Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 19 - 15: The Principle of Flowing Energy - Part II Re-match

The next day as I arose from my sleep, I awoke to the sight of a huge wolf. Curled up at my foot end, there she laid. Completely at peace even twitching her paws a little.

"She must be dreaming."

Not wanting to wake her up I decided to move as quietly as I could, what I didn't know was that she had dropped her pillow. Stepping outside of the bed I slipped on it falling right on top of her.


"Morning master, you are up early."

"I couldn't sleep, have been thinking about what I could do to improve. So excited for today! Can't wait to try out the things I came up with."

As we both had awoken, we decided to get ready and prepare for the training of today.

Arriving at the dining hall we saw a familiar face.

"Chiara! You here this early as well?"

"Eager to learn more, I see? well... I always appreciate someone driven by dėsɨrė."

Chiara chuckled as she finished her breakfast.

"Meet me at the Training Quarters when you've finished your breakfast fledglings, I'll be waiting for you."

Leaving us be, she had but a quick glance back at us as we enjoyed our food.

After a while, we finished up and went to meet up with Chiara to continue our training. Walking through the hallway towards the training quarters we noticed more people heading in the same direction we were headed. Opening the big doors it became clear, a huge group of students was preparing to train under the guidance of their teacher.

The same woman who taught Chiara and also handpicked her to teach us. The woman greeted all the students.

"Goodmorning students, I see you all came well prepared, today we will be training one of our basic principles, the gathering of energy from outside our bodies and streamlining it from within enabling us to use this in combat."

Within seconds the energy ignited in a mesmeric flame.

Just when I thought I recognized the way she gathered energy I heard someone from behind.

"Great isn't she? Let's start our training fledglings."

Turning around Chiara leaned back against the wall behind us, she must have been itching to start waiting so close to the entrance.

"Today we will do the same as yesterday, both of you will be sparring against me, one on one. But before we do, let us go over the basics. You see, a warrior is nothing without its foundation."

"So, where will we be training?"

"Not to worry, I have prepared a smaller field for us today, if you would follow me please."

Leading the way, it was only a short walk before we arrived at the room next to the training quarters.

"Seeing as how we sparred yesterday, you do know how to punch, kick, block and dodge. The four basic moves anyone has during close combat. But... there is a fifth element part of the basics. Magic...

at least that's what we rever to when using magic.

For today we will follow the example of my teacher as I teach you how to gather energy. After explaining and finding out for yourself we will be doing the same as yesterday. "Sparring." Meaning I want to reverse the order. Yami, you will go first and Michael, you will be going last. So for morning practice, you both will be trying to manifest the energy around you."

"Yes, Madame!!"

We yelled in unison, slamming our fists together and bowing down to show our respect towards her.

To understand the principle of flowing energy I must tell you a story. A story about life and the energy flowing within every single living organism.

You see, energy comes and goes, never staying in one place. Or at least that is true for most people.

Like how a flame can't dance on wood without oxygen or how water can be gentle, yet when falling from a waterfall can even break rocks.

Fish that swim up these waterfalls need energy too, how do they conserve, gather and use theirs?

Or perhaps like how lightning always finds a target to strike, swiftly sticking down the ground it touches.

You see, everything in life flows in harmony with one another, you only need to learn how to become one with it."

Chiara sat down showing us the energy around her.

Flowing ever so slightly the energy around her gradually began expanding and moving towards her.

"You see fledglings when the energy becomes yours to the command we can even do this."

Chiara made her arms glow as she struck down on the ground with open palms cracking the floor.

We couldn't believe our eyes. Dumbfounded as I may have been, this made me think of the magic crystals.

"This makes me think of magic crystals, might you have some Chiara?"

"Hahaha, no. Those are only for those who can't summon upon the energy themselves.

Here at the Martial Novices, we learn how to use our bodies as weapons, this includes utilizing our own magical abilities by the use of flowing energy.

Now... sit down, focus and try gathering the energy around you. I will only allow you to spar once you have mastered gathering energy."

Breathing in deeply and exhaling gently as we gathered our thoughts.

"Now, close your eyes and feel your surroundings without moving, this is needed to sense the energy around you."

We did as instructed, but after a while didn't feel much. It must have been easy for Yami, she had an expanding aura that attracted energy around her. Thinking about it it was to be expected as she, like her previous leader, got exposed to large amounts of magic essence. Slowly but steadily it moved towards her, making her glow a little.

Suddenly the warmth began to surround me too as I felt energy slowly flowing towards me it entered my body and spread throughout my being.

"I know you have been to the Mages Ember Michael, there you received a crystal to use, but here we channel within ourselves finding our own unique magic from within. Look deep within yourself, open your hand and let the energy flow through it revealing your energy."

