Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 10 - 08: The Mages Ember

The question that made me fired up about the things to come sparked another curiosity inside of me.

Making our way towards The Mages Ember this curiosity made me think of how different it would be there in comparison to The Martial Novices Guild.

Walking through the ever so majestic and grand Guildhall I couldn't help being fascinated by the way it was built and decorated inside once more.

Amaris took the lead as she knew her way around this unimaginable huge building. Following her and not looking in front of me as I was completely taken in by the uniqueness of the interior, one of the beginning adventurers ran into me as she did not look where she was walking either.


The girl cried out in shock by the impact.


Because of the impact, we both dropped to the floor.

I grabbed on to the girl and turned with my back to the floor bracing for the impact making sure she would not get hurt. She dropped her staff because of this as she began apologizing while at the same time curling up in a ball on top of me. I noticed she was all dressed in white and dropped her scepter? It was hard to move as she was laying on top of me still apologizing.

The curious thing about her dress was that it had crystal decorations all over the bottom and sleeves of her dress.

Trying to get up quickly finding out it was inevitably impossible with the girl on top.

I looked in front of me. Stunned by the sight in front of me.

I noticed she was in a rather awkward position.

Rewarding me with the possibility to look under her dress which made me blush as it would any man having a beautiful lady on top off them.

Being the gentleman that I am and not wanting to be seen as a creep or pervert. Knowing that we couldn't do anything about the situation we got ourselves in,

I and looked away. Although, curiosity began getting the better of me struggling to give in I was bȧrėly able to keep my gaze away. The best course of action would be for both of us to go on our way. I replied to the girl on top of me.

"It's okay... don't worry. I didn't look where I was heading either. But could you please get off of me so I can get on my way?

"I am terribly sorry, please don't hurt me..."

The girl looked away, bracing herself for the terror that overpowered her mind. She looked really frightened.

She didn't know how to react, tears welled up in her eyes being on the verge of crying. I thought she was like a defenseless little kitten all terrified of the unknown burying her face into the palms of her hands. I needed to make her feel at ease and decided to gently pet her head.

At first, she braced for impact thinking she might get hurt, yet in an instant realizing that I did not mean to hurt her.

She had short green hair that turned darker the lower the hair went. As she looked up I could see her gemlike eyes. Sapphire blue like the deep dark sea with a faint light blue glow to them. It gave me the feeling as if I was a fish that looked up at a cloudless sky during a warm sunny day.

"Don't worry about it. It's okay. I won't hurt you."

I smiled at her as I bent down to pick up her scepter.

The specter had the same color patterns as her dress being all white with a golden top in the form of an eagle wing. Although, I think it would be more accurate calling them angelic wings that held a gem. Blue like the see, darker than ice.

The stone on top of a Sapphire, not a normal one perhaps, I could feel the water flowing inside of it.

"Here you go, this must be yours."

I handed the scepter to the girl. Luckily she calmed down quite a bit.

The girl kindly accepted her scepter as she stood up.

The girl gave me a thankful bow and joyfully ran off to the quest board. I looked as she clumsily jumped up to grab her quest and went on my way towards The Mages Ember.

What could have made the girl so terrified?

Something wasn't right,

knowing I couldn't do anything for her as I was now I decided to let it rest for now.

"Follow me, Michael, we have to go through the crowd all the way to the center of the Guildhall."

It seemed I had fallen behind a little as I Amaris was visible in the distance. She turned around and looked a bit agitated as she needed to finish this ȧssignment as soon as possible.

"Wait for me! I'm on my way!" I yelled to her trying to catch up with her. Relieved I saw her waiting, she looked irritated, yet even if she was agitated she was still beautiful.

Standing next to her I had to react to the way she looked at me.

"You know... even when you are irritated you shine brightly like the fireflies in the forests."

"Hmm... flattery won't get us to the Guild Michael, we need to hurry. The Guild Masters are a busy bunch. If you would follow me, please. And try not to get sidetracked again..."

She pulled a pouty face and turned around to conceal her blushing cheeks.

Going through the center of the Guildhall I noticed that the interior kept changing little by little, glowing stones was turned off in this part of the hall.

Did it fell a bit more Grimm? Mysterious was a better way to describe it. The once golden tiles now brass and stone gave off a cold and eery vibe to our surroundings.

"It isn't crowded at the entrance... What might be the reason?"

Amaris picked up the pace in this part of the hall as the interior became shadier the closer we ventured further to the back. It feels like we were venturing through a dungeon of some sort.

