He stared straight at the projected video in front of him.

I saw Shen Fei modifying the spaceship in the same way several times.

After flying out of a space wormhole, it immediately flew through thousands of light years at a curvature.

Entered the next space wormhole again.

The expression on Kuang Yue’s face was completely numb.

For the first time, she felt that someone’s talent was comparable to Kuang Ling’s.

“Where are the detailed diagrams of the power transmission device and curvature engine he modified?”

“Find it and show it to me.”

After a moment, Kuang Yue spoke hurriedly.

After hearing Kuang Yue’s words, Zang Kong immediately found the diagram for Kuang Yue.

But he and the dozen or so teachers on the examination committee looked at each other.

The weirdness and horror in his eyes became more intense.

“Her Royal Highness the Princess.”

“This illustration doesn’t actually mean anything.”

“Because even if we can create exactly the same power and engine device.”

“It can’t be done like this video.”

“Because it is possible to directly find natural space wormholes in a state of curvature flight.”

“This is supposed to be a spatial resonance technology.”

“The most critical of these is the spatial value.”

“And every piece of space has different values.”

“This candidate directly loaded his calculation data into the power and engine device.”

“But we don’t know how he came up with this calculated data.”

Zangkong said with a slight tremor in his voice.

He has learned a lot today.

The Imperial University has been established for millions of years.

Class promotion exams have been held countless times.

This was the first time he had seen such an amazing and talented person.

Compare with Shen Fei.

The geniuses of the Imperial University in the past suddenly dimmed.

“The amazing thing is not the power and engine device.”

“But his calculation!?”

“What is this candidate’s name?”

“Are you a new student at Imperial University?”

“Are they the ones I know?”

After hearing this, Kuang Yue took a few deep breaths and forced herself to calm down.

Every year, the admission of new students to Imperial University starts from the lower class.

No matter how talented you are.

And among the many students in the lower classes every year, there are always a few that she can catch her eye on.

However, she feels that there is not much difference among the few talented lower class students this year compared to previous years.

So she really couldn’t figure out who made her look away.

It could surprise even her, the only seven-star scientist in the Wood Spirit Empire.


“Her Royal Highness the Princess.”

“Not the ones you know.”

“This candidate is a bit special. I don’t know if you have heard of him.”

“Before this, he had taken four class promotion exams.”

“But every time he failed to even reach the passing mark.”

“He has now been at Imperial University for twenty-five years.”

“His name is Shelby. He is a student in the second class of the lower class. He comes from the remote Earth River system.”

“Oh, by the way, the Tuhe Galaxy has just entered the second level of civilization.”

“And because of the lack of resources, most of the area there is desolate.”

Zang Kong clicked his tongue.

He had heard Shelby’s name a few times.

The tutors of several junior classes even asked him for advice on whether to expel Shelby from Imperial University.

After all, he failed the exam four times.

This is really embarrassing to Imperial University.

And he rejected the proposals of the tutors of the lower classes on the grounds that it was not easy to enter the Imperial University in a remote galaxy.

But Zangkong never dreamed of it.

This is the last class promotion exam.

‘Shelby’ actually gave him and even Kuang Yue a scare.

This answer sheet is perfect.

Even Kuang Yue, a seven-star scientist, couldn’t figure it out.

Even in a sense.

‘Shelby’ alone pushed all the students in the brain class in the other laboratory to the ground and rubbed them.

After all, Kuang Yue was leaving before.

But even Kuang Ling didn’t come up with the answer.

“Shelby? A student who has been in the lower class for twenty-five years?”

Kuang Yue’s face was stunned when she heard this.

Then she couldn’t help but feel a little ridiculous.

But soon, Kuang Yue’s expression calmed down.

“Principal Zangkong.”

“It seems that you have far underestimated this student from a remote galaxy.”

“If I’m not mistaken.”

“He probably has the strength to enter the intermediate class or even the advanced class.”

“For more than 20 years, he has been studying hard in the low-level class and has laid a very solid foundation.”

“That’s why he has made such a splash today.”

“Although in my opinion, it’s a bit of a waste of talent for him to stay in the low-level class.”

“But geniuses and lunatics are the same kind of people.”

“His crazy behavior has indeed shocked us, hasn’t it?”

“Call him over, I want to see him in person.”

At the end.

A trace of hope flashed through Kuang Yue’s eyes.

Although she didn’t think ‘Shelby’ could help the Mu Ling Empire solve the problem of the giant source of gravity.

But now at this time, she can meet a genius.

It will definitely help solve the problem of life and death of the Mu Ling Empire.

“Your Highness, the Princess.”

“Shelby may not be able to come to see you for the time being.”

Just then.

Zang Kong stuttered.

Kuang Yue raised her head and said subconsciously:



“Because after he completed the exam from the beginner class to the intermediate class, he did not choose to leave the virtual cabin immediately.”

“He continued to take the exam from the intermediate class to the advanced class.”

“You know, according to the rules.”

“As long as you don’t leave the virtual cabin, you can keep taking the exam.”

Zang Kong spoke slowly, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

He knew that Kuang Yue would be shocked again.

In the history of the Imperial University.

Kuang Yue is the ruthless person who skipped grades.

She once created a feat that has never been done before and will never be done again.

She skipped three grades from the intermediate class to the brain spirit class.

But Kuang Yue also completed an exam first and then took the next exam when it was due.

Like Shen Fei, who didn’t even take out the virtual cabin and directly took the next upgrade exam.

Looking at the history of the entire Imperial University for millions of years, there is no second one.

Of course, there is energy consumption and the need for rest.

But more importantly, it is a matter of time.

When Kuang Yue took the upgrade exam, the exam time was fifteen days.

Although Kuang Yue completed the submission of the paper ahead of time.

It also took ten days.

There was not enough time for her to continue to complete the exam from the advanced class to the light class.

After all, fifteen days minus ten days, there are only five days left.

The virtual cabin will not refresh the time just because she entered the next stage of the exam.

And Shen Fei took three hours in eight days of the exam.

This ruthless behavior made Kuang Yue a little dazed for a while.

Who is the best student in the history of the Imperial University?

“Please bring me his exam video.”

“If I remember correctly.”

“The test question for the intermediate class to the advanced class is the problem of finite energy escaping from the gravity of a huge black hole.”

“This is not so easy to solve.”

Kuang Yue said.

The expectation in his eyes became more and more intense.


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