Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 12 - 10: The Rogues Assosiation

"You've had enough fun for the day Michael. We better focus on the meeting ahead of us.

The Association is last on our list, but they also had to wait the longest."

"I can't wait to see what this Guild has to show us Amaris. Seeing as each Guild was way different."

"Looking at how the other two visits went I am guessing this should be the most surprising one of all. I'm curious what you will choose as your profession when all of this is done, Michael."

Amaris smiled at me as we walked through the hallway to the right side of the building.

At the end of the hall was a gate, again different than the other two. This time although black like the others. The striking detail of a purple multiheaded snake covering the entirety of the gate.

"Hydra!" I said to myself.

"I have to ask Amaris, why is it each Guild has their own animal representing their Guild? Is it like a mascot of some sort?"

"I don't know what you mean when you say "mascot". But what I do know is that with this design they try to win over new recruits, like yourself for example.

That and it shows of their own style. Which I think is really cool."

I laughed at ther innocent opinion passing through the gate. At the other side of the gate is was... colder. It even felt like it was freezing?

The hallway looked different it was all black and shiny. "Black marble?" Because of the color light got absorbed pretty quickly explaining the amount of flames that were placed in the hallway.

Not your average orange flames, but dark purple flames. The glow spread through the shiny marble plates giving off a sinister vibe. You could think it was similar to the vibe we experienced in the hallway towards The Mages Ember, but it was not.

Still sinister, it felt dangerous. More dangerous than what I experienced so far. Killing Intent?

"What is at the end of this hall? It's almost like we are unwanted here."

We are almost there, they do this to keep unwanted visitors away from their Guild. Don't pay it to much attention, Michael."

After walking for quite some time we finally arrived at the end of the hallway. Our path got blocked by a small black door and some flames lighting the doorway with pink flames.

Amaris knocked on the door.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

As the guard from the other side sove open the roster.



"State your business..." a heavy and slow voice pierced through the silence of hallway.

"We came to see the Guild Leader.

My client has an appointment with her.

Amaris showed the guard the black envelop with a purple stamp on it.

"You may enter... please... step aside so I can open the door for you." Following the instructions we took a few steps back allowing the guard to open the door.

To my suprise a cute cat girl opened the door.

That contrast went well with her ears as they were grey in front and black in the back as well.

She had a shallow body. Wearing black leather pants and, a darkblue tank top and a sleeveless leather jacket.

The belt on her pants held all kinds of items and tools. I could see the belt held two knives in the back and something that gave me idea of smokeboms in the back. Her tail was visible too. Long and slender just like her. It curled up in a playful manner.

Her wrists had brown buckle belts on them, I thought it looked cool. Her panther were such a tight fit that it accentuated her curves. Same went for the tank top, although it had more breathing room, she had a rather voluptuous ċhėst. As we walked pas her I thought to myself that she must have done that on purpose. I could have sworn she also took a quick glance at me when we walked through the door.

I couldn't see both eyes, but the one I saw was strikingly beautiful. Deep dark blue as if I was looking into an ocean pierced my sight as our eyes met for a brief moment. The other was covered by her hair.

I greeted her. "Hey, thank you for letting us in, I'm curious what we will encounter here."

The girl got shy, looked to the ground and brushed her hair away from her face. Just then I could have sworn that the other eye was a glowing violet cover, one of which I had never seen before.

"Nyan... please stop staring at Yoko master.

Yoko will now show you where you are being expected."

"I have to look at you Yoko, you are just so adorable. forgive my rudeness... let me introduce myself. I'm Michael nice to meet you."

Introducing myself presented an opportunity to hug the adorable girls. Ofcourse I took this chance and made her flinch.

"Let go of Yoko Michael, we are in a hurry. There will plenty of time after the meeting." Amaris annoyingly mentioned.

"What kind of party pooper are you? Couldn't you see she liked the attention?" Amaris rolled her eyes and said, "as do all Nekomata..."

The hallway was quite long,

we must have walked for about twenty minutes now.

Yoko in the lead she happily twirled her buŧŧ to the left and right making her tail dance in the air.

As the cat girl let the way a striking feeling kept bugging me, as if someone was watching me. I looked behind me to verify but, nothing...

I turned to Amaris and tapped her shoulder.

"What is it Michael?"

"are we being watched?"

"I wouldn't be surprised since that could be rather normal here, seeing as this is an ȧssasins guild after all. Just be on your guard, might never know what can happen down here."

Yoko stopped her joyfull dancing as we arrived at a large metallic black door. I had to say it was rather difficult to see, other than the fact that all black objects were shiny spreading the light a bit better and creating a glow all around the hallway.

This one didn't shine like the others.

Rather it absorbed all light that came it's way.

Into one big black wall, creating some sort of void.

Upon closer examination of the door this one showed the same multiheaded snake, what struck me as odd was that the pose of the snake was different.

