Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 15 - 12: The Fields of Beginning

Wanting to thank Amaris and Aqua for bringing me to the Church of Healing when in need. Not to forget that they stayed by my side through it all...

I reached for my money pouch. Hoping to treat them to a something nice for along the way I reached and reached, but couldn't find it... Confused I looked around me and felt all around my body.

"No... No... No... No!! My money pouch... it's gone!! All my money was still in there..."

As I wept about my missing money looking in all the possible corners of my pouch Amaris smiled.

"Don't worry Michael, I would gladly help you when you're in need. Just treat me to something when you can, okay?"

Disappointed I nodded while continuing to search my pouch. I noticed a folded piece of paper inside. Reacing in and grabbing the piece of paper from my pouch.

I opened the folded piece of paper noticing it was the quest I had taken a look at on my first look thoughout the quest board.

"The Slime quest!! I am saved!! Whooohooo!!"

I happily jumped in the air. Let the girls know I had to do something important and went on my way towards the Fields of Beginning. At least now I had a chance to make money.

Other than the money and the basic clothes we wore, the Guildhall did not provide us with basic equipment.

As the budget we all got should have covered all of that. Still... I should be able to battle a few slimes, right?

On my way there I fantasised about different beast roaming the plains. Slimes, cats maybe even wild boars or goblins?

Slime Mucus Wanted:

Please, I am not strong enought to battle slimes,

but I hear their slime does wonders to the skin.

Please get me as much mucus as possible.

I'll pay you handsomely ofcourse.


At least 10 copper for each crystalized slime drop.

As I confirmed the value of the reward,

while putting the paper back in my bag.

One of them still had bones in it's slimelike body. I pitied the victim as it slowly got dissolved from within, noting not wanting to turn into slime soup. 

Seeing as it was a small group I needed to seperate them from each other. Thinking of a solution being at a tight spot as I didn't have any combat equipment yet... I stayed in a place out of sight, trying to come up with a plan. After carefully considering my options for a while it dawned on me; Magic! I still had the crystal Ivy gave me! 

Now that I collected my attack options I started gathering my energy. Slowly closing in I dropped a fireball in the middle of the five slimes.

Inflicting a burn on most of the group, the impact startled them separating them from each other.

As most wiggled away trying to extinguish the fire. One of the slimes closed in making it's way towards the bushes that I was hiding behind,

it jumped up a bit as it slided its slime like body left and right towards me.

Seeing it wiggle like a gelatine made me laugh.

Luckily the others didn't follow it, so now it was all alone. I let it close in a bit more before taking hold of the crystal on my belt, taking it off, putting it in my left glove's gem compartiment while channeling more energy through it. 

As I was readying the one spell I learned at The Mages Ember, the slime stopped moving all together.

"Oh Magic come to me, ignite the air around me and gather in my palm to burn my foes... with presistence and tenacity!"

It still wiggled but it stayed in place slightly becoming a bit taller. Just then it threw it's body back like a whip moving towards me.

Anxious for the possibility of getting hit I jumped back observing it a bit longer, trying to catch its weakness. Noticing its movement and combat readiness, I found a habit that was exploidable.

Giving me enough time to react after each of its attack. Especially now that I had finished preparing the spell.

Being as this spell was the lowest grade most people shouted out its name. "FIREBALL" After trying this for a few times during my sparring match I noticed this gave them a weakness... as they needed to announce the spell which at the same time wad the incantation for starting the process. Still... with no other way I shouted full of pride. "FIREBALL!!"

As I thought the process through after attacking and shouting,during that time i came to a


A conclusion that would save me from a lot of hassle in the future. If its such a low-grade spell, why do we say out the incarnation out loud?

Why don't I collect the words in my head focusing on what happens around me. "Wordless Chanting". 

Is an amazing feet like that even possible?

At that moment it felt like my body moved naturally as it closed in towards me slower than before. Dodging its attack in place I held the fireball above my hand moving it towards the slime. At the moment of contact an edged crystal revealed itself.

The core that the slime carefully had hidden in its body bubbled up to the surface as if it was taking a look at me. The fireball ignited above the crystal burning its slime like body. The burning continued to spread and damage it severely.

As it's body slowly began melting it desperately froliced and spasmed about preparing a final last ditch attack. Knowing the slime was done for I kept my distance.

Throwing another fireball, which proof to be fatal as the slime exploded from inside out.

The mucus flew around like someone had dropped a big rock in a puddle, splashing on bushes, animals... and even me!

"Yuck... No wonder no one likes to battle them...

look at me... I'm drenched in goo... Well, you can never be to carefull."

As the slime was defeated it dropped its core and something that seemed like crystallized slime.

Next to the slime there seemed to be something else laying on the ground. I could not really see what it looked like as it glowed brightly...