Yami her hands opened up, showing small sparks of lightning jumping between fingers and spreading through her arms and legs.

"Extraordinary!! Normally it takes weeks, months even to master this, but you... you actually manifest your energy the same day it has been taught to you."

Chiara said surprised and shocked by what she saw.

Now it was my turn, I closed my eyes looking deep within my being. There I saw it again the flame from within, this time a different color than before.

I opened my hands in disbelief, the words of the scaled blacksmith where correct, the crystals really had bonded with me, although different than before there they were, both magic abilities.

I opened my eyes to see my arms completely covered in cracking lighting similar to Yami, only to find that flames burned in the palms of my hands.

"Wow, I knew master was amazing, two types of energy while Yami only has one..."

Yami her ears flopped down on her hair, being envious of my results.

"You have amazing lightning energy Yami, I could feel your energy from here, the blue lightning suits your eyes."

I said jokingly unaware of the element my energy represented.

"I must correct you there young fledgling, it appears Michael does have multiple abilities, but he has only one elemental energy. Darkness... yours, on the other hand, is Pure Lightning. That in itself is exceptionally rare."

Well, now that you have experienced how to gather energy I want you to keep it flowing, this way you'll get used to your element, this will also allow you to find different ways to use it in battle.

"Let us eat lunch before sparring. I always say one can perform better on a full stomach, haha."

Now roots had been climbing up the pillars as they spread their small branches throughout the ceiling.

Birds happily sang their song as they met up at the top of the ceiling. The waterfall from before now had small bonds decorated with the branches ad flowers grew out of them. Truly a magical way to wake up to.

The menu was different as well, first milk with cereal or yogurt and croissants with jam and cheese, now bread with meat, cheese or another delicacy. Even pancakes or pasta could be found.

As we enjoyed our lunch nothing much had happened as we eagerly awaited the first moment of using the energy within us.

Once back to the training room Chiara started ordering Yami what she could do best to try using her energy.

"Yami, try jumping with the lightning flowing through your feet and tell us what you feel."

Yami did as Chiara instructed letting the energy openly flow through her feet. Light king began cracking through as she gathered her thoughts and jumped...


Lightning cracked on the floor, leaping farther even faster than before.

"Wahooo!! Yami feels like she can fly!!"

Almost reaching the ceiling she flipped overusing her legs as a spring to increase the speed of her descend falling down and landing on both arms and legs.

"Good! Now, I want you to come at me with everything you got Yami!"

Chiara yelled preparing for impact.

Again lightning began cracking around her arms and legs, now increasingly more around her legs.

She unleashed the power springing herself forward towards Chiara. Leaving a crack in the ground.

Her hand reached out to her opponent, trying to grab her by the wrist. Chiara let her make contact and allowed her to grab her wrist, only to find out that it was covered with stone spikes. Making it unable for the lightning to travel any further.

Since she still had the speed to her advantage she balled her fist striking at her liver. Thinking she had hit her, Yami lowered her guard, at that moment Chiara dodged and hit her right on the chin

The impact made her flip over, and crash to the ground, she laid there motionless on the ground... unable to move because of the strike to the chin,

she lost consciousness at that moment.

During the time she was asleep, I thought of a plan enabling myself to react to certain situations like these. As shown in the previous sparring, match lightning enhances one's speed, together with another attribute, for example, immobilizing and stunning them.

Looking at my hands a small flame ignited from my hands. Before I knew it lightning cracked from the flame throughout my arms straight to my shoulders.

I felt the power surge within me as it consumed small amounts of energy. The lightning filled my veins I felt my body increasing its reaction speed, using this while analyzing Chiara I could see she actually used three hits to send Yami flying.

"That was rather harsh Chiara, you really don't like losing... do you?"

I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Well... proof me, the wrong boy, as soon as she wakes up it will be your turn."

After a while Yami woke up in a shock from her sleep, gaining consciousness again.

"W-where am I? I was fighting... is it finished already?"

Chiara closed in on her and squatted down in front of her.

"It's an okay fledgling, you have improved tremendously considering this is only your second day of training.

I have another exercise for you while Michael and I will start our sparring match. I want you to utilize your energy as much as you can running around the field we are fighting in, so next time we clash you will be able to dodge multiple times and last longer in battle."

"I will do as you say, master."

Frustrated Yami stood up converting her energy to lightning once more. Readying herself she blasted from the ground increasing her speed and rushing around the area.

It was time for our match, I clenched my fist extinguishing the flame inside my palm.

I tried to come up with a plan to counter her quick moves. As I thought of something Chiara called me to the field. I stood up being prepared for whatever could come my way. One of the students watched over us giving the signal to start.

