Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 13 - Bonus 10.5: The Journal to My Parents (Sexual Content Warning!)

I rushed straight to The Drunken Maiden.

Not just to let everyone know about the progress of today but also to write in my journal.

Even if I may never get a chance to go home.

Taking it upon myself to write letters to my parents. To let them know what I would encounter on my Journey and to give myself a feeling that they knew I was doing well.

- The beginning of my Journey -

On the night of the full moon, I got summoned to another world, here I met a lot of new people who apparently got in the same boat with me.

So to speak. A lot has happened in the past few days. But first, let me start by saying I'm doing great here in this new world.

You might not believe it, but I can even walk in this world. It feels unreal, almost like magic.

But the biggest surprise in this world is the existence of actual magic. I have seen people summon flames, even ice or actually vanish in front of me.

It appears I didn't lose my charm either as the ladies still want a piece of me. haha.

Who wouldn't welcome attention like that?

There was this lady who helped me start off my Journey, she is called Amaris.

Her bright and positive demeanor really helped me accept the world we are in today.

Getting to know all the new things, even helping me find a way to harness the magic of my own. You should see her, she is such an amazing person.

Then there was this bar or tavern I should say, called; The Drunken Maiden.

Not your typical tavern, because here only demi-humans visited.

Which made it a bit awkward for me at first. Luckily Amaris was friends with the owner making it easier for me to get accepted there. they even had room to spare for the first night. The owner was what you could call an extremely adorable bunny girl.

Midnight is her name, all happy bouncing around helping anyone she can.

To me she radiated happiness, this attracted me to her. We even shared a few drinks getting to know each other and getting introduced to the other workers there. I told you they shared a room with me, or rather let me explain in full.

The owner didn't have any more rooms for me to sleep in but seeing as I was friends with Amaris. Midnight offered to share a room,

The thing I didn't know was that is was a full moon that night.

To make things worse they had not one but three moons, increasing the effects on animals, humans and the likes. She came on to me a lot seeing as she began ŀɨċkɨnġ me.

And one thing led to another, I will spare you the detail, but let me tell you it was one hot and steamy night haha.

- The First Day In Sharoo -

The next day I went to meet Amaris again, she works at the Guildhall.

Here we needed to do a few examinations. This was important to see if I was in good shape and if I would come to be a promising Adventurer.

First, there was the Strenght test, I had to punch a special device. It would measure the impact of my blow allowing to get an accurate reading. I got three tries and moved on to the next test. Endurance. They let me run on a treadmill, making it steeper as we went on.

This was challenging as I never ran as much in my life before. Even though in all the results of the Endurance test was not all that good,

I was happy with the results.

To find my affinity so to speak. both tests were held one after another first finding out what the strength of my magic essence was. They told me I could do this by pouring my own energy into an empty crystal, so I did. The test ended with high results, not knowing if it was true we continued. According to my last test result, she needed to get help from someone else. Seeing as I had enough mental strength the reading to see what kind of magic I would be using was the most important. Here someone else needed to examine this.

And so, Old dude, Baerdal joined us. As we continued the final test he concluded that with time and proper guidance I should be able to master any kind of magic I wanted.

This obviously sounded promising to me. Beardal had to leave soon after.

He was a busy man after all.

After we finally finished all the tests I had the whole afternoon for myself.

Amaris did mention we needed to go see the guilds in the hall as everyone in the summoned group got summoned for evaluation.

Nothing much happened afterward, I thought back to all my friends and you guys who would probably be missing me right now. I miss you too but am doing well.

- The 2nd Day In Sharoo -

Early in the morning, I went to meet Amaris again, almost right after we went to The Martial Novices a fighter guild here in the town of beginners. There everything got slowly explained to me. We were summoned here to hopefully help them fight off the thread that manifested over a hundred years ago, the guild leader didn't go into much detail.

But it was fascinating to see huge groups of people learning the same fighting moves in unison. I'll be training there among the other guilds starting tomorrow.

The guild leader was a human who bonded with a Tiger spirit allowing him to transform into one himself and even fully mastered earth and wind attribute abilities.

Once the meeting there was done we head on towards The Magic Guild: The Magic Embers.