Something must be wrong here and I bet she knows what is causing it. "Amaris, what is..."

She stopped at the sight of a huge metal coated wooded gate. "Phew! We are finally here... this took us forever!" She said at a relieved tone. Stretching her back and arms. The door had a circular design.

"Amaris... what might the reason for the different interior design be?" She turned to me with an uncanny smile as she noticed I was worried about something.

"It feels like something isn't right, doesn't it?"

I nodded being a little confused about the way she reacted.

"The area here is known as the back area of the Guildhall, it has been neglected for centuries giving it the run down, eery ruined feel to it that it has.

There might even be rats here now that I think about it." Amaris jokingly said as a silent laugh escaped her mouth.

"Luckily the Magic Guild could establish their guild here last year gaining enough funds to clean up the dusty design of the area."

Amaris knocked on the door making a creating a dull thud that echoed through the empty hallway behind us. Silence, we couldn't hear a thing for seconds.

*click* *taka taka taka* *click*

The silence was broken by an oddly familiar sound.


As we were fixated on the circular shape we saw to our surprise that it was moving. First only the outer layer turned around its own shape moving clockwise. Then the smaller circle in the middle began turning at a higher speed moving in the other direction. Counterclockwise.

I fancied the way this worked as it piqued my interest.

Captivated by its golden glow I could have sworn the circular shape became more sphere-like.

Inside the outer and middle golden turning layers appeared some kind of blazing unknown tune script that lighted up the entire design. As the circular shape became all the more captivating the inner circle looked like it came out of the door creating a glowing blue sphere. "This must be one of those magic crystal, right?"

At the moment I asked my question the sphere began projecting an image. It looked like a man. A scholar maybe? It startled me as it began to speak in a polite manner.

"Lady Amaris, please state your business..."

"We Arrived at Sir Bronsbuckle, I have the previously mentioned Adventurer with me."

"The one with the peculiar affinity? I'll let Lady Darkfire know of your arrival."

*Creeeeaaaaak* *Thud*

"Someone should really lubricate the hinges again. It seems it was done ages ago, since last time!"

Amaris mumbled to herself as we made our way through the massive wooden door.

The instant we got to the other side of the wooden door, oddly enough the same uncanny feeling rushed through my veins like when we entered the premise of the Fighter Guild Master. Being outside again.

Or so I thought. The bright and pleasant sunlight embraced me. Filling me with warmth. We were outside. Actually outside! It felt like deja vu, although something was different.

I couldn't put my finger on it as I got distracted by the view in front of us.

A huge tower was visible in covering the back of the Guildhall in its entirety.

The sun momentarily blinded me, who wouldn't get blinded after walking in a poorly lit hallway?

As I stood there taking in the view, it excited me to know the existence of magic was real. How did it work? What did it look like? And why did it get implemented the way it did?

We went inside, I followed Amaris while thinking about the concept of magic. The inside was extraordinary and in a way mysterious and uncanny.

Mostly because it was all a new experience for me, I tried to take in as much as possible before we left each floor walking up the stairs to the next.

"Brace yourself, Michael, because this will take a while," Amaris said with a sigh leaving her throat.

"We have to walk all the way to the top?"

Amaris nodded and screamed loudly in frustration.

"Aaaaagh. This will take forever..."

She threw up her fists in the air as she vowed to get the promotion by the end of the month.

After we have visited the Guild Master here we will be 2/3rd of the way. I wonder what the Guildmaster would be like. Could it be a wise old man? Or perhaps a Mature and sėxy older lady? I fancied the second thought as we left for the 10th floor.

As we walked up through the different floors,

the uncanny and mysterious feeling gradually disappeared. Replaced by a sense of admiration for the technological and magical content of the interior.

"Yes! We have arrived at the main hall."

Passing through the hallway I saw an overwhelming amount of magic Crystal's on the walls and ceiling of the hall. The ceiling, in particular, was special.

Giving off the illusion and believe one walked through the open air, yet having the warmth and coziness of the indoors.

Magic Crystals as far as my vision could reach.

To my surprise, even groups of people were testing the use of unknown rare crystal as we passed by.

Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, even Lightning was being controlled by these so-called gems. What kind of awesome things would I be able to do with them?

As I lost myself in my imagination I did not notice the person closing in behind me. A thief rushed by and pushed the person towards me trying to escape.


"Ouch... look out who you push bastard! I swear beastmen can't be trusted these days... One moment they try to grope you and rip off your clothes.

