu mecha absorbs and fuses countless materials from the three star resource library.

A large amount of materials were also continuously transported into the Fuxi combat base under the space wormhole transmission channel built by Nuwa.

At this moment, the halo on the Fuxi Combat Base was several times thicker than before.

Some places that were originally dim were lit up with lights.

Although Luan Si didn’t know what was going on inside the Fuxi combat base.

But for their battle with Xinghai, he was obviously confident.

Shen Fei deeply let him see what a true genius is.

The order for 200 million Galaxy Coins took less than a week.

Shen Fei single-handedly turned the tide of the battle.

The Council of Three, which was almost destroyed, came back to life.

Looking at the entire galaxy with this kind of ability, he thought there would never be another person with this ability.



Just when Luan Si’s thoughts were racing.

A violent roar suddenly came from the screen.

Luan Sixun Sheng looked up quickly.

The three singing starfish robots were bombarded by the huge water column in the form of the Zuwu Mecha Gonggong Armor, and finally turned into fragments all over the sky.

The water mist that boiled at the explosion point spread thousands of kilometers away.

See this scene.

After the expressions on the faces of all the three council members were stunned, they couldn’t help but let out a collective cheer.

So far, all the invading robots on the Three Planets have been eliminated.

The Three Stars successfully weathered this huge crisis.

Although there are still robots on other planets, as long as the Three Stars are okay, they will soon be able to help other planets eliminate those robots.

“Phew, it’s okay! It’s finally okay!”

“Shen Fei will be my second father from now on!”

Rongtu and Pei Ji hugged each other excitedly.

Stone Star and Black Man Star were the first planets to fall.

The people above suffered numerous casualties.

But as long as

If their homes are still there, there is hope for reconstruction.

There is no doubt that Shen Fei brought these to them.

Without Shen Fei, the Three Planets, including the more than ninety planets under its jurisdiction, would have faced complete destruction.

[Everyone, the crisis has not been resolved yet. 】

[Xinghai plans to completely destroy the Three Stars. 】

The smiles on everyone’s faces did not last long.

Nuwa’s voice suddenly sounded slowly.

Although her voice was as gentle as ever, these two words instantly sent chills down the backs of everyone in the Council of Three.

Inside the star fortress.

The congressman’s pupils trembled slightly when he heard this.

After a moment, he came back to his senses and was about to ask Nuwa what was going on.

The picture on the screen suddenly changed.

All I saw was the darkness of space.

A bright blue halo is rushing towards the direction of the Three Stars at an extremely fast speed.

Even across the screen, the congressman and others felt the strong aura of death from above.

They had no doubts.

If this blue halo hits the Three Stars, the Three Stars will instantly turn into ashes!

“Hmph! Are you planning to destroy Xinghai if you can’t get it?”

“I won’t let it happen so easily.”

The senior congressman held the crutch in his withered hand and gave it a strong squeeze.

Then he turned to look at Yue Kai beside him and said:

“Since Nuwa has helped us destroy the separate consciousness of the star sea, let’s reopen the brain.”

“Let Yi Nao fully open the defense system of the Three Stars.”


“Yes, Senator!”

Yue Kai nodded hurriedly in response.

The congressman moved his eyes again to the blue halo on the screen, which was less than 20 million kilometers away from the three of them.

There is no doubt that this is a Star Destroyer level attack.

If there is no protective means, any C-level standard Star Destroyer weapon can easily destroy the Three Stars.

In the face of advanced civilization, every planet is extremely fragile.

This is one of the reasons why the First Law of the Universe exists.

If the emergence of advanced civilizations is not prevented, more and more planets in the universe will definitely be destroyed.

There is no answer to whether this law of the universe is right or wrong in the opinion of the senior congressman.

Because the ‘universe’ stubbornly does not believe in any civilization.

But for him, he will protect the Three Stars even to the death.

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