Man, the Guild Leader was so beautiful. Her name was Ivy, had wings and for some reason, she had thorns growing out of her shoulders. Her ȧssistant, on the other hand, was an incredibly hot and sėxy woman. The most intriguing part was here horns. Those Dark Purple and pink horns made her eyes all the more beautiful.

I wasn't prepared for her as she came on to me quite a lot teasing me and eventually inviting me to hang out tonight, whatever happens, happens. When we arrived at The Mages Embers I got introduced to the use of magic crystals.

Special gems allowing anyone who could use them to use the magic of their own.

Most already had some kind of magic inside like for example fire, or ice, while others appeared to be completely empty.

What better way to explain the use of these gems, other than experiencing it yourself, right? This is exactly why we went to visit the Crystal LAb, a special place inside the guild where they examined all kinds of crystals and how to use them.

This eventually led to a heated sparring match between one of the student's of the head researcher mister Gregorius Blueflame and me. In the end, I lost, but what did I expect?

It was really fascinating to me and I learned a lot so it was all good.

The sinister vibe the Rogues Association gave off was emphasized by the dark black marble floors, walls, and ceilings. Together with Dark purple flame torches, this was a most mindblowing experience.

The Guild Leader gave me a test giving me a taste of the most basic rogue skill - Stealth -

She made me conceal my presence and find my way out without being detected.

This almost failed because, in the end, I crashed into an outsider.

Luckily The Guild Leader accepted the test to end in my favor.

Once that was done it appeared I had shown what they wanted to see,

finally finishing this hectic day.

Now I am in my room at The Drunken Maiden writing my Journal and hoping that one day I may tell you about the epic adventures I have been through.

- At the Drunken Maiden -

It was time to go to the center of town.

As I walked down the stairs Midnight stopped me at the bar. "Evening dear, I heard everything went according to plan today?" "Yes, wait... did Amaris tell you?" "Don't look so surprised dear, we share everything together, and when I say everything I mean everything."

Midnight ended her sentence ŀɨċkɨnġ a carrot before mercilessly biting it in half.

"Man, am I happy those are not my private parts!

Got to run Midnight, see you tonight or tomorrow. Bye~."

I rushed through the entrance and went toward the fountain seeing as that was the agreed-upon meeting point. There she was. Right in front of the fountain, all dressed up for our meeting,

she really did her best to impress. Wearing a snow white Chinese style dress. It fitted nicely around her body. Her heels really fitted the same color as her eyes and horn enhancing all the little details. She was stunning.

"Hey Christine, I hope you didn't wait for too long on me?" "No... no... I've arrived just a few minutes before you did Michael, there is nothing to worry about. Shall we then?"

Christine offered her arm for me to hold as we began walking towards the quest board.

"Christine, I have to say you look especially breathtaking tonight. It's an honor being with you tonight." "Thank you, dear, you may be there too you know."

Christine giggled and clung to me even more.

"Finally a nice evening to relax... any idea what we could do together dear, or want me to take the lead tonight as you are still new to this world?"

"It's true that I'm new here, but if I remember correctly you already had some things in mind for us. So I would love to tag along."

"Seeing as it is still early in the evening I thought it would be a proper thing of me if I could introduce you to the quest board. It's right over there."

Christine pointed towards a huge wooden board with all kinds of papers and planks on them,

requesting for help. Mostly asking about getting rid of a creature that terrorizes the area.

Holding onto me tightly Christine began explaining.

I was in heaven never in my life could I imagine the soft touch of female brėȧsts being so vividly.

"You see those stars, right? They represent the difficulty and reward system of the quests.

Ranking from one to seven starts the rewards and difficulty raises exponentially. Take for example this one-star quest, requesting to get rid of the man-eating slimes on The Field of Beginning. Killing 12 slimes, rewarding 10 copper for each kill. How to confirm the kill?

They will drop their Crystal cores when defeated, taking these with you will be crucial most of the time such low-Grade quests only ask for certain tasks, meaning you can keep the Crystal's and make even more money."

"I better take this one with me than seeing as I will need money for food, shelter, and equipment." I ripped the quest of the board, rolled it up and put it in the small bag on the side of my belt.

Now curious to see what other quests were available I looked at the board and saw a 5-star quest with the request to slay Rathbone The Skalebound.

Something above the name gave off the feeling that I might be in a game,

"Raid Quest" warning: to difficult to solo. Recommended to take on with a party.

