Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 16 - 13: Chaos in The Fields

Making our way towards the Church of Healing rain started pouring down... The cloud slowly closed in becoming darker covering the sky with mercy darkness adding to the feeling of unwanted weather.

"Ugh... it's raining... hopefully it isn't much further to the church."

I said irritated by the weather.

As we were crazy enough to venture through this rainstorm, lightning crackled down illuminating the areas around us. I could see most people sitting cozy in their warm houses... I envied them...

Making our way through the fields it became clear we shouldn't be outside. There was no animal nor creature to be found. Looking around as the lightning crackled down once again I could make out faint silhouettes under the trees and rocks. They were all hiding for the storm... As we made our way through the fields of beginning the lightning stopped for a little while. Out here in the open fields, we where like sitting ducks if the lightning would strike down on the earth.

Something about the clouds was off, or rather... felt wrong... Why would every living thing in this area hide from this storm? I couldn't just be the fear of being struck down by lightning, right?

Looking up thinking about this, something shook me to my very core... A silhouette...

A silhouette above the clouds? As I stood there as dread filled my body.

We both heard a hard low pitched cry.


Followed by the clapping op huge wings... sounding like lightning crashing in the clouds.

"Thunderbird!! Run, Michael, Run!!"

Amaris screamed running towards the trees as lightning struck down extremely close to where we were standing just seconds ago...

The lightning kept following our path as we ran for our lives sticking down... just b??r??ly missing us time and time again. Then as we were close to cover a lighting blot suddenly struck down towards Amaris.

Amaris fell, unable to get out of the way.

"Amaris!! No...! I jumped towards her, grabbing her waist and pulling her with me. I felt the ground break open behind us as I ran for my life.

We ran... and ran... and ran our lungs out of our ??h??st, trying to get to the safety of the trees.

Finally making our way there getting to the cover of the trees as we tried catching our breath, the rain stopped. Just like nothing had ever happened the mercy black clouds cleared up making way for the beautiful sun as it filled the area with light once more.

Creatures crawled out of their hiding spots happily jumping and playing with one another.

"What... The... Hell... was that thing?"

I asked still shaking because of all the adrenaline inside my veins.

"That... was a thunderbird... One of the legendary creatures of the Kindom hidden in the clouds. I had heard tales about it, but I would never think to live seeing one alive... Damn... we b??r??ly escaped with our lives intact... We are close to the church now,

it shouldn't be too far ..."

Amaris said trying to stand up.

She immediately fell again as pain shot through her ankle. Getting it sprained during her fall as she stressed it even more during the running.

Catching her before she could fell to the ground I lifted her, holding her like a princess.

"You are lighter than I imagined, cute."

Amaris slapped my face pissed yet startled by my remark. Looking away while blushing.

"Are you implying that I'm fat? You bastard... Put me down this instant!"

"No... no... quite the opposite, haha."

Amaris struggled to get out of my grip.

"You can b??r??ly walk silly... you don't want your ankle to be worse off than it is, right? We should make our way to the church they should be able to help us."

"I think... this is more appropriate, right? Now... let me help you just this once."

Amaris laughed as she crawled towards my back.

"Don't get any funny ideas... I'm just returning your kindness."

"Haha, hold on to me right now."

I stood up holding my hands underneath her allowing for a bit more support.

Making our way past the forest Amaris struggled a bit to talk to me... when she finally uttered these words;

"Thank you... without you I wouldn't be here anymore... And this was all my fault... we should have waited until the storm flew past us..."

Amaris silently began to cry.

It's not your fault... you wanted to help me and for that I'm grateful. You know... I haven't had as much fun before I met you. Don't worry be proud of yourself.

"Young ones... we have awaited your arrival, we the sisters of the church received word of our headmaster for you, Michael? To receive the necessary tutoring to awaken your latent potential. If you might follow me, please?"

The lady turned around singing to the watchmen. Opening the gate so we could pass through. The lady was silent during the escort words the headmaster, but her posture gave off a professional and m??tur?? vibe as she walked up straight with hands crossed behind her back.