I picked up  all remaining items and tucked them away in my pouch. There was even some copper which could always come in handy.

The first was down, now the other four should be easy enough. As I approuched the other four I made sure to stick to my sure fire strategy hiding behind the bushes close to them. Observing them it became clear they had come together again. Which is why I needed to separate them one for one, once again... Thinking of a plan I picked up a small rock and threw it close to the blue one. The slime noticed the rock and approuched it leaving the red one behind.

As it passed over the rock I could see the color wasn't the only difference. The rock had sparks all around it right before desolving inside the body of the slime.

I had to be carefull... a strategically aprouch would be best it seemed.

I only had my fireball which couldn't be used to many times as it took a toll on my body.

So I could only attack from afar. 

Knowing this I thought of a plan, seeing as it liked to desolve the pebbles along the way. I gave it more to eat. Thinking it was kind of cute.

As it closed in I snapped put of it quickly and carefully hid myself walking around it. I should be able to attack from behind melting chunks away until I would be able to reach its core.

After desolving a few rock I finally managed to sneak behind it. Preparing my spell I decided it was best to go for a few smaller fireballs, having them attack in succession from the shadows while I keep hidden at a distance. The smaller ones where meant to distract it creating the opportunity to slowly prepare a bigger one to hit the slime.

It was a challenge knowing I did not have a knife. The same for the fact that I didn't have any special gear, instead I raised my hand for the fireball and threw it towards the core as hard as I could. But... it wasn't enough, it did melt away a lot of mucus around the core. But the slime seemed to have anticipated what I would do. Maybe it was a bit more fire resistsnt tha  the others. Then its resistance would be indicated by the color of the slime. 

Knowing the same attack wouldn't work on it again I needed to rush as the core was now exposed, acting fast I did something dangerous and radical, coated my hands with the fire spell.

Trying to improvise I ran towards the slime readying my enchanted arms. Thrusting them right through its body trying to reach the core. It electrocuted me, feeling the sparks I flinched, not giviving up I continued.

I closed in on the core burning straight through the core. Again the Slime exploded leaving behind some things.

My arm was all shiny, probably because all of the mucus. Picking up the crystallized slime, the core and copper. As I bowed down picking up the copper I noticed something else was dropped.

A sparking little orb. Wondering what it was I picked it up. "Could this be a low-grade magic gem? I have to ask when I'm back... so... I'll hold on that for now."

The other slimes seemingly notiched their comrade got attacked by an intruder. Seeing as they all wiggled towards me.

I had enough time to prepare an attack on all of them, but si had to be carefull as my mana would be depleted afterwards. Still... I had to do this. Chanting out loud I held my hands together.

"Oh Essence from within, grand me the strength to overcome my obstacles... obstacles that you may melt with your heat. Gather from within... around me and the living in front of us all... Incinerate, Fireball!!"

Holding up both arms three medium sized fire bolts formed above my head. Putting in as much energy  as I could muster they combined into one. I threw them the huge fireball towards the group of slimes. All three got severely burned, melting away the two green ones. The big red one was still goind strong, but at least it inflicted a burn. 

"That must have damaged it."

Again I tried coating my arms with fire, It felt like my energy got drained out of me as I tried to create the enhancement once again. 

"Don't give in... if you lose consciousness now the slime will sure kill me... I have to defeat it before that happens."

As the heat around my arms was getting to me I knew I had to act fast. Rushing towards the slime I summoned a few small fire bolts meant to distract it so I could move in for the kill.

Some even hit the slime burning away even more mucus. An opportunity presented itself as the last hit revieled its core. Bigger than the other the core looked like a crystallized eye. 

It stared straight at me as if it knew what was coming. Closing in I reached out with both hands trying to grab its core, all but to fail during the attempt. The slime jumped making me unable to reach it. 

Landing on the ground a high pitched screeching noice resonated from inside it.


As if taking liquid form the slime began rippling in waves of water as all kinds of slimes gathered around it.

Blue, green... even yellow ones.

They all gathered around the big red one as they slowly combined their bodies with one another.

Nasty sucktion noises where clearly hearable as if something was pulling out all the air around them.

The high pitched noises kept going for a while as the big red slime slowly grew bigger... the color changed with it becoming dark and mercy.

Now as the process was getting to an end I looked at this dreaded creature of mucus in front of me, being taller than the trees surrounding the fields I knew this would be one hell of a challenge.

As luck would have it when the screeching stopped I stayed still for a little while, allowing me to quickly drink one of the potions. Preparing for what to come I clenched my fists and started gathering energy around me.

Then it struck me, the sparking orb... could that be a magic gem? Curious of this I pulled it out of the pouch. As it lay in my hand a similar feeling to the fire gem resonated from within me...

