Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 20 - 15: The Principle of Flowing Energy - Part III Clearing Ones Mind

The moon was still shining brightly early in the morning as I awoke knowing I had to continue the exercises Chiara had given me. Leaving the room without waking up Yami I went outside taking in the fresh morning dew-covered air. My idea was to jog around the entire guildhall covering the fifteen Kilometers for the morning session. Knowing this would help me, in the end, I gave it my all.

Not many animals were awake yet as the moon slowly made a place for the sun, a beautiful sight was shown as the sky-colored a mesmerizing purple, followed by pink, orange and yellow.

As the sun raised itself the colors kept shifting.

When after some time I finished the entirety of the exercise birds began singing as the gently woke up from their slumber. Bunnies left their holes and even ducks could be found in the pond of the fountain.

Finishing the exercise I went to my room to freshen up. Yami was soundly asleep even now, which is why I took this chance taking the bath for myself.

"Nothing beats a morning bath after some exercise."

Knowing Chairs she already knew what we would be doing for training. Cutting my bath short I made my way to the dining hall. But no Chiara... not even Yami could be found among the crowd. Maybe it was just too early to meet up. I decided to wait for them while eating breakfast and surely after I finished both arrived at the dining hall.

Both Chiara and Yami waved at me.

"You're up early Michael, I take it you already finished your morning exercise?"

"Yes, I finished early morning enjoying the sunrise... that was a sight to behold. I have run one round around the entire guildhall, It felt like the same distance yet I only needed to run one ŀȧp haha."

Yami was wagging her tail, happily raising her ears.

"Master, master, Yami is happy to see you. Next time please take Yami with you so we can train together."

"It's okay I had to collect my thoughts for a while, I'll wake you up next time so you can join."

Both Yami and Chiara finished their breakfast and joined me in the training room.

"I have a lesson we will all focus on today, you see... it is good to be focused during the battle, but what I noticed is that both of you were not completely in the battle. If you both understand where I'm going."

"Yes... yes, I do. During the match, there were moments where I got distracted as my thoughts strayed from battle."

"Correct, it's the same for you Yami, I have to say especially you, haha. You see your concentration and focus seem to be mostly fixated on Michael, while your own life should always be your priority.

"I'm sorry Chiara, it's just... he is very important to me... that's why."

"Oh, don't worry about it too much, knowing I will have the both of you work to the bone for the remainder of the week. I thought of today's lesson because of how things are going. That is why I will teach you how to clear your mind allowing you to focus on the task at hand. This also means we won't be having a sparring match today, rather what we will be doing is strengthen our mental image of ourselves."

"Our mental image? Like meditation?"

I said confused, not sure of what Chiara meant.

"Yes, although not entirely correct. Which is why we will be focusing on that after this lesson. Now... come join me and form a circle. Then the lesson will start."

Yami and I both looked at each other, slowly sitting down next to Chiara."

"Good, now as of today's lesson I will teach, or rather guide you through the steps of clearing one's mind.

This is important because it allows us to focus on what is most important or cancel out unwanted distractions. To start us off, please both close your eyes and let my voice guide you through the process."

Yami and I both did as Chiara instructed, closing our eyes.

"Now, as we arrived in the pitch-black darkness of our mind, slowly, but gently breath in... and out... this helps us to relax, focus and make important split-second decisions when needed... as you follow my voice I want you to hold on to it and forget the rest around you... As you do, you will notice we are the only ones around even if Michael could be sitting next to us, or Yami for that matter.

I want you... to focus on yourself and your breathing as your breathing will turn into the focus point. This will mean I won't be guiding you, but don't worry after a while I will gently tab your shoulder to break concentration and bring you back."

The moment Yami began focussing on her breathing she slowly realized there was no one around... only herself, darkness and her breathing.

The realization of being alone in this mercy darkness made her anxious... something crept closer nor fully aware of what it was...


Yami asked hoping for an answer... as nothing but the silence made her question echo through the darkness. Just then it struck her. A feeling of extreme loneliness. Overwhelming as it was it began to overpower her thoughts breaking her focus.

As Chiara had cleared her mind she watched over her students, watching over us she noticed Yami her struggles as tears began pouring down from her face. Just then Chiara touched her shoulder pulling her out of her trance and showing her she was not alone.

"It seems you went straight to meditation young one... let's keep that for tomorrow and relax for now.

Looking at Michael you were not the only one meditating, may I ask what you experienced in there?"

Hesitant Yami looked away, as she began telling about what she experienced.

"This... this is rather difficult for me to talk about, but seeing as I have met master I can share this with you.

You see, as a young pup I had been abandoned by my pack left all alone to survive in this world, struggling to get food or even protect myself I almost gave up in life... when one day the pack of Garou our previous leader crossed my path... taking me into the pack...