She was covered in garments, covering most of her appearance, the one thing that struck me were those bright blue eyes behind the glasses she wore.

Making our way through the church I noticed groups of people staring at us and talking to each other. I turned to the lady as this concerned me a little.

"Madame, why is everyone staring at us?"

"Oh dear, don't pay your mind to it, you see... the headmaster told everyone about what was inside of you. The fact that you are alive right now is a little miracle on its own. I might not be allowed to tell you this, but the headmaster foresaw your return as the mighty Thunderbird roamed through the plains just now.

I can also see you have encountered some hardships along the way here. Did you catch a glimpse of The Garuda?"

"Yes... we did, we b??r??ly escaped with our lives out there, could we heal up before anything else?"

"Of course, we should be able to kill two birds with one stone when we arrive at the office of the headmaster."

Not wanting to show the pain on my face I bore with it and held on as much as I could.

The lady let us to the back of the church,

where we arrived at a small wooden corridor.

"We have arrived..."

The lady said calm and collected. Moving her palm towards the door she gently tabbed three times.

*tab* *tabbing* *tab*

A heavy but calm voice sounded from the other side of the corridor.

"Yes? Come in..."

The door opened on its own allowing us to pass through. On the other side of the door, there was a small and cozy room filled with bookshelves.

Throughout the entirety of the room, all kinds of roots, vines, and plants accompanied the headmaster.

The air was humid, yet fresh. At the end of the room roots and leaves formed a desk, openings inside gave place for light to shine through. Which seemed to move around ever so slightly. Glowworms? Fireflies?

The room almost looked like as it had its ecosystem, a miniature forest.

Looking closer at the desk someone was sitting behind it. A tall, sharp-looking man with a long white beard and eyes, deep as the night.

A twinkle in his eyes gave away his excitement for the meeting as he closed his hands in front of him. Unaware where the excitement came from I turned to him gestured us to sit down in front of him. As we to our set in front of him the man stood up and proudly announced.

"my dear, Amaris, you grow more s??xy with the days. I'm curious if you can keep this young man as your partner before disaster strikes..."

As he finished his sentence the old man began laughing loudly.

Amaris didn't like what the man said one bit and put her head down nervously touching the tips of her fingers as she tried to contain her emotions.

"Your ??ssets have become better too."

The man continued his remarks becoming more of a creep, even going as far to leave his desk and stand behind her touching her shoulders moving down to fondling her voluptuous ??ssets.

Disgusted Amaris jumped up and sucker-punched the old man right in the face straight to the ground with a pile driver many boxers could be proud of.

"How dare you... Headmaster... to belittle me this much with my client present... you are the worst!!"

Amaris stormed out of the door and slammed it shut behind her showing how angry the headmaster made her.

"Oh... the joy of life... I'm getting too old for this..."

The old man said to himself.

"But never too old to admire the development of the female body, hehe... Aghum... you must be Michael? Don't worry about Amaris, she has been fully healed by my "touch"."

The old men moved his hands in a perverted manner as a faint glow arose from its hands.

"It seems you need healing too sunny... please eat this pill it should patch you up, nice and quick. As you are healing let's discuss the matter at hand.

Knowing you tend to be a little reckless and the origin of the so-called "curse" that resided inside you I would like to offer you a way to be prepared for a possible future encounter with the one inside of you.

And boy... please don't think you're special in any way... you have your guide to thank you for this.

You see even if I tease her a lot and she is really beautiful, she is the family of my granddaughter.

A niece to be precise, to give another reason why I want to help you on your way is that the girl even though she has had her share of clients, they either left her for others who promised them fortune, fame, and power.

Or they died at a young age because of the dangerous Adventurers on their journeys.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but with you, I get the feeling you will become someone promising, I can tell because you stick with her even through difficulty and danger."

The man kept talking on and on about Amaris and myself, making it clear that they were close to one another. I continued to listen carefully as this man could help both of us.