Rathbone The Skalebound.

The Undead Dragon rampages through the cemetery mountains gaining allies for his undead army. We like to request a strong party to go and stop this thread as it destroyed countless villages already. The party will be rewarded handsomely.

More information wanted?

Come find us at The Burning Dwarves Blacksmith in Mineral


15 gold each. Equipment made from the remaining parts of the dragon.

"Wow, that sounds challenging Christine, maybe one day I could join such an epic quest and save an entire city from harm!" I got all excited seeing these requests but knew I needed to start low if I wanted to work my way to the top."

For now, I should prepare myself for the examination.

"Christine I have a question; at the Guildhall they recommended me for the Adventurers Examination and I still have to find where this might be held.

Do you have any ideas?"

"This year I am part of the Examination Committee, I could tell you where it is, but what is in it for me?"

Christine asked teasing me drawing circles on my ċhėst and looking at me with puppy eyes.

"I'll stay with you until the sun rises."

"That's a deal then, don't you dare leave me alone tonight. Let us proceed to our destination for tonight. I wanted to show you the town I grew up in."

I stood in front of Christine and bowed down in front of her, "Let me walk you there my lady."

Christine melted at the sight of my gentleman gesture and grabbed my arm firmly again locking my arm between her arms and ċhėst. She laughed.

"I have so much planned for us tonight, I can't wait to share it all with you."

It was rather quiet outside of town, not even the spirit beasts were active. Torches were spread across the pathway giving off a faint glow. The sky was clear, no cloud to be seen. In fact, the stars in the sky had a shine to them like I never have seen before. So vividly and clearly visible they were.

We needed to walk through the forest to get to the town Christine wanted to show me.

The forest really had a magical feel to it as most of the plants and creatures had a luminescent glow giving off a beautiful, but the mysterious vibe.

Fireflies flew through the air, while glow worms sat on the plants. Even the plants had their own bright colors and distinct glow to them. We needed to cross the forest right past the river. To my surprise even the river had a glow to it, Or could it have been the creatures inside? Glowing fish? Maybe frogs? That would be fascinating.

At the edge of the forest as the exit was clearly visible, I saw a cute little furball securing his food. It was digging up its nuts, breaking them open and storing the contents inside of the pile. As we approached it, it became curious and closed in on us.

I held out my hand to make it familiar with my scent as it allowed me to pet it gently.

I was certain it must have been a wȯmbat, but those were not luminescent right? These were... even their eyes had a glow to them. A sign at the edge of the forest wrote; Vitallia.

Exiting the forest we arrived at a small village.

"We are here Haha."

It looked really lively here as the village people were still partying hard at this hour.

A huge campfire was lit in the middle as they danced around it.

The first thing I noticed is that the townsfolk all had the same kind of horns on their heads, ranging in different colors al thought the shape was the same.

In the middle of the campfire there stood a tall and proud wooden statue of a distinctive figure.

I couldn't clearly tell what it might have resembled. But it kind of looked like a woman with horns, wings and a tail. It seemed the fire was lighted not too long ago as the entire statue was still standing.

"The festival has just started, it seems we are right on time."

Christine pulled me towards the dancing townsfolk allowing us to take in the music and atmosphere of the festival. We danced for hours on end. I wanted to see what would happen to the statue as we stayed at the campfire. The statue slowly crumbled to a small pile of ash.

The ash flew up in the air giving off a magical glow.

"Why did the people burn that beautiful statue?"

"You see, the statue represented our mother, Lilith. Every year we celebrate her giving life to us by building a proud statue of her, burning it down as a symbol of her bearing fruit to the world. That, and it is also a way to free us from evil thoughts."

The legend sounded familiar in a way, thinking of where I heard it before.

I am sure I also heard that name before. Christine pulled me along as she showed me around the town she grew up in. After a while we ended up back at the campfire as this was the center point of the town, from there we went to one of the inn's there called; The Sleeping Mistress. The inn had the same kind of feel to it as The Drunken Maiden.

The only difference was everyone here had horns and a tail? Why didn't I notice this before? What else would they be hiding? Alarmed by the way everyone looked I froze in place.

"Don't feel alarmed by our ȧssets, Michael.

We will show our true selves when we feel fully comfortable with someone.

Take you for example. I showed you my tail too, didn't I?"