While on the first door it stood there proud looking up towards the heavens. Almost wishing it could fly amongst the stars. This door showed a more disturbing image as the snake creature was not looking up anymore, rather it had lowered its head towards the ones looking at the door. Almost taunting them to come inside and see what was on the other side. The eyes pierced right through us. But most disturbing of all was the fact that it had corpses on the ground that where ripped open through the middle of their carcass. Almost giving off a warning that we could be next if we where not carefull.

Yoko grabbed the huge doorknob and struck the door.

Yoko pronounced her full name, "I Yoko Vell Blaze have come to bring the appointed to the guildmaster, please let us through. I noticed Yoko also had a buckle belt collar around her neck. As I looked at it, all eyes of the snake pointed towards Yoko. Giving of a fainth purple glow the eyes became brighter and brighter. Until her collar began glowing as well and the door reacted. "Scan complete, you may proceed."

We heard a small click.


Before the door slowly opened up.

As soon as we had entered the door closed behind us. And again I felt eyes burning in my back as if there was someone else in the room.

The room was different than the hallway we just had walked through. Completely decorated with white marble the purple flames gave a more calming feeling to the environment.

"We are here. This is the room guildmaster uses to meet her appointments. Before I got the chance to walk towards the desk and meet the guildmaster I got jumped from behind. It seems I was right. Someone watched us all this time and decided to attack at the possible last moment.

But this was different than I had expected. The one who jumped me didn't attack at all, rather she almost hugged me to death, strangling me with her indulgent ċhėst. "Mreeooouuww... so you are the new summoned one I heard so much about?

A handsome one arrent you? And cute to boot!"

Mustering all my strength in the confusion to gasp for air I unnoticed grabbed the woman her ȧss. Something felt off. Even if it was an amazingly firm buŧŧ she... had a tail? Grabbing ontonit for dear life I hoped this would loosen her grip.

Tightly rubbing it up and down, making sure not to pull. Why? I noticed it must have been a cat like tail and they are always extremely sėnsɨtɨvė.

"Mreeeooowww that's the spot dear! You know your stuff." The woman let go in all of her excitement and I could breath again. But before getting in a full breath she licked my nose in a cute and teasing way.

With a hot heart and heavy ċhėst I tried to collect my thoughts. "Who are you lady? Attacking me from behind... You got me good."

"Young man, I'm the Guild Leader of The Rogues Association Alexandra BuckleClaw pleased to make your acquaintance."

"I'm Shadowfang, Michael Shadowfang. Pleased to meet you Lady BuckleClaw. You asked for our meeting here?"

As I asked it got clear how well formed the lady actually was. Having a tight white dress accentuating her entire body showing off her well formed and toned body. Not like the rest she had a dark skin color further accentuating ever curve and color on her body. Her hair was medium long black and fell straight towards her ċhėst. It also covered one of her eyes with a wavy motion. Her eyes where like the bright purple flames, a deep dark Violet color.

The white dress had purple accents on them, in the same fashion the other Guilds had their dresses.

Only her the snake covered the entirety of the dress.

"An ȧssassin dressing up for the occasion? I feel honoured." I tried to tease Alexandra a bit hoping to see more of her feminine side.

"I should dress up for someone like you seeing as this only happens once every generation.

You can go now Yoko, I shall call upon you again when this is over." "Yes my lady. She struck a respectable pose bumping her fist onto her left ċhėst and left the room.

"On to the matters at hand, I have asked for us meeting here because it was my understanding that you needed guidance for your Journey and the Examination to come. Naturally we want to provide someone as yourself with the necessary teachings and help you on your way. But before we will do any of that I wanted to see for myself if what they mentioned was true.

So for starters I'll explain how you can conceal your presence afterwards I'll tell you what you will need to do."

I nodded seeing as how serious Alexandra took the invitation.

"Now onto the explanation, I take it you know how to gather your energy by now? seeing as how you visited The Martial Novices and The Mages Ember before combing here." "Yes ma'am."

"That will save us some time... okay now gather your energy around your navel and the middle of your back. Focus on your feet. Now look at what I'm doing and try copying it.

As I focused on Alexandra I noticed dark smoke started to form around her feet, slowly blending her appearance with the area around her.

Making her almost invisible to the nȧkėd eye.

Alexandra clapped her hands and instantly revieled herself. "Young man, now you give it a try."

I nodded and pointed my attention towards the energy inside me. Gathering the energy slowly from around me the fog started seeping in from below.

I breathed in and slowly out, raised my hands and to my surprise could see that it was a success.

"Now Michael, listen well. Because here is what I want you to do. I want you to get to where Yoko is without me and my guards catching you.

Once there you have to ring the bell on the top of the gate and that will proof your worth to us.

Ofcourse you may take out me and my guards if you see a chance, only knocking each other out is allowed. We don't want to spill blood when unnecessary, right?" Alexandra said while ŀɨċkɨnġ her sharp long nails.

The door opened and we started the trail.

I jumped out running as fast as I could keeping my focus on the concealment ability.

Ten seconds in Lady Alexandra and her guards joined the fun. One of the guards came running straight at me, the other jumped from wall to wall... But Alexandra was nowhere to be found.