"That is why I want to present and give this time of healing to you as a gift on your journey, not only to keep you safe but also to help others in need."

The man stood up and walked to the bookshelf at the edge of the office. Pulling out a rather large and heavy book. He dropped it on the table with a satisfying loud thud giving away the weight of the item.


"I can't teach you the contents of this tome as the strength comes from one's interpretation of it. Yet I am certain it will prove to be useful to you."

Accepting the heavy book I put it on my ????p for now.

"There is more, Amaris personally informed me of the training to come for the next few weeks. Having to learn the basics of close combat at the Martial Novices and the basics of Concealment at the Rogues Association.

If you are thinking, why this is all being prepared for you, you are not the only one as the rest of the summons are being trained as we speak, you just have the luck that your group didn't get summoned by nobles. If it were them who summoned you, we would be forced to obey them as they would put a spiritual contract on you binding them to their will.

But as for the others of the group... Their guides also prepared a certain path for them to prepare for the exams to come."

The man gestured to the door as our meeting had ended, but stopped me before I could leave the room. Rushing to his desk he reached out to the small storage drawer in his desk.

"Before I forget, the fine lady even arranged for us to prepare a few more healing options, all low-grade, but more than enough to provide help along the way."

The headmaster handed me three small flasks. A red one and two blue ones.

Accepting them I could feel the blue ones emanating a small amount of magic essence after observing them for a little bit I put them away in my pouch.

The huge tome was too big for the pouch so I needed to carry it with me. Brushing through the pages before leaving I noticed the alphabet was different in many ways, but for some reason,

I could understand it. I bowed down to the headmaster and thanked him for all the help he provided as I left through the door.

Amaris was waiting on the other side still pouting about the perverted habits of the headmaster. She noticed I was done as I slowly approached her.

"I see everything went well with the headmaster? Damn that basterd.... He always does these things to us women..."

Amaris said in a slightly irritated tone locking her arms together as she firmly stomped the ground with her foot.

"Yes... he is kind of perverted haha, but none the less I also have you to thank Amaris.

You see... the headmaster told me you were the one who prepared the request for all the healing items."

I smiled at her and shortly after got a bit confused.

"There is this one thing I'm not sure of... maybe you could explain Amaris?"

"Yes, of course, ask me anything."

I sighed in confusion.


"The thing is since I have been here all the tests and writings of this world... I know they are different than back home, yet it's almost like second nature to me. Understanding everything... Why is that?"

Amaris chuckled at my question, smiling at me.

"There is no need to worry Michael, all summons have this special translation crystal from the moment their body manifests in this world.

You see, it's not visible to the n??k??d eye as it is cloaked with magic essence. Try saying "reveal" the crystal will then show itself."


I uttered the words as a small sharp-looking crystal revealed itself above my head.

It had seemingly no color as it turned around its axis.

"That is your core crystal as you gain abilities and experience it will evolve with you gaining abilities Unique to oneself. One of the basic functions is the translation of our language and writing to your own.

So that it will become second nature to you communicating and understanding each other.

For example, you might have thought that I used your native tongue, yet I have been talking in nekomata language all this time. Haha."

This realization shocked me, while at the same time the little crystal was fascinating to me. What else could it provide?

Being in awe with the crystal I didn't pay attention where I was walking and almost crashed into some ladies, luckily Amaris pulled me towards her evading the collision.

"Michael, we should prepare for your training at the Martial Novices, let me go on ahead to make sure the arrangements are done. Is it okay to leave you here so that we will meet up in the Guildhall later?"

"I can take care of myself you know... don't worry, I'll meet up with you later today."

"Before I go, let me tell you the core crystal can also be used as a storage device.

This ability is unigue to the summons who get here through the Obelisk of Beginning.

You see... there are many ways to summon someone to our world, but to me this one is the most humane."

Amaris waved goodbye leaving my side.

The people I almost accidentally crashed into were talking behind our backs.

"Look at her... all happy and carefree with her client... I bet she bribed him."