I had a family again, I couldn't be happier, but soon after Garou became obsessed with hunting. I can't explain why, but one day he completely chanced, changing form a caring leader to a cold-blooded blood and meat obsessed psychopath...

To make things worse the Thunderbird Garuda struck down the area we lived in burning down the trees, collapsing caves even, separating us from the main pack. It was then we arrived at the open fields finding goblins and even other delicacies like rabbits.

Our leader ordered us to attack the defenseless goblins so we could eat and survive, or so he made it seem. Once we had beaten most of the goblins Garou struck down the Victor's keeping all meat for himself. Seeing our brethren slaughtered in front of my eyes frightened me to the core...

No one was save... even my mom and dad got slaughtered by the savage beast our leader had become... As Garou feasted on their flesh lightning struck down separating our leader from the victims. Just then a young man jumped inside the remainder of our pack leaving a huge pile of meat as an offer to us in the hopes the madness would end... we finally would be able to eat ending the bloodshed and suffering but to no avail... Garou wanted to keep it for himself continuing to attack our brethren.

The young man wouldn't stand for this and challenged our leader for a duel to the death, which Garou excepted wanting to feast on its flesh.

The young man did all he could even sacrificing his magic crystals to end Garou's rampage. Eventually turning into our new leader, yes... master is a good one, which is why I will never leave his side..."

"I understand why you struggled back there,

You found a good partner... may you be together for as long as time will allow."

The flame burned ever so bright, now I could make out a pit underneath the flame. Lightning struck down in the pit as I approached lighting up the mercy darkness. I felt something inside my Soul Sea trying to crawl it's way back up. The bright light of flame and thunder cast a large shadow... a shadow darker than the darkness around myself...

Darkness that slowly crawled and seeped closer as I approached...

I began sweating as fear crept in my heart.

The shadow crawled towards the edge... darkness followed making it difficult to see, but... I knew, I just knew I was not alone in here... something else was there... yet... luckily before it could creep any closer Chiara pulled me out of my trance as she noticed I was struggling with something.

I opened my eyes to see two beautiful women in front of me, worried, Yami hugged me tightly.

"You all right, master?"

"I'm fine, thank you Yami."

A messenger walked inside out room informing Chiara, surprised she thanked the messenger and ended the training of the day.

"That's enough for today let's leave it at that, Michael, Yami, make sure to continue your exercises we'll meet up tomorrow, I have a business to attend to."

Arriving at the usual spot the smaller bath was already occupied, meaning we had to go to the bigger public bath.

Entering the residence it was instantly clear this area was of higher value, instead of wooden walls and floors everything was made of black marble.

Pillars across the room held up the ceiling as fire coils gave the area a magical glow, together with magical crystals in the water giving off the same glow.

Fountains in the middle of the center pool and smaller baths around the edges also had glowing crystals inside of them.

"Wow... didn't expect this much luxury..."

"It's so amazing Master!!! Yami will enjoy this for sure!!"

The thing I did not realize before was the fact that the bath was a public bath for both males and females. When Yami and I entered this realization struck me rather unexpectedly... as we were not the only ones inside this time. A few men had finished their training for the day and had the same idea as us, most men had toned muscles from top to bottom. One had short brown hair, a scar could be seen on his ċhėst, which looked like he bȧrėly escaped with his life being hit by a blade. He was bragging about his last adventures as the other listened and marveled. Another of the men wasn't that toned as he slammed his belly being happy they just ate enough for six people haha. Not to mention three girls that formed a small group at the left of the bath.

They were a bit cautious of the men seeing as one had a lecherous look on his face. Honestly, who could blame him? All the girls like the men had well-toned bodies and looked attractive.

The girl on the left had long black straight hair and dark sapphire blue eyes. Her ears had pointy tips as they broke through her silky straight hair.

To me, she was my type but decided to not pay to much attention seeing as we were there to relax.

She was the one who noticed the lecherous stares first. The lady on the right had short red hair covering half of her face. She had a slender but sharp figure and revealed a dark violet eye as she asked something to the lady in the middle.

The lady in the middle had a mysterious and powerful vibe way different than the other ladies. Having long brown curly hair, freckles across her cheeks and nose and striking yellow eyes.

The lady answered the red-haired girl allowing the dark elf to snap at the young men on the other side.

First bragging of approaching the ladies, now they backed off seeing as one of their tempers wasn't what they had expected.

Thankfully the bath was big enough for at least thirty people to join and move around freely. Still, as Yami and I entered even we got a foul glance or way.

"Great... another meathead joins the presence of our Lady Amara..."

We sat down across from both parties ignoring the snapping remarks the dark elf made.

"Oh dear... my apologies for my dear child. She tends to be so overprotective of me."

The lady in the middle said trying to calm the situation. I nodded accepting the apology hoping for a relaxing bath... for a short while it was, but it seemed something piqued the interest of the middle lady. As time went on she just kept on glancing over from time to time. Deciding not to pay to much attention to it dipping in the water as I covered my face till my nose touched the water.