But this time it was... Lightning?

Now more than never I was thankful for the gloves Aqua had given to me as I could put the magic gems each in one of them. Knowing the gems where both low-grade, there was just so much I could do with them. But... There was this inspiration igniting within me hoping I could combine the two spells... Creating something of even greater prowess.

Locking my hands together I averted my attention to the sparking orb. Listening to the words of Ivy and Amaris who guided me through the process of energy bonding. I started drawing the energy from the gem.

The sparks went through my veins like the fire burned through my entire body back when I got registered at the Guildhall.

Now lightning cracked through my entire being, lighting up my eyes with dark from within. 

Thinking back how the fire felt first experiencing this, something felt off. This was different, different than before...

Just then I faintly recognized the voice that spoke to me. The voice was the same as when I struggled against the dark inklike entity. Brief as it was, I knew... That the ritual was not enough to rid myself of its existence. It felt like a small portion of itself rooted deeply inside my heart overpowering my sense of being.

Promising me the power to survive I allowed it to take over. Lighting black as the night shot out of my hands seemingly to powerfull to control. Shooting towards the slime. As it struck through its slime like body it became paralyzed reaching its core.

Not caring about what would happen anymore I succumbed to my Primal Instincts. In a fraction of a second I ignited my magic around my arms and dashed towards the slime ripping off chunks of its body... It screeched in pain as it tried to retaliate, yet was not able to.

Just then my arms ripped through to the core shooting a chain lightning through its core completely immobalizing the slime. 

Unable to move it fell to the ground as if made from water... hearing a splash was all I needed to confirm that it was done for. Yet there was no time, nor need to show mercy as my hands ignited once again shooting a beam of fire straight through its core.

Brutal as it was... it was finally done...

The huge slime monster evaporated into the air leaving behind its many cores, crystallized slimes and even a huge pile of silver coins, yet the most impressive thing the slime left behind where a few gems similar to the sparking and fire ones I already had. Putting everything away I realized that I did not remember what had happened. But decided that it was more important that I was still alive. Happily moving on as I made my way towards town to cash in for the quest reward.

Seeing as how I had at least five of each color of crystallized slime and even magic gems to strengthen my own gems, all in all I was happy.

Not counting the Items I already made around 2500 copper from the slimes or 2,5 silver so to speak.

Leaving the fields of beginning I had to make my way through the market plaza. Looking around hoping to find something that would suit me I noticed a few stands that where offering a wide ȧssortment of armor and weapons. Most of the items where on sale. This piqued my interest. I made a mental note of the stand and went to the village center to meet up with the quest giver.

Once there I went inside The Drunken Maiden and met up with the older lady. 

"Heya sonny, what can I help you with today?"

"Good afternoon madame, I am here to inform you that I cleared your quest. You see, I found it interesting how you wanted to use the mucus to take care of your skin."

"Well... well... show me them crystallized babies!! I want to shave off a couple of years by reducing my wrinkles."

I laughed and reached into my pouch.

Finding and revealing all the crystallized slimes that I had gathered. Shocked by the amount the soman gladly accepted the crystallized slimes.

25 green slimes 15 copper each

15 blue slimes 50 copper each

5 red slimes 125 copper each

Amounting in a total of 1 silver and 850 copper.

Giving me a total of 4 silver and 350 copper.

I was almost ready to do some shopping of my own.

Knowing the Guildhall could help me with the magic Crystal's as well as reward me with the Magic cores as a whole I made my way to the Guildhall.

Finally there I made my way to the exchange counter.

Having different sized crystals to give I took them all out. Some small, other bigger and bigger. The woman at the desk was surprised by the sheer amount I brought with me and began examining each and every one of them.

"This might take a while sir, please take a seat while I prepare the proper reward for them."

Doing as instructed I took my sweet time, visiting Amaris. Seeing as she was free I made my way to her, telling her the good news.

"Guess what? I just finished my first quest!"

I told her being all excited.

"How did it go? You didn't have any special equipment, are you hurt anywhere?"

Worried Amaris grabbed my face with both hands trying to find the smallest of wounds. 

A sigh of relieve left her mouth as she realized nothing was wrong.


"Don't scare me like that, idiot... You could have died, not having any money or weapons to defend yourself... Let me know in advance from now on whenever you'll go on a quest.

"I'm thankful that you're worried about me, but I'm not a little kid you know... To tell you, it was challenging, but in the end I was victorious!"

I turned to her wanting to ask her about the crystals. Grabbing her hands locking them with mine in blind excitement. Asking what I can.

"As I finished my first quest I have a few questions, you see I have been fighting slimes on my own... and they dropped low-grade magic crystals like the one Ivy gave to me and some kind of glowing objects that seemingly healed me.