I glared at them as their remarks made me angry.

"What's his problem? Let's move on we should prepare for the expedition.

You got an invitation too right?"

The anger subdued shortly after I heard them talk about an expedition,

was it the same as I heard about before? I should listen in a bit more.

"No... not yet at least. I heard the Guild leaders talk about wanting to take a minimum of 24 people. Seven of each department with an experienced adventurer representing each Guild.

I bet the healers of the church would play a big role in this."

The duo left shortly after. Making it impossible to gain more information about the expedition.

Having found out what I could and gaining the items the church prepared for me I tried using the core crystal for storage.

I touched the crystal , wanting it to open as I didn't know the right command to do this.

Reacting to my energy the crystal resounded in my head.

"Affirmitive now opening "Storage".

I put the Tome in the storage freeing my hands from its weight.


As I used this command the core crystal vanished becoming invisible to the eye.

After toying around with it for a bit I went on my way toward the Guildhall.

Going there I could take two different routes. Through the forest or the fields. Both paths would be risky and dangerous as it was a possibility of getting attacked by spirit beasts.

All of them in the area were on high alert since the Garuda passed us by. Considering the possibilities I decided to cross the fields of the beginning, the chance encounter with strong spirit beasts did not faze me.

The thing that made my decisions final was the fact that I needed money for my equipment. Not knowing how expensive it could be it would be best to triple my current currency. Knowing I almost had 5 silver I needed to make this 15 silver.

As I entered the forest everything felt peaceful, no hostile creatures nor a lot of little ones. Through the forest, it was unexpectedly quiet. Most creatures must have been really scared.

When I arrived at the edge of the forest entering the fields of beginning something didn't add up. If the forest was so quiet... shouldn't the fields be just as quiet? Oh man... what was I wrong.

It seemed a lot of forest creatures went out of their way to venture into the fields of beginning everywhere the eye could see there were slimes in all shapes and sizes.

The cat creatures were there too.

Even wolves? Why would they be here? The forest is a way better place for them.

Maybe the bird scared all the creature out of the forests and into the fields...

This would mean utter chaos if this wouldn't be stopped.

Dire wolves circled small groups of bunnies, slimes devoured all small creatures that dared to close in on them. What can I do on my own? Are there other adventurers?

I can't call for help seeing as the creatures block the path to Sharoo. I considered my options as my top priority would be to safely get to Sharoo and warn the villagers.

Looking around I saw some adventurers run back down in fear, I could only hope they would inform the others and get help to stop this madness.

I was healed just before leaving which would mean I should be able to take on at least a huge pile of low-grade slimes. But the question remains... how much stronger are the dire wolves?

They too want to fill their bellies with food. And who could blame them, all the meat was terrified and fled out of the forest. It would be best to stay out of their way for now.

Making my way through the fields I encountered a few slimes, even goblins.

But something was wrong... The goblins were battling the wolves.

This showed me just how much of a challenge the wolves were, easily defeating at least ten goblins before succumbing to their numbers.

The wolfpack wasn't that small either. At least twenty strong.

I decided I had to do something to stop this onslaught of madness and destruction.

Instead of hunting for slime I decided the best thing to do was to hunt for smaller creatures, collecting their meat and offer it to both the wolves and goblins.

I only hope they can be reasoned with...

As I used the smallest amount of fireballs to hunt rabbits, mice, and birds I succeeded in collecting tons of meat. During this time the wolves grew in numbers easily subduing the goblins.

The goblins ran for their lives as only a hand full remained of the earlier rather large group.

Being the idiot I am, I rushed towards the ongoing battle and struck down a small lightning bolt. To break up the wolves and goblins.

I don't know if they will listen, but I have to try.

The goblins and wolves looked at me with killing intent, unknown what to do they stayed in place.

"All of you, hear my call... stop this onslaught as I have something to offer."

Suddenly a heavy, hollow voice sounded in my head.

"Who are you... to tell us to stop...