The moment Christine asked me this she realized that she hadn't shown her tail yet and let it slowly and gently come out under her dress.

The tail was slender but sharp had a heart-shaped tip. I noticed it had the same blend of color as her horns. The name, the ȧssets and the legend it finally struck me.

I had to ask her a question, to confirm my realization.

"Christine, I hope you don't find me rude asking this, but are you and the people here perhaps succubi?" Christine smiled and licked her upper lip as she invaded my personal space.

"What gave it away? The horns? Maybe the tail? Wait until you see everything dear... but yes... we are succubi. Does that bother you?" She asked in a worried tone backing off a little.

I let my guard down and excitedly answered her question.

"No, that doesn't bother me at all. I'd say it would be even better in a way."

I could see the relieve in her eyes.

"You asked me to hang out with you remember, why wouldn't I want to be in the presence of someone like you? Let them look at us, it only makes me proud to be here with you."

Christine tightened her grip around my arm as she looked down.

"Thank you... most people think we are hideous... I'm glad to have asked you for the ritual."

As she looked up I could see my reaction to her was something unexpected.

As the evening went on we had a great time together laughing, teasing and enjoying the festival? Later that night something crept up in the back of my mind as it slowly struck me...

"where are the other men?"

"They should be with the other townsfolk, What's wrong?" "I was the only man in the entire village?! What if the others find out? Ritual...succubi? Shit!"

A feeling of dread crept up my spine as the realization became solid.

"Christine, why do you bring me here?"

I asked trying to hide my worries.

"Because I genuinely like you and the ritual breeding of course. Ehehe."

Shocked I noticed the other townsfolk were all female, I had to get away before it was too late. I wanted to get away, taking action to stay alive. Just before I could stand up I felt wings holding me down.

"Darling, where do you think you're going? Didn't we have a good time till now?

The night is still young, let us proceed to The Sleeping Mistress."

She closed her arms around me biting my ear, trying to persuade me to come.

"Does everyone here want the same thing as you? I mean don't think I'm scared... it's just I don't think I would survive all of you."

My answer seemed to be unexpected, Surprised she laughed as loud as she could.

Peeling away a tear from her eyes.

"In all my life have I never met a funny guy like you, don't worry, I brought you here because I and I alone wanted you for myself. Trust me, I will keep them away from you."

I looked up towards Christine behind me as she caught me off guard with a passionate deep kiss. It did not end there as she wrapped her tongue around mine and suċkėd it intensely.

Continuing the intense kissing she pulled my head back and ċȧrėssed my body.

Her kiss did exactly what it should. It made me hot inside longing for more. Unable to hold myself back I stood up and turned towards her kissing her neck and embracing her body.

The other succubi spotted us as we were still sitting by the campfire.

They had their eyes locked on me as if I was the last piece of meat in the fridge.

"A man?!" "A man?!" "A man at long last!"

"Give us some of his life force too, plenty for all of us right?"

She ignored the others and bit my bottom lip gently, she winked at me seeing as I got all hot by this. Standing up she spoke proudly.

"Sorry girls, he is mine, find your own meat. The night is still young, what's holding you?"

Christine lifted me up in the air like I was nothing and flew to the room we rented in the inn.

"Finally, some peace and quiet... what did they expect? I won't share with others... you're mine!"

I had little time to feel touched as she jumped on me being in full heat.

More aggressive than before she pulled off my shirt and pushed me down on the bed.


My buckle belt was already unlocked as she pulled down my pants.

"See! I knew I had made the right choice."

I was still wearing my boxers, underneath there was a huge throbbing bulge it even twitched when Christine closed in on it.

"What kind of surprise do you have for me under here."

Christine grabbed my ċȯċk straight through my boxes in full excitement as she began stroking it. It felt amazing as every movement made me want her more and more, my crotch became harder and harder.

She began humping my boxers teasing me even more. Now her wings and tail were fully visible. I was mesmerized by her beauty.

Fascinated even... as she kept humping my ċȯċk with her ȧss I sat right up and grabbed her ċhėst, starting to massage them. This softness was otherworldly. Worlds apart from those of Midnight.

My hands just melted right through, unable to stop I pinched her nɨppŀės and licked the side of her neck. My heavy breathing touched her skin, making her even more excited.

