In the picture, Shen Fei finished assembling the spacecraft on the simulation screen.

Another part of the spaceship was removed.

Moreover, the most critical parts of the power and engine have been removed.

“Isn’t the template given in the exam the most advanced?”

“Is he planning to dismantle it and build a power transmission device and engine by himself?”

If Shen Fei wants to make changes in the dark matter energy reactor.

Kuang Yue would not be so surprised.

Because what she originally expected was to be in this promotion exam.

Someone can improve energy conversion efficiency.

This will then provide them with ideas for building a higher-level energy supply pile.

But Shen Fei did the opposite.

Don’t start with the energy supply pile at all.

Instead, we started with the power transmission and engine aspects, which really made Kuang Yue a little confused.

The Kodak Empire’s power and engine templates are already the most advanced.

She didn’t believe that Shen Fei could make a breakthrough in this area.

“Your Royal Highness, you will know after reading this.”

Hear Kuang Yue’s confused words.

The old Zang Kong couldn’t help but clenched his hands tightly and said.

It seemed that what came next was the most shocking moment for him and everyone on the examination committee.

When Kuang Yue heard this, she suppressed her curiosity and continued to look at the exam video in front of her with a frown.

It was just as dazzling as the previous assembly of the spaceship.

The movements of Shen Fei’s hands were still frighteningly fast.

It didn’t take long for him to successfully modify the power transmission device and engine parts he designed.

But in addition, Shen Fei obviously also made some changes to other parts of the spacecraft.

It’s just that Shen Fei’s hand speed is too fast.

And because it is in the virtual space.

So she didn’t see what else Shen Fei had changed.

That’s it, only two and a half hours.

Shen Fei pressed the submit button.

Immediately afterwards, the examination system began to test the answer sheet handed over by Shen Fei.

I saw the spaceship modified by Shen Fei flying at warp speed.

Traveling through the vast space of hundreds of thousands of light years.

Seeing this, Kuang Yue couldn’t help but show horror in her eyes.

Although their system testing process is accelerated.

It’s not really necessary for that spacecraft to cover the five million light-year round trip distance.

But the above has clearly marked the warp speed flight efficiency of the spacecraft modified by Shenfei.

Three hundred light years per second.

Let’s put aside the application of Level 4 civilization technology.

The curvature engine modified by Shen Fei is currently the fastest in the application of Level 3 civilization technology.

The fastest warp engine in their Kodama Empire can only reach a distance of 265 light-years per second.

Shen Fei’s speed was 35 light years faster than them.

Don’t underestimate these 35 light years.

The Kodak Empire invests an unknown amount of money every year to research and improve the curvature engine.

Being able to move up a light-year or two is considered a breakthrough.

The curvature engine that Shen Fei spent less than an hour modifying directly increased the speed by more than thirty light years per second.

How could this not shock Kuang Yue.

But see here.

Kuang Yue’s frown still didn’t relax.

Because there was one more thing she couldn’t figure out.

That’s the way warp drive flies, and it’s not energy efficient.

It is also a distance of hundreds of thousands of light years.

The curvature engine flying method consumes much more energy than the normal flying method.

The general energy consumption ratio is about 5:1.

The six-star scientists at Tianshen Castle were designing this test question.

Already thought of this.

So if the whole journey is to use the curvature engine to fly.

Then the resources they provide are simply not enough to fly five million light years back and forth.

Resource utilization is the clear theme of this test question.

It is also the most difficult place to solve.

And Shen Fei obviously didn’t want his modified spacecraft to always use the curvature engine to fly.

Otherwise he would not have spent only one-tenth of the energy.

This is what I am thinking about.

Kuang Yue continued reading patiently.

Five million light years, and now we have gone not even 200,000 light years.

She was actually slightly looking forward to the next operation of the spacecraft.

“Or keep flying in warp?”

“But almost one-fifth of the energy has been consumed?”

Seeing that the spaceship modified by Shen Fei in the picture did not stop after using the curvature engine, Kuang Yue couldn’t help but pursed her lips.

On the side, Zang Kong and other people from the examination committee were waiting.

Then he stared intently at the cast in front of him.

Video recording.

Right now.

The scene suddenly changed.

The spacecraft modified by Shen Fei suddenly emerged from space and entered a space wormhole.

The spacecraft began to rapidly zoom closer to the distance of five million light-years in the space wormhole at a speed of 3,000 light-years per second.

See this scene.

Zang Kong and the dozen or so examination committee members all took a deep breath.

There was an expression of finally feeling comfortable on his face.

It seemed that this was the scene they had been waiting for.

Kuang Yue, who was standing by the side, couldn’t help but exclaimed.

The expression on his face could not remain as calm as before.

“This, how is this possible!?”

“He, how on earth did he do it!?”

“It is impossible to detect the existence of a space wormhole during the curvature flight of the spacecraft.”

“This is a paradox, a paradox!”

Kuang Yue said in horror.

The five million light-year round trip distance must use the naturally existing space wormholes in the universe.

When designing this test question, this was the answer she and the six-star scientists from the Wood Spirit Empire thought of.

The real technical difficulty lies in the fact that naturally available space wormholes are not available everywhere.

Self-flying and searching are required.

The gap in between is the real cause of insufficient energy.

She needs to let the lower class students do it.

It is to increase the utilization of inherent energy and find those space wormholes.

The search for space wormholes can only be done through the stupid method of detecting pieces of space.

And the space cannot have any fluctuations.

This has been the rule for millions of years.

This is common sense in the minds of all Imperial University students.

Rao Shi is no exception to Kuang Yue.

But now.

Shen Fei broke this common sense in front of them.

Under the curvature engine flight state, space is inherently extremely volatile.

And in this case.

The spaceship modified by Shen Fei actually seemed to know where the natural wormhole was.

He got in directly.

This is completely beyond Kuang Yue’s cognition!

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