The wolved backed away opening a path for their leader as a loud howl broke the silence of the field and they joined in unison.


Making way for what seemed to be their leader, a wolf twice the size of the others walked to the front of the pack. It looked different than the rest, having ink back fur, sharp claws, and razor-sharp teeth. As it approached me Its menacing aura reached me...

I took a step back in terror as the beast closed in on me, now clearly visible its feet had a bone-like armor growing from its claws, the same kind of armor was visible on its shoulders, parts of its spine and even it's head.

As if it was wearing a stronger beasts skull as a helmet.

Bone spikes came out around its neck giving it an edge in both attack and defense.

Its tail big and majestic, black as the night also had a bone or spinelike tips growing out of it.

At the time our eyes met I could have sworn I saw blood dripping from its eyes.

Starting to growl its aura revealed itself as a huge pressuring dark violet energy around it.

*Grrr* *Rawr* *Snarl*

"I understand there can't be found any food in the forests since the Thunder Bird flew past these lands. But, hear me out... I have a proposal."

I grabbed the huge bag of meat that I had collected and threw it in front of the Wolf.

This is for you if you leave the goblins and this land in peace. The wolf laughed as it glared back at me.

"You... A mere human... telling us to leave after we have eaten so little?

Pathetic... No one can satisfy our hunger for food!!"

"Then... wolf... you leave me no choice... I hereby challenge you to a one on one duel.

If you defeat me... you can continue your rampage, but if you lose... I will become your new pack leader and you all have to listen to me."

"Bwahahaha, a mere human, challenging me... The Great Garou?! This shall be fun... I will feast on your intestines and bath in your blood proving to the others that none can stand in my way!"

Garou ordered the wolves to close a circle around us making it impossible for others to intervene with the battle.

The Goblins were cowering in fear at the edges of the rocks, hiding in the hopes the wolves would not find them.

All the wolves raised their heads towards the sky howling in unison, signaling the start of the battle.

Garou rushed towards me with its killing intent oozing from his body.

Jumping toward me he bore its fangs... I jumped back and threw a fireball towards his mouth.


Hitting the inside of his mouth the fire burned Garou's flesh.

*Snarl* *Grr*

Being in pain, he did not give up, lashing out multiple times.

Even using its sharp bonelike tails to attack.

I tried dodging them all, but one of the tails scraped my leg, leaving a big yet shallow cut. It hurt... but like my opponent, I couldn't give in...

I noticed Garou liked to attack me upfront, which is why I put all my energy in a lightning strike. Garou closed in to strike me once more, jumping in the air and this time bearing his fangs towards my neck.

Before he could hit me I summoned the lighting bolt which penetrated straight through the place where its heart should be. Hoping he was finished... The wolf fell to the ground like a ragdoll, completely motionless.

It was over... I could go back to the guild.

As I turned my back wanting to tell the goblins it was saved, I heard snarling...

Just when I thought it was over the beast tried to stand up with all its might. But couldn't...

Deciding to set an example to the other wolfs and to finish the battle before it would drag on any longer I collected my thoughts drank a mana potion and summoned flames around my arms to rip off the head of the wolf.

The battle was finally over.

Shocked the wolves closed in on me, they couldn't believe their eyes...

Their leader... dead? Glaring at me with killing intent I prepared for the worst.

Summoning lightning to my arms the wolves cried out, as I prepared for a possible attack that could hit me any second.

"Leave... Or the same faith as your leader will be waiting for you."

But then... something unexpected happened.

The wolves bowed down to me, as all their killing intend vanished before my eyes.

One of the wolves approached me talking to me in my head.

"Leader... you defeated the Tyrant... now... we are at your command!!"

The wolves lined up and stood proudly in front of me wagging their tails.

Before, fearsome and menacing, now playfull and cute... it was as if all wolves were tamed in that single moment.

"You... the one who spoke of the Tyrant. Do you have a name?"

"No, leader... the only one who had, was the Tyrant Garou, you just defeated."

