The exam was a big success, but the exam was a big success.

After the junior class’s upgrade exam began.

The people watching from other classes also dispersed.

According to past practice.

Eight days of exam time.

Some people will definitely finish in the last two days.

And reporters from major news newspapers in the Muling Empire.

Generally, they will start to arrive from the third day.

On the other side.

In an ordinary laboratory.

Kuang Ling and other students in the Brain Spirit class are looking at the screen not far away with some boredom at this moment.

“Teacher, this question is not difficult for us, right?”

“Energy materials worth one million Wood Spirit Coins, bring people back from a planet five million light years away.”

“I can complete this test in two days.”

A young man said.

After the junior class exam officially began.

Kuang Yue announced the test questions for the junior class upgrade exam to them.

And also let them participate in the experimental discussion.

But for the students in the junior class, this test question may be very difficult.

But for them, it is really not difficult.

And Kuang Yue looked at the nonchalant look of the proud children below.

Then he said calmly:

“What if you are not allowed to use the fourth-level civilization technology?”

“Also, these energy and materials do not contain dark halogen.”

“Even if you want to use the fourth-level civilization technology, you can’t use it.”




Hearing Kuang Yue’s words.

The expressions on the faces of the students in the Brain Spirit Class suddenly became stagnant.

Even Kuang Ling couldn’t help but blink several times.

At this moment, they put themselves in the shoes of the students in the lower-level class who were taking the exam.

Only then did they realize how difficult this test question was.

If the dark halogen was not used to stabilize the space.

Then there would be no way to use a lot of dark matter.

Under such circumstances.

With only one million Wood Spirit Coins, they wanted to bring people back from five million light years.

The difficulty would increase exponentially.

“Okay, teacher.”

“I take back what I said before.”

“But this is still not impossible for us.”

The young man named Mark spoke again.

Among the students in the entire Brain Spirit Class.

Except for Kuang Ling, his talent can be ranked in the top five.

So he has the capital to say this.

“I know you can do it.”

“I also believe that someone in the junior class can do it.”

“Otherwise, there is no point in setting this test question.”

“But the students in the junior class have eight days.”

“I will only give you half a day.”

“Half a day, I don’t care whether you think independently or discuss with your partners.”

“In short, give me a perfect answer.”

Kuang Yue said in an unquestionable tone.

Then she walked to a chair nearby and sat down.

Mark and others saw this.

They immediately simulated on the virtual screen in front of them.

While simulating, they also discussed with the students next to them.

Anyway, Kuang Yue did not forbid them to discuss the answer, so of course there is strength in numbers.

And Kuang Ling also subconsciously wanted to discuss ideas with a few people.

But she raised her eyes.

After finding that Kuang Yue not far away was looking at her straight,

she immediately pursed her lips.

Well, Kuang Yue will not let her.

Others can discuss the answer.

But obviously she can’t.

Raising her white and glowing palm.

Kuang Ling also began to think on the virtual screen.

When she was completely immersed in this test question.

The expression on Kuang Ling’s pretty face became extremely focused.

This time, three hours passed.


Looking at some ideas and thoughts drawn on the screen in front of her.

Kuang Ling couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Kuang Yue’s eyes were focused again.

But Kuang Ling shook her head slightly at her.

Kuang Ling has only solved part of the difficulty at present.

It will take some time to truly complete this test question.

Seeing this, Kuang Yue, who was sitting in the chair, did not focus on Kuang Ling anymore.

Instead, he looked at other people.

Compared with Mark and others, Kuang Ling’s progress is already relatively fast.

This can be seen from the slightly frowned brows of Mark and others.


Just then.

The communicator on Kuang Yue’s wrist suddenly vibrated.

She subconsciously lowered her head and looked over.

But it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t look at it. When she looked at it, her pupils shrank.

Then she looked up at Kuang Ling and others who were still thinking deeply.

There was a trace of suspicion in her eyes.


Two minutes later.

Kuang Yue left the laboratory.

Came to the principal’s office.

After pushing open the door, Kuang Yue spoke directly:

“Principal Zang Kong.”

“Are you sure?”


“Big, big princess.”

“I didn’t quite believe it at first.”

“But the examination committee has verified it!”

“Perfect, this answer sheet is perfect!”

“The energy and materials of one million wood spirit coins, the candidate only used less than one tenth.”

“The most important thing is speed!”

“According to the full score answer pre-conceived by the examination committee.”

“A distance of five million light years round trip, can be completed in about a week is a full score.”

“But the answer sheet given by this candidate only takes three days!”

“More than twice as fast as the full score answer of the examination committee!”

Zang Kong’s beard trembled, his face full of excitement.

After this test paper came out.

He thought it would be good to have a few low-level class candidates who passed.

But now the exam has only been less than four hours.

Someone handed in such a perfect answer sheet.

How could he not be excited?

“Where’s the answer sheet?”

“Let me see.”

Kuang Yue frowned upon hearing this.

Still a little unconvinced.

The students in the brain spirit class, especially Kuang Ling, have not finished yet.

A student from a lower-level class actually finished first?

And it’s so perfect?

The most important thing is that Kuang Ling and the others just need to think about the ideas.

The students in the lower-level class have to do practical work!

“Your Highness, the Princess, look!”

Zang Kong hurriedly projected a projection upon hearing this.

The dozen or so teachers in the examination committee in the room also looked over again with their throats moving.

From their eyes.

You can clearly see the remaining shock.

It seems that they can’t believe that they can answer like this!

Kuang Yue is looking at the video in front of her at this moment, and her eyes become serious after just the first picture.

“It’s right to build a spaceship. This is the first step.”

“But why is he so fast?”

“Although students in the lower-level classes need to take spaceship manufacturing classes.”

“But he is too skilled, isn’t he!?”

Kuang Yue was surprised subconsciously.

The speed at which Shen Fei built the spaceship in the picture was so fast that she felt her scalp tingling.

Even if there were various templates, it was not a real spaceship.

But Shen Fei’s dazzling movements made her almost unable to see clearly.

“Wait, this is!”

“What is he doing!?”

Before the surprise passed.

Kuang Yue suddenly widened her eyes again.


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