Yami enjoyed the hot water more than ever as she had all the space to move around freely. Curious about the other groups she asked me about them.

"Master... who are these people and why are they bothering you?"

Yami didn't like the remarks the dark elder had made.

Her ears dropped down, hanging all sad and pouty like.

"Yami is confused, did you do anything wrong to the ladies, master?"

"No... No of course not... how could I? We just arrived and I only wanted to enjoy a relaxing bath, honestly, there is no problem Yami. We're almost finished let's not bother any of them."

"But Master... the dark lady was mean to you for no reason..."

Yami made a pouty face as she didn't agree with the way we handled the situation.

"The lady in the middle resolved the situation before it could escalate, so don't worry Yami, we came here to relax didn't we?"

"Yes, master..."

Yami struggled to let it go, pouting about it as she blew bubbles in the water.

"I see you have a companion with you, she must care a great deal about you. I haven't seen you around here before... might this be your first time here?"

The lady in the middle approached me wanting to spark a conversation.

"Oh, forgive me, where are my manners? I am one of the Deities of beauty, please call me Castilla. And who might I have the pŀėȧsurė of sharing this bath with? Hmm..?"

"The name's Michael madame, we came here since the smaller bathhouses were already packed with others, so yes, this might be out first time here.

Nice to meet you lady Castilla..."

Closing in the Castilla grabbed my arm as she tried to seduce me during her small talk.

"Please... meat my children. The naughty one here is Nephelle as my other child is called Ragnee, we might see more of each other soon, no?"

Castilla pressed her ċhėst against mine trapping me in the bath. The men across from us got jealous and decided to leave.

"W-what are you doing madame? Didn't your child just got mad because I looked your way?"

"That's a true young one, but you see, she can't tell me what to do, yet I can order her around as much as I like haha."

Castilla closed in even more, now next to my ear. Whispering ever so gently.

"She is such an envious little doll, just look at her... all jealous. What she wouldn't give to be you right now."

Chuckling she decided to take it one step further gently biting my ear.

"Let's play soon young one..."

Castilla said teasing as she stood up showing her buŧŧ nȧkėd body.

Bloodshot out of my nose as I couldn't believe the ėrȯtɨċ figure she had. Not able to handle the situation I rushed out of the bath starting my training exercise for mid-day. Finishing close to dinner time I decided it was best to go to bed early and rest as much as possible for tomorrow. Taking this into account I collected my dinner and took it with me to my room.

As rest was just as important as the training I decided the last training exercise had to be done together with Yami, collecting my thoughts I had to be absent-minded jumping into bed soon after I had freshened up.

Shortly after Yami joined me.

"Master, is something wrong? You suddenly left the bath.."

"It is not much Yami, thanks for worrying. Castilla seemed different than the others in the bath,

It's at the tip of my tongue, still, I can't tell why..."

"Could it be...? Because master never met a Deity before? Yami knows deities feel mysterious and strong no matter who they are, might that be what you felt Master?"

Surprised I jumped up.

"A deity?! She seemed interested in me and I didn't know why. She talked about her the women as if they were her children. Do you have an idea Yami?"

Yami shrugged.

"Yami doesn't know much about Deities, but I'll tell you what I know. Deities are powerfull beings that came down to live among the people of Arganthes.

Here almost on equal footing, they provide a means for Adventurers, meaning they create Guilds of their own recruiting them either for their own easier or goals. If they like they could still use all their powers, yet for some reason, they like the idea of experiencing the same things as us.

There are a few things every Deity is known for other than their legends; forming guilds to explore dungeons and in explored regions of the world.

Giving adventurers the ability to grow stronger as they experience more and more adventures and last but not least they thrive the economy of the world throwing around the hard-earned money of adventuring.

Legend says one day after a terrifying war, suddenly deities descended from the sky, protecting the survivors, yet even creating chaos just for fun. That's when most adventuring started. Hope Yami could be useful to master."

Yami bowed down her head hoping for a compliment.

I gently petted her head and scratched behind her ears, Her ears gently raised, ŀust like her tail twirled around.

"Thank you Yami, this helps a lot, it means we might need to find ourselves a Deity for the journey to come. Let's quickly finish our training and go to bed, can't wait what else we will be learning."

We both changed into comfortable clothing leaving the Guildhall. Deciding to run around the fields of beginning everyone and everything was asleep.

Stars as far ar your eyes could reach lighted up the sky as it still surprised me seeing those three moons.

Yami happily followed me humming a song of some sort.

We jogged around the Guildhall quickly returning to our room.

"Yami, if you want you can sleep next to me today,

We need as much rest as we can, right?"

Changing out of the sweat-drenched clothing,

I let my body fall on the bed and decided it was best to just fall asleep like that.

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