The crystal began speaking to me, it noticed I got confused by this.

"Creature or Spirit Beasts usually don't have names as this grants them powers and cause them to evolve."

"Then... why did their leader have a name?"

"I can answer that question, leader!"

The wolf who spoke earlier enthusiastically barged into the conversation. Wagging its tail like a good boy he looked with admiration towards me.

"One day when we were scouting the forests our leader encountered a peculiar being. You could say it was human, but then..."

"The wolf looked away continuing its story of the past.

Something wicked and not of this world oozed from its body... I didn't trust the guy... but you see, we fought with the rivaling tribes b??r??ly escaping with our lives intact. This was why Garou vowed to become the strongest wolf in the world. So that no one would stand in our way.

The man offered strength and power in exchange for naming our leader. Of course, he accepted its new name. As he began to glow something went wrong, the light turned dark as the night as black matter dripped off him. Enveloping its entire body, Bonelike armor manifested as its eyes began glowing and bleeding.

Giving in to the greed for power our leader succumbed to the power bestowed upon him.

The power quickly took control of his consciousness making him known around these lands as Garou The Mad. Devouring any who stood in its way, even out fellow brethren..."

But now you defeated him proofing your strength and gaining leadership as our new leader.

"Wow... wow... wow... wait, I'm your new leader?!"

I screamed in disbelief.

"Yes! Leader!!"

Every wolf howled in unison happily accepting their new leader.

"We will follow you wherever you may go, leader!"

"I don't think that's such a good idea... knowing the village people everyone would be in shock."

"Not to worry!!"

The wolf said still wagging his tail.

"We can take refuge inside your shadow... although only one of us can inhabit the shadow of a person, this will allow us to aid the ones we care about."

Annoyed by their sheer numbers making it difficult to address them, I called the enthusiastic wolf to me.

"Seeing as you are most eager to stay with me. I think it would be best for you to bond with me... Are you willing to become my partner?"

I asked the wolf almost certain of his reply.


"I am honored for this opportunity, master!"

The wolf replied wholeheartedly.

"Seeing as you'll be my partner from now on you will be needing a name. This would make it easier to call upon you, when in need of ??ssistance.

Now... sit in front of me as I will bestow upon you the name... Yami Shadowfang. As you will be part of my family as of today."

The wolf in front of me began to glow... as it's size almost tripled. Its claws and fangs grew longer and sharper becoming darker turning all ink-black, horns began growing out of the sides of its head. Its fur became silver at parts while most of its shared the same ink-black color of its fangs. Completing its transformation I noticed he had not one, but two tails.

The rest kept their appearance.

"As for the rest of you... keep the borders of town save, for now, I will call upon you when the time is right. Dismissed."

All wolves except for Yami left the area, looking out from the shadows.

I walked over to the place where I defeated Garou, there I found several drops.

Expecting as much when defeating a spirit beast, A core was laying on the ground.

Bigger than I had seen before, but most intriguing was the pulse I could feel when holding it. The creature that possessed it... was still alive.

"Hmm... I have to take this with me and have it examined."

Looking through the rest of the drops a pile of silver coins was laying around, together with its fangs, claws, bones, spine, and tails. Not knowing what I could do with it, but wanting to do something with it in respect of my opponent I picked it all up and held on to it.

The last thing that lay there on the ground looked like a spellbook. The cover read; menacing roar.

I also picked it up and put it in my pouch. Turning to Yami.

"As for you Yami... we better get to Sharoo as fast as possible." "Yes, Master. Let me aid you in the village."

Yami lay down next to me, allowing me to climb up his back. Sitting down on his back, Yami stood up and took off towards the village.

"Fast!! Wow... this beats walking any day. Thanks for helping me Yami."

Yami happily growled as we arrived at the village a few minutes later. Luckily no one was at the front entrance. Jumping of Yami's back, he slowly vanished into my shadow.

I could feel his presence close to me,

connected as one.

It was time... time to meet up with Amaris, getting ready for the training at The Martial Novices.

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