The other they get frustrated and push you into an unaware bystander. Rushing towards something shiny or edible. Damn Vulgar Dogs!!" A woman yelled rather close to me.

It felt heavy as I opened my eyes, curious about the person who crashed into me without any recoil nor resistance. Wanting to raise my head there seemed to be some resistance. Yet the feel of it was not like any other I had experienced before. Well, maybe once. But this feeling was in a league of its own.

"What do we have here under me? The unaware bystander?" The woman said teasingly.

I tried to answer, at that moment any attempt seemed futile. Struggling to get my words through I gasped for air.

"A cute one at that. Who might you be young one?"

The woman put a bit more weight onto her ċhėst burying my face even more.

Gasping for air as I got pulverized under them, I tried to raise my hand to stand up grabbing the what seemed to me like an unknown object in front of me.

It was firm yet soft and squeezy. I kept squeezing as I tried to push them away from my face.

"Everyone likes my darlings, what do you think of them?" The Woman kept toying with me. I began losing consciousness having a lag of air in my lungs.

Amaris didn't hear me talking anymore and looked behind her.

Shocked by the display behind her she rushed to my aid.

"Christine!! What are you doing to the new potential Adventurer?!

Can't you see he is suffocating under your buzzoms?! Get off of him this instant!"

She grabbed Christine her arms and attempted to pull her off of me.

"No! I found him first... You can get yourself another man somewhere else!"

Christine stood up giving me a brief moment to fill my lungs with oxygen.

While they were fighting over me, I could only think of being still alive.

I tried standing up looking in front of me. First with both hands and knees on the ground.

I attempted to stand up completely as I got a glimpse of the exotic woman in front of me. Completely dressed in white, having the same pattern as the others in the tower.

Christine wore what could be seen as a traditional Chinese sleeveless dress bȧrėly hitting the pot of her knees. This way she could show off her long and sėxy legs.

On her arms, she wore pink and purple bracelets which seemed to give off a metallic and faint glow. Her nails, just like her eyes which seemed to be the perfect blend of Pink & Purple. At that moment I could swear there was a separate universe inside of them.

The thing I noticed about her hair is that it looked short as it only seemed to reach her neck, yet I mistakenly missed her ponytail. I could clearly see her having pointy ears meaning she was not human. Even if she didn't have pointy ears her horns that passed through her fascinatingly large hat would give it away altogether.

The hat followed the same design pattern as her dress managing it was completely white with golden decorations on it. These decorations were mostly on the edge of the hat and moved to the top in a circular motion.

I don't know why, but she wore heels with a five-centimeter extension block underneath.

Probably to make her look taller more feminine and sėxy. Mainly to get the attention of men. "Well, you got my attention," I said laughing. As I still lay on the ground I scratched the back of my head.

"Mooaaahh, you really are cute, let me give you a hug."

The woman leaned in to hug me throwing her cleavage in my face yet again.

"Christine! Michael here got summoned by your Guild Master, please stop teasing and distracting him... could you appoint us to the right room? Amaris asked while trying to stay professional.

"You are no fun girl... I mean look at the boy, I could eat him alive." Christine said as a tempting sinister grin formed on her face. Shivers went down my spine as while I imagined what she could do to me. Would she really eat me? I bet she meant something else. "Since it is by the orders of Sir Lancelot, I will have to accompany you both to his quarters. Amaris helped me up while at the same time Christine took the lead, teasing me yet again by twirling her ȧss to the left and right. She noticed that my eyes were fixated on them and slapped her right ȧss cheek really hard as she turned her head to continue being a tease. She put her pinky in her mouth trying to be all cute.

Saying in a sėxy and ėrȯtɨċ way. "You want to do that too, don't you? Bad Boy..."

She slapped her left buŧŧ cheek and grabbed her ȧss tight to finish the tease moving on to the Master Quarters.

On the way there I was completely entranced by Christine as I could not stop thinking about the things she could do to me, making my feelings long for her all the more.

Jealous about the fact that my attention went completely to Christine, Amaris tried to get my attention grabbing me by the arm burying it completely in her ċhėst as she held my hand.

Her other arm went around my neck completely snapping me out of my trans.

Noticing this Christine couldn't help but laugh about Amaris her jealousy. Walking through the 10th floor with the ladies as we needed to be at the center.

Christine told us that the Masters Quarters could be found there as she worked part-time as an ȧssistant for the grandmaster.

Groups of people passed us by. Carrying wooden crates. Wondering about the contents I asked Christine and Amaris about them in the most polite manner I could think of.

"Ladies, may I ask what the hidden contents of the crates may be?"