She mȯȧnėd in excitement as she sneaked her tail into my boxers.

A surprisingly hard, yet soft and gentle tail wrapped around my ċȯċk as it began stroking.

It was hard to hold in my load seeing as she loved to tease me.

I turned her head and passionately kissed her, slowly backing down as our tongues connected. She couldn't get enough as she closed in again.

But just before she could continue kissing I started suċkɨnġ on her tongue, first gently and after a while harder and more intense.

Her tail stroked harder and harder, this was a challenge to see who would ċum first.

I lowered my hand down her legs as I continued to massage her brėȧst and suck her tongue.

Gently fingering her ċŀɨt. Apparently, a short stroke was enough as she came to a shocking ȯrġȧsm. Her whole body spawned in my grasp as she fell defenseless in my arms.

"Oh Lilith! Have I ever met a man that challenged us succubi? I have to experience more!"

As Christine turned around I could see the ŀust oozing out of her eyes, her pupils became heart shaped as she pushed me down again.

"Now it's my turn young one, let me treat you too."

Finally lowering my boxer short my big throbbing ċȯċk slammed into her face.


"By the mother of ŀust, I will feast on your energy until the sun comes up."

Christine grabbed my hard throbbing ċȯċk as she was in awe with what she saw.

My ċȯċk was proudly pulsating in front of her hands. She stared at it with such intensity making it feel like an eternity. Slowly stroking up and down, looking at it growing bigger with every stroke she now needed two hands.

The pulse she felt through her hands made her craving for more. Unable to maintain her primal urge to breed she started worshipping my ċȯċk. This made her lose her mind at the moment.

She couldn't resist tasting my ċȯċk while continuing the hand job. Completely in trance, her entire body reacted to the pulse preparing her to breed.

The suction and strokes felt so intense that I almost came within the first few minutes.

I tried to push her away as I felt that it all went to fast. she then willingly grabbed my ȧss taking in my ċȯċk even deeper. The intense worship made me reach out as it was almost there. Instead of pushing, I reached out feeling her horns and grabbed onto them.

Her hands let go of my ȧss and gently ċȧrėssed the upper body.

Slowly after she clamped her hands around my legs enabling her to suck with even more force.

Now defencelessly holding her horns she looked me straight in the eyes as the intensive suċkɨnġ continued.

I held her horns tight and as the suċkɨnġ became more intense my hɨps started moving on their own. Fucking her face as hard as I could. I let go of all the pent up energy blasting it inside of her mouth.

Within minutes she completely drained my balls as her tongue ċȧrėssed the tip of my ċȯċk.

Swallowing all my ċum. I spasmed as this was the most intense ȯrġȧsm I ever had. Wanting more she jumped on me with her ċhėst on my face instantly waking up my young man.

As I gasped for air she initiated an intimate kiss.

Guiding my ċȯċk to her vȧġɨnȧ. It rubbed against her ċŀɨt before entering.

The teasing made us both lose all our self-control.

I could feel how ready she was as my ċȯċk slid in like a hot knife through buŧŧer.

She felt warm inside as she tightened around my ċȯċk.

Her hɨps started moving up and down vigorously.

"I'll make you experience heaven darling, make sure to hold on to your ȯrġȧsm for now... The longer you last, the better it will feel. I promise."

As she mȯȧnėd loudly the pupils of her eyes shifted, making them slowly change color.

Now looking at me with bright glowing lime green eyes she closed in and heavily breathed in my ear before gently biting the lower part of it. I slapped her ȧss showing her who was in charge.


A high pitched shriek left her mouth.

"Kya! Yes! Hmmm, show me more!"

As I could not hold back anymore I grabbed her ȧss tight and started pounding her at the same time as her. As our movements synchronized so did our breathing. We held on to our hands as we felt a euphoric feeling well up inside. Unable to hold it back I let it overwhelm me.

The intensity we both shared was something that could only be felt by truly becoming one.

As soon as I let the feelings flow I felt my energy being drained.

Given I didn't want this to end or I wanted to die for that matter.

I threw her on de bed and lay on top of her. We kissed passionately and deeply letting our tongues meet once more. I was ready for more... But before going for round two I wanted to worship that magnificent ċhėst she kept teasing me with at the campfire.

"I can't neglect these any longer."