I noticed it was possible to climb across the ceiling so I decided to go there shaking off the guards.

I carefully looked around seeing if anyone was close by.

The coast seemed clear... as I continued towards the gate. Someone closed in from behind, looking behind me I couldn't see anyone. The moment I looked back the flames closest to me began to flicker. Signalling movement around the area. They were close. Closer than expected. As I continued with caution I came up with a brilliant idea, what if I threw something towards the flames below? Would that distract them?

I reached into my pockets hoping to find something that I could throw down. Something small and hard grazed past my fingers. A crystal shard?

Well... it's better than nothing.

I dropped the crystal into the flame below me, which erupted on contact.


That should grab their attention. On to the gate!

Alexandra noticed that there was no one at the flames below, she pulled her guards back and ordered them to make way towards the entrance gate as fast as they could. Alexandra on the other hand went to the ceiling path hoping to find me there.

I noticed aomeone approaching and decided to stay as still as possible. It was Alexandra. With searching eyes she looked in all possible directions.

Now standing next to me I didn't know what to do. Did she see me? Had she found me after all the effort I had done to conceal my presence?

She was not using stealth as she was fully visible.

Our eyes met, I hold my breath and it felt like my heart had stopped. But luckily after what felt like an eternity she left for the gate in front of us.

Jumping down to gather with her guards.

Taking the chance that precented itself, I took it with both hands and went as fast as I could not taking into account all the flames that would be flickering because of the movement.

Not far from Alexandra she noticed the flames moving. "There you are young one. Be carefull or I'll catch you."

She jumped up and rushed after me.

The gate was close now, I ingnited my fire Crystal hoping it would give me a few more seconds to reach the door. But this had proven to be a futile attempt. As I stretched out to reach for the doorknob it suddenly opened up.

"Alexa, are you there?"

A tall proud woman stood in the door opening, short red hair and glasses. I crashed into her trying to finish the trail. I don't know what it is with woman in this world, but can I tell you every single one of them was well developed. Not only in the ċhėst area, but all around. This woman was a complete package. Curves all on the right places a ȧss that you couldnt resist touching and a ċhėst that just pulled all the attention to them, like a black hole.

She had a tall slender but brought figure and were those stars on her dress? At least it was easy to notice that she did anything she could to emphasize on her ċhėst. Such a cleavage should work as a man magnet.

We didn't fall down, instead she held me tight worried I might have fallen. "Are you okay young man?"

I looked up as I had been put to a standstill.

Her eyes had the same color as Alexandra her eyes. A deep Violet... getting lost in them Alexandra appeared behind us.

"It seems you have found your match."

Alexandra laughed at the sight of my helplessness.

"Hey girl, it seems you have found a new toy to play around with?" Amy laughed back. "You don't mind if I take him with me, do you?" "I can't allow that Amy, Michael here had a trail just now, I have to count this as a success seeing as he would have gotten through if not for you. You see, he is one of the members of the latest summoned group. We had to test all of them to see if the next generation was promising."

"Well... don't keep us in suspense, how did he do?"

For the little time he had to prepare its promising, we have to see when he learned the basics. But for now he passed his test.

If you would come with me Michael.

Then we can conclude your visit for now.

It seems Amy came bearing important news as well. So please, if you would join us Amy."

We walked back to Alexandra her office, Amaris was still waiting there. Unaware of what had just happened. I had to tell her after the meeting.

Before we entered Alexandra told me I could keep the ability I had learned today, hoping it would surve me well.

Finally done with all the meetings Amaris and I made our way back to the main guildhall to file the report of today.

"So... tell me about what happend Michael,

I'll be sure to write a big report about you."

I scratched the back of my head and got a bit embarrassed. "It was a learning experience, rather challenging if I had to say so myself.

Like the combat experience at The Mages Ember they must me to the brink to see if my senses could keep me safe and at least a step ahead of the others.

Eventually I crashed into an bystander who opened the door. But it was all good. I still succeeded in the test so that's all that matters."

Okay...okay... what about the ability?

Could you make use of it? It was called Stealth, right?"

"Yes! It was awesome to see that it would actually erase your precense and give you an advantage on the opponent. I was overjoyed when they told me I could keep using the ability and that I should keep using it making it easier later on."

"Congratulations Michael, it seems here you gained something useful as well. I have all I need to know I think... oh wait, what was the reason they summoned you there?"

"She said something like testing all of the summoned group for next generation capabilities. What could that mean?" "Hmmm... to me it sounds like they are searching for possible drifter recruits. You'll learn more about that once you passed the Adventurers Examination. Let us finish up for has been one hell of a long day if I have to say so myself.

Maybe you could visit the town center trying to find a suitable quest for yourself or let everyone in The Drunken Maiden know, I'm sure you'll get through the day on your own now. Let me know if you go into the dungeon before hand, okay?"

"I will keep you posted Amaris. Then I guess this is goodbye for now?" I gave Amaris a hug and went on my way.

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