"You can have this one Christine, seeing as you work in The Mages Ember," Amaris answered nonchalantly.

"I gladly accept your offer girl. You see Michael, these crates contain either large amounts of low-grade Crystal's obtained in the process of exchange by the adventurers through the Guildhall. The other possibility could be a large rare crystal that gets brought to us for examination and extraction. Seeing what powers it may hold and if it's possible to utilize them completely. These "deliverymen" as they are called are of the utmost importance to us here in Sharoo, yet they do deliver around the globe."

"That indeed seems fascinating Christine, when we are done visiting the Grand Master could I ask of you to personally show me one of these Crystals?

You see I am a  complete beginner and like to examine one to understand the basis of magic better before I start hunting creatures for them."

"Hmm... I don't know if we have time for that Michael." Amaris answered worrying about the time for the appointments.

"Maybe The Grand Master herself might be willing to show you the latest crystal that arrived at the end of our meeting. If not, I would gladly show you mine when you have finished your meeting with the Rogues Association dear." Christine immediately tried to work in a favor knowing I had to repay that at a later date.

Walking through a shallow hallway Magic Crystals glowed and paintings of mythical and magical creatures I had never seen before in my life, decorated the walls. Birds flew over our heads as they had a nest somewhere at the top of the Crystals. I tried to see where the birds went bumping onto Christine. She stopped with a dazzling twirl.

"We have arrived." She said bowing down towards me. Turning towards the door she winked at me giving of the sign that she was trying to flirt with me.

She made me blush and look away.

After the confirmation of my reaction, she lifts her hand and held it still on one of the magical orbs in the door.

"Scanning hand signature... signature confirmed. Welcome, Christine Darkfire."

The door unlocked with a subtle click.


"Welcome to the Magical Lab young one, here all the magic Crystals from around Sharoo get delivered to us for examination and experimenting. On our left, you can see some of our mages analyzing the attributes of the crystal. While on the right... Christine stopped talking and gestured for us to look through the glass doors.

Looking through the glass door I could see mages trying out new crystals experimenting the use in battle.

Seeing how one of the two battling mages summoned a blazing serpent to attack the other, it got me fired up to see how the other reacted by summoning a rock golem to guard against the serpent as the mages prepared to shoot ice shards towards his opponent.

The other mage jumped and rolled to the side to try and dodge the ice shards instantly reacting with the speed of lighting to close the distance.

Closing in through the blind spot of the golem the other mage passed it in an instant. Charging at her opponent with orbs of fire that hurled towards him distracting him and the golem so she could close in and seal the deal.

In the end, the fire mage won by immobilizing her opponent as the other mage was too focused on the golem and the fire orbs that got hurled towards him.

"Wow! That's fascinating. The fire mage had the other mage on the ropes." Christine led the way of letting us know we had to continue to the Masters Quarters. This was close to the Crystal Lab we were right now.

Following Christine, I wondered what I would be able to do if I ever obtained my own elemental abilities or crystals. Remembering correctly they told me I have a special talent for the so-called elements.

I better study as hard as I can, as I get to know my way around all of this if I want to be of use to anyone in this world.

I balled my fist raising my head being proud of the fact that I got a second chance at life. I heavy feeling pieced through my heart as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Seeing how I got fired up Amaris laughed silently in herself. "I have a feeling you will do great things in this world, Michael. Now proof to us all that this feeling about you is not lying."

As we passed through the last door I realized I had been crying. Embarrassed about this I hoped no one caught me in the act. To make sure I looked at both the girls. Christine was proudly standing next to me in the doorway. "It seems she didn't see it... What about Amaris?" I turned to the left as a feeling of dread overpower me.

She has seen it! She has seen me cry. Why else would she be looking at me with those prideful eyes trying to contain her ecstatic expression? I breathed in deep and slowly trying to make sense of the situation I was in. "Why do I worry about this? You're in a different world. Let them think of you whatever they want. You can do this!"

I took her expression in a positive way as my mind calmed down the feeling of dread turned in confidence. "Grand Master will soon be ready to meet you, Michael," Christine said in a calm and secure tone. "Please wait here as she will join us shortly."

I nodded and sat down in the comfortable leather chair continuing my delusion of confidence. Amaris and Christine had both left the room briefing me about the situation.

minutes went by idly relaxing and thinking back about my past life where I never had a chance like this. I had to create as many opportunities as possible. Moving forward as I go. Lost in thought half an hour had passed. The room felt the same as before, calm and empty. Being Relaxed as I was, noticing the woman in the room was proven to be impossible. She had entered the room shortly and moved towards her desk without me noticing. The woman coughed breaking my trance.