I held a brėȧst in each hand and shoved my ċȯċk in between.

"Hold them in place."

I commanded as I began moving my hɨps. The soft touch and tightness were different than inside her, but non-the-less heavenly. After a while, she started ŀɨċkɨnġ the tip that peeked between her tɨts every time I trusted my hɨps forward. Giving me subtle and wet stimulation.

Just enough to get me over the edge again. I didn't care that it felt draining as I was in heaven. If I couldn't get enough of her hot and sėxy body my ċȯċk jumped up ready for another round?

I couldn't resist her feminine allures any longer as I shoved my ċȯċk inside her vȧġɨnȧ.

She closed her arms and legs around me, holding me tight. This made her tighten around me allowing my ċȯċk to penetrate her even deeper. Now I could feel her cervix as my throbbing ċȯċk kissed the entrance trying to enter. This felt like electricity as sparks went through both our bodies whenever my tip kissed the entrance.

Vigorously I pounded and pounded, melting our bodies together as one.

I could feel her nails in my skin as she tightened her grip on my back.

My pounding made her ċum even more intensely as her body shocked and spasmed tightening even more around my ċȯċk. At that moment the entire experience became so overwhelming that I prepared to ȯrġȧsm.

Christine her tail seemed to have a mind of her own as it slowly entered my rectum.

It didn't go far, yet it felt unknown to me. As it entered it began rubbing against the upper wall. I didn't know what I felt when I finally ȯrġȧsmed, the feeling took over my entire body as the intense ȯrġȧsm filled her uterus. I was done...

"Yes!! Oh Lilith, Yes!! This is the best!" Christine yelled with heart-shaped pupils as she came hard. I rolled on my back next to Christine trying to recover from the intense sessions we had.

"Wow... I never met a man who could satisfy me to this extent... Think we are done now, don't you?" Christine grinned at me longing for more.

"Aren't we?" I said hoping she wouldn't drain me entirely.

"I did say I would enjoy you till sunrise, remember?" Christine said while slowly reaching for my young man.

I had to think of something to save some energy... Before she jumped on me again.

At that moment I thought of something, as all women have a special spot inside their vȧġɨnȧ giving them intense gushing ȯrġȧsms. She should also have that same spot and seeing as she already intensely came during our previous sessions, this should prove to be interesting and helpful. I needed to tame her before she devoured my soul as I was not going to my adventure end here.

I raised myself up, opened her legs and looked her straight in the eyes as I slowly lowered my head between them.

"You have been a bad girl Christine... And bad girls need to be punished."

I went down on her starting her punishment.

Gently ċȧrėssing her ċŀɨt with my tongue I closed my mouth around it and started suċkɨnġ on her ċŀɨt. Catching her off guard I grabbed her tail and started to rub up and down making her ċum intensely. As her female juices gushed out I rubbed my finger up and down against her ċŀɨt. Seeing as she liked it I decided to make circles around them.

"Harder!! Harder!! Yes! Just like that, now don't stop... Keep going!!"

I had found the way to her ȯrġȧsms, finding that she liked her ċŀɨt to be stroked hard up and down. Entered her vȧġɨnȧ with two of my fingers I continued this same motion and pressure.

I noticed that she liked it rough so I began to rub the upper part of her vȧġɨnȧŀ wall as I firmly put my hand on the bottom of her belly. Now in the perfect position, I began to suck on her ċŀɨt and intensely move my fingers up and down the upper wall.

Caught off guard she held my head tight screaming for more.

Seeing as she tightened her legs around my head she must have ȯrġȧsmed a few times already. It was me or her, so I decided to show no mercy and continue her punishment.

I found a soft spongelike area on the upper wall of her vȧġɨnȧ and gently tabbed it a few times.

"I'm... I'm... Cumming!!!"

The spongelike area retracted and liquid gushed out of her vȧġɨnȧ as she spasmed and screamed in total bliss. I continued to finger her a bit longer as well as suċkɨnġ her ċŀɨt making the ȯrġȧsm longer and more intense. Thinking that was enough I stopped and pulled out my fingers.

a few seconds after I was done something unexpected happened.

Christine got a delayed ȯrġȧsm completely lifting her body, in an extreme spasm squirting over the entire bed and exhausting her completely knocking her out.

I was in luck as I escaped with my life that night.

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