Instantly Chiara punched to the ground cracking it open towards me, spikes broke the floor beneath me as I dodged the seemingly never-ending ȧssault of razor-sharp spikes.

"Not even giving me a chance to prepare? Are you scared of me?" I asked sarcastically allowing the lightning to surge through my veins.

Chiara got caught off guard by this, reacting to my taunt. "You wish! I'm preparing the both of you to be able to react while being under pressure."

Chiara stopped her onslaught, jumping in the air.

Unable to see by the blinding light of the room I threw small punches towards the location I last saw her.

Flames covered my arms as I jumped strengthening my legs with lightning.

Chiara dodged all the punches and anticipated my actions, coming down with her foot slamming down towards me. In that split second I bȧrėly dodged her kick, but still slammed to the ground as her actions startled me.

"Good... very good, you're such a quick learner. Maybe I should get a bit more serious?"

Chiara said playfully.

As she was at the edge of the field far away from me I quickly caught my breath. When suddenly the wind was flowing within the room. Gradually getting stronger by the second. Chiara her hair blew towards the ceiling making her hair stand up straight.

I could bȧrėly witness her insane speed as she covered the entire length of the field in a split second ending up behind me. The field had a length of around one hundred and fifty meters.

Noticing her standing behind me I tried to strike will a low kick. She effortlessly dodged which looked like she floated in the air. Trying to finish it with the same dropkick. As I noticed this habit in the last few matches we had with her I was well prepared.

Blocking her strike with both hands, the sheer force of her entire leg pushed me down to the ground, creating cracks in the ground.

Unable to react any further knowing my own limits I jumped back, with a last-ditch attempt I ignited my arms with fire striking at her liver. Surprisingly the hit connected making Chiara fall to the ground.

The flames covered her sides as it kept burning right through her clothes. Both unable to move the student declared the match a draw. Surprised by my results tears slowly began seeping out of my eyes falling to the ground. I had done it... clearly, I didn't win yet, but I was close. Proud of it all the frustration of yesterday seeped away with the tears.

"Well done Michael, that is enough sparring for the day and it seems it's already evening, time for dinner it seems. During dinner I will be explaining what you both will be doing during the remainder of the week, seeing as you improve with an insane rate.

And yes I mean the both of you."

Chiara and I helped each other up and left for the bathroom to freshen up after this intense sparring session. I realized something while enjoying a hot bath. Something during the matches that I haven't thought of before.

"A nice and hot bath, just what I needed after this intense day, man... what a match..."

I closed my eyes entering my inner self once more, trying to look at my own soul see... earlier I heard the voice of the shadow I previously encountered here.

I might be able to talk to it now that I have a better understanding of the flow of energy.

As I entered my mind, there was complete... Darkness. Gradually my eyes got used to the darkness, making out slight shimmering in the distance. It looked very different from the last time as the size of the flame had increased. Not only that... The color was more sinister as the darkness embraced the flame. Pitch black it was... lightning crackled around it giving off a dark violet glow illuminating the surrounding area.

As I closed in on the flame I could see something rooted within, even darker than the flame,

its shadows spreading past the lightning.

Looking at the shade it looked back at me.

Our eyes met, but where its eyes should have been there was nothing... nothing but darkness...

At that moment Yami jumped in the water breaking my trance and snapping me out of my spirit realm.

"Master... master, are you okay? It looked like you fell asleep in the bath..."

"I'm okay Yami, there is no need to worry.

I wanted to explore the energy given to us from within... but found... more than I bargained for."

"What does master mean?"

Yami asked, turning her head as she worried about me.

I snapped out of my trance completely and realized Yami shared the bath with me. Flaunting with her goods. Not sure of what to do I panicked and turned completely red. Thinking I had a fever Yami held her head against mine as she measured my temperature making me feel all the more aroused and uncomfortable by her.

Jumping out I rushed to the dressing room finishing my bath and getting ready for dinner. Once there Chairs was already waiting for us.

Chiara waved at us, signing us to come over.

"Finally finished enjoying your bath? Good to see you guys. Quick grab something to eat, then I can explain what it is you will be doing for the remainder of the week."

I grabbed my food and something to drink quickly joining up with Chiara. Yami had arrived shortly after going straight for her round of food as well.

Once back Chiara explained what to do next.

"I noticed during our matches that your stamina isn't all that good, which means I will have you run forty-two ŀȧps around the field. In the morning, after lunch and before bed. Meaning... you will start doing this once we are done here. As for you, Yami. You will be joining Michael as I have something to attend to."

As we eventually finished our dinner I jogged around the field for the remainder of the evening before going to bed.

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