Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 9 - 07: The Martial Novices

"The door unlocked with a gentle click. 


I entered first as Amaris said she needed to close the door behind us. Amaris took the lead as she continued to show the way. Looking at the interior of the building it gave the impression that it was indeed small, there might be one or two more rooms other than the entrance, or so I thought. But this observation was quickly proven to be false. We entered room after room. But none were occupied. Some were decorated with traditional Japanese and Chinese interiors having those paper bamboo doors. One even had a small waterfall inside that had a river on the edges of the room. In this room we even needed to cross a small bridge. You could say it was a miniature version of the plains and forest we had been through already. I even noticed the trees being in this room as they decorated the walls of the room.

In the last one there were rocks on the edges that had water pouring over them. I appeared to be a bit hotter in here as I felt the air pressing against me while we entered.

"We are here... you go in first Michael.

The Guild Master is waiting for you."

I became nervous knowing Amaris was being formal with me as we entered the Guild Master's office.

As I entered first like the last few rooms Amaris closed the doors behind us, these were more traditional wooden door and closed shut with a heavy thud.


"I see you brought the promising young one with you."

A gentle and deep voice sounded from the other side of the room.

Amaris kneeled down and began talking in a respectful manner.

"Yes master, I have brought him to you first.

Just as discussed. This is one of the summoned ones that entered through the Obelisk of Summoning a few days ago."

I looked at Amaris in disbelieve as I concluded that I actually did not know much about her, before gentle and kind hearted. Now she felt more mȧturė and serious. Was she still the same person? 

"Good... You finally came through Amaris.

Please, introduce yourself young one."

Amaris signed that I needed to kneel down and introduce myself.

Even thought I did not see anyone in front of us the voice we heard felt mȧturė and judging from the way Amaris was acting seemed to be from high status and nobility.

"My name is Michael, sir. Michael Shadowfang.

I have come here to learn what I can for my journey to come. Amaris here told me the Three Guild Masters requested an audiance with me as my results appeared to be rather unusual? 

"Yes... yes, Beardal and Amaris personally informed us about your test results. You seem to have a rare talent to learn any kind of Elemental Magic. 

We thought it wouldn't hurt to see if you might also have the same talent for combat experience in general. Amaris here thought it would be best to introduce you to the basics of combat in general hence why the first stop is The Martial Novices here."

It sounded as if the voice closed in on us. Yet I did not know what to expect. As I glanced towards Amaris I knew something was up. Here mȧturė and serious composure was falling apart as she was looking in front of her and seemed to struggle not to fall out in laughter.

As I looked in front of me it seemed that the Guild Master had joined our presence. The entity that was standing in front of us as much as it tried did not look human in any way. The only resemblance it had with us was the fact that it was standing on two legs while standing straight up.

It appeared to have fur and was standing with its hands behind it's back. In all earnisty I did not understand why Amaris was struggling so much as the majestic creature closed in on us I felt a mȧturė and slightly intimidating aura coming off of it.

"I can't take it anymore master, you are just so damn cute. Please let me hug you." Amaris cried out trying to contain herself.

The creature was now close enough to see what it resembled. Standing proud on two legs was a tiger like humanoid. It looked down upon us with pride as I could clearly hear it make spinning noises.

*purr* *purr*

It became clear why Amaris was acting this way.

As the creature had a mighty and mȧturė air about it, its calm demeanor made him look cute. As I closed in on the Master I could see his garments and realised what the entire building structure was modeled after. 

"Its a Shoalin Temple, that's so cool!"

As I continue to reach out without thinking.

I scratched under its chin. Master seemed to like the scratching as it began to make louder noises while I continued. Amaris looked up to all the commotion.

"This is not fair... it was finally my chance to pet master!" "Aghum... could you please stop that Michael so we can look to the matter at hand. You?"

Suprised I stopped. I looked in awe as the Tiger slowly turned into a man, the fur became like skin while the claws retracted and turned into fingers. Even its tail was not visible anymore.

"In time you will learn to harness the same kind of powers, gaining a special bond with your spirit animal. But for now let me tell you why I in particular requested an audience with you Michael.

You see... even if we might have lots of pupils, students or apprentices to our disposal, it requires special talent to bond with these spirits. If we look at you in particulair there have only been a hand full of people like you. As of right now you are but a beginner. Yet, if the affinity results are correct you might be the real deal.

In time we have to ȧssign you a private tutor in each guild once you visited the others, getting to know you better as we will teach you the basics of Martial Arts, Magic and Concealment. Other than that there is a basic concept about the drawing of energy from the soul."

It felt like the man kept rambling on and on.

"We will do our best, so we hope you will help us in the future."

I nodded in understanding.

"Since you understand the reason why I wanted an audience with you, it would be best to let you consider the possibilities on you own as you go on your way for now."

As I stood up, I ended the meeting by bowing down and turning to leave the scene. When suddenly the man stopped me as it seemed he forgot to tell us something.

"I forgot to tell you that we need to finish this orientation of the guilds before the Adventurers Examination starts. This mean you will have to face hardships in the coming month and learn the basics from the ȧssigned teachers."

"Yes sir, I promise to do my best."

Now finally finished as a token of respect I bowed down one more time and took my leave.

"Phew... That went better than expected."

"It has been a long time that master smiled like that."

"He was a cool old dude. I'm curious what the other Guild Masters will be like."

I laughed as we continued on our way.

What else might this world have to offer me?

I marvelled by the idea of it and got fired up by the thought overpowering my body with curiosity.

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