My question would be if the possibility exists to combine the same grade crystals with one another to create stronger crystals, would this be possible?"

"In theory... yes... The Institution of Magic experimented with this concept a long time ago.

Succeeding at a huge cost of the crystals, sacrificing at a three to one or even five to one ratio, you could increase the strength of your gems by twenty percent each time. Which is why most people choose to sell them instead or equip more of the same Grade stone on their gear, which creates the same effect with fewer stones.

For example for a low-grade crystal to fully upgrade to the next tier level you would need around fifteen to twenty five of the same grade magic crystals to infuse them with one another.

Seeing as most low-grade crystals sell for around five to ten silver each you see why most would choose to sell them."

Another obstical blocked my path to greatness, but not to worry as this could be overcome with time.

Now I finally knew what to do with the magic crystals. Wanting to see how it all worked Amaris showed me to a small private room where we could examine the magic gems.

The room only had a table and two chairs in front of it. Perfect for examining anything I wanted. I grabbed my pouch and pulled out all crystals.

Even pulling out the crystals I had been using in combat just a while ago.

Seeing as I got the fire crystal from Ivy and the lightning crystal from my first combat experience I separated them from the pile of other crystals.

Amaris taught me the best way to combine them making sure it was the most efficient way she knew about. First we put the fire crystal in the middle of the table in front of us.

Then Amaris grabbed two identical crystals as she lay them next to the one in the middle. 

At first it seemed like nothing was happening, but then the middle one began glowing, shortly after the others followed, slowly vanishing into thin air.

"See, it worked. Just like how the theory suggested."

Amaris proudly slapped me on the back and told me to continue until the crystal would break, leaving its core.

Stone after stone got consumed in pairs of three.

Holding on to the middle one I felt the heat inside increase slightly as the crystals kept combining, the flame inside grew bigger with each combination of the stones, as if they were passing on the torch.

After a while the last three low-grade fire crystals remained. Hoping this would be the final ones I needed I held onto them tightly. The hear was like a flame dacing in the wind as I felt them making their way towards the flame in the centre.

Just then the crystal in the middle began to flash, flashing in a familiar rhythm. Growing bigger ever do slightly its Crystal shell began cracking.


Inside... the pure essence began expanding and solidifying breaking the outer shell of the crystal.

Seeing as this red orb rolled out of it I thought to myself that this was it.

As I picked up the the new shiny orb, it felt warm, just like the flame from before. But more passionate? Was this a success?

"Mid-grade magic crystals are different than low-grades, not just because they are stronger. Everything in this world lives of the bond with their partner. Be that the body and spirit. Magic and spirit or spirit beast and spirit. This "bonding" allows us to fully grasp the essence and prowess of the so called prowess. This spiritual connection is also of importance to create trust and harmony with ones spirit.

This is why bonding with mid-grade or higher ranked Crystal's is necessary. Please, just we did during the examination allow your essence to merge with the essence of the magic orb.

This will grand you a whole new world of prowess."

I attached the orb to my glove, allowing the essence to flow through me and bonding with it. It was warm... not like before when the fire burned through my veins. This was gentle... pleasant... it warmed my entire body, making me all relaxed and calm.

My eyes began burning slightly at the same time my hands ignited.

"It seems the bonding is complete,

how do you feel, Michael?"

I opened my eyes and slowly turned to Amaris.

"This... feels amazing. So warm... comfortable.

I can feel the crystal increased in strength.

Now... let me ȧssemble my other crystals"

"Crystals? I thought you only had the one crystal."

"No... honestly the slimes dropped two kinds of crystals. The one you already knew I had and this."

I showed Amaris a purple sparking orb together with a few similar looking crystals.

"The unbrall lightning orb... where... where did you get this?"

"Back when I fought the slimes, there was a bigger red slime. It cried out for help as all the slimes on the field ȧssembled and merged together into a huge black slime. For some reason, thinking back how challenging it was... I got out of that battle victorious.

When I was battling this creature a chuck fell off which dissolved leaving behind this sparking orb.

After that I used both my fire crystal and this orb to beat the black creature... it exploded in a huge fountain of mucus and left behind what you see laying on the table. That, and a lot of money haha.

You see, Inalready bonded with this one."

I pointed towards the black sparking orb now laying in the middle of the table.

"If lightning does what I think it does, it would give me a huge advantage in battle increasing my speed and area control abilities. This is why I want to get boots that have a magic crystal socket so it will help me run faster."

I choose to keep the story short, not to alarm Amaris for what had happened during the battle.

"Well... Michael, I'm glad for you... are getting so much in your first quest, but to me you also look rather hurt. We should head back to The Church of Healing, they might be able to provide you with a low-grade healing crystal or skill. That would aid you in your journey and ȧssure your safety. So, I won't need to worry so much.

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