*Cough* *Cough*

I jumped up in surprise I fell down on the chair with my head on the floor towards the ceiling. It was magnificent. Clouds? There were clouds inside of the room. Crystals floated in the air as I looked further I thought I saw a small bird on the top of one of the crystals. As our eyes met the bird suddenly caught fire, turning to ashes.

"Magnificent isn't it? They go on to rise from their ȧsses living a life of eternal reincarnation. Kind of morbid if you ask me. Always feeling the pain of death, yet never allowing the eternal slumber that comes with it." I looked up as there seemed to be someone else in the room. "Dear me, it's rather morbid to talk about the life cycle of a phoenix. I am The Grand Master of The Mages Ember, Lady Ivy Von Thornfeather Pleased to make your acquaintance. I looked up still being in a rather uncomfortable position. The Gentle, yet Mature lady reached out with her hand. Offering to help me stand up as I was laying in a weird position on the chair. my head lay on the ground with my vision towards the ceiling, my legs lifted up in the air as my arms lay above my head on the ground. "Let me help you up."

As I reached for her hand accepting her help, I introduced myself. "I'm Shadowfang, Michael Shadowfang. It is truly an honor to meet you Lady Thornfeather.

It is truly an honor to meet you Lady Thornfeather." I grabbed her hand firmly feeling her grip tightening as I tried to get up. Looking at the position I lay in, getting up proved to be difficult. Ivy sighed.


"What to do.. what to do?" Ivy chuckled asking this question.

She held her arms in an open embrace towards me before I noticed what was happening purple and green vines reached around the chair I was laying on. I noticed thorns on the vines. This struck fear into my heart as I did not want to get hurt. Afraid I would get hurt by the thorns I stayed still as much as possible. The vines tightly gripped onto the chair, gently turning it over. Now I was in a better position to stand up. The vines retracted as they covered Lady Thornfeather her arms. Standing up I noticed just how stunning Ivy looked.

"Now that I finally have your attention let me begin to ask if you know why we, in particular, requested an audience with you, Michael. I take it, my ȧssistant, Christine informed you about the summoning?"

I turned my head in confusion telling her what I knew.

"To be honest Lady Thornfeather the only thing I know of is the fact of the three guilds wanting to speak to me about my peculiar affinity for magic. Then again, lady Darkfire only teased me while she brought us here."

"Oh! The nerve of that woman! You entrust her to do a few jobs and she returns finishing only one... On top of that, it seems her own pŀėȧsurė is more important?!

No matter... the importance is that you have arrived on time, I'll have to have a word with her when we are done. Seeing you don't know the full reason I requested your presence here, it would only be fitting to explain the matter at hand, right?

Please take a seat."

Ivy gestured toward the chair in front of her desk. Walking past me and sitting down she bent forward closing her hands together.

"Let us continue with the matter at hand. We requested an audience with all the summoned adventurers of the Obelisk, to see if there might be some willing to fight for the survival of this world."

"This seems rather serious, do tell more.." I answered pride. Curious to know more I listened carefully.

"More than a hundred years ago a thread surfaced in our world. An otherworldy thread if you may. I won't go into too much detail as time is short today, all you need to know for now is that we are still fighting this enemy as we speak.

What I would like to ask of you is after getting your adventurers license to enroll in the Academy of Primal Elements learning to hone your skills and abilities and fight the thread at hand. Once arrived at the academy you will learn more about the history of Arganthes as this is a common introduction for the academy.

If you might be willing you will gain empty magic crystal of the guild allowing you to store up to three abilities that can be taken from the spiritual beasts. These crystals will also allow you to tame certain beasts and bond with them more easily.

Basically giving you a small edge in battle. What do you think? Are you willing to help us?"

"I have to say, it all feels rather unreal, wanting my help and even offered me more than I could dream of. Yet, I thought I was thrown in the deep at first, but this doesn't feel that way anymore. I promise to not disappoint you as I myself also want to help the people in this town or even the entire world.

"Thank you, Thank you, Michael! This means so much for Arganthes, you have no idea.

Please follow me to the lab, we can find the crystals there."

we stood up and left for the Crystal Lab. As we left the room we first had to go through Christine her office. She was busy filling in and reading requests for the Magic Guild.

"Christine, come with us to the Crystal Lab. We have to show Michael the basics of using magic."

Christine lay down her work and joined us.

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