Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 3 - 02: Welcome to The Beginners Town

"Nevermore" a voice from far away whispered to me in my sleep. Awaking to a faguely familliar voice I mumbled;

"Who are you? You don't sound familiar?"

It was dark as I opened my eyes and could not see the ceiling above me.

"Where am I? Is anybody there?"

I tried asking, but no answer...

Slowly sitting upright and looked around me, wherever I could look, darkness. Darkness enveloped the room as a slight crackle broke the silence of the room. 

After a while of silent observation my eyes grew accustomed to this mercy darkness making out the faint glowing of a rock? No... as the crack slightly increased in size the glow slipped through giving off a wave towards me. As it passed through warmth slowly filled my body allowing me to move.

Rocks? More like crystals in the corners of the room.

The crystals steadily filled the entire room with warmth.

The place I was sitting on seemed a bit out of place as if it was an altar going higher from the ground. It would seem that people came here to pray or worship some kind of a God or deity perhaps? Looking at the ceiling drawings of creatures were clearly depicted.

Confused I asked to myself. "Where is this place?".

Not knowing an answer to this, my curiousity made me decide to explore.

Faint noises came from outside the chamber. Making me curious trying to stand up.

"What could that be?"

I decided to go outside of the chamber.

Slowly standing up I realized something else.

The pain... The pain had gone away...

"My ribs were not broken anymore, and I...I am actually alive?! Not only that... but,

Slowly moving my hands and feet to check if there was any lingering pain. Realizing all the pain had ebbed away. I took the final test...

It's not difficult to stand! Can I walk now?!

I was certain that I could not walk before...

I was always in a wheelchair, how can this be?!" The confused state I was in quickly got replaced by euphoria and filled me with excitement as I walked through the hallway.

As I yet again confirmed I could walk... steadily walking towards the noices.

They became clearer as I approached the opening of the hallway.

There was a huge door blocking my path. Although I could clearly hear the noices were resonating from the other side of the door.

As I realized this the doors slowly opened, allowed a dim light to shine through.

Backing away from the door I could see through the opening. The moon...

"The moon! Wow... It's so beautiful, wait.. why are there three?! That's so awesome!"

"Awoken you are..."

I jumped as I heard the voice again while it continued.

"Guiding you from afar... This might seem bizarre... Knowing we will meet Nevermore."

I nodded cautiously even though the voice had no physical form.

"The people came from far and wide, Different worlds as their home. they all are confused and terriefied. Just like you, not knowing why. All unclear, maybe till the end... Yet you have me to guide you. Giving you a clue is what I do.

When in town, you all will register, afterwards go to the bar as you ask guidance from her. You will know what to do when you meet her.

There we will meet once again, in different form.

Not letting them find out is key, as when they find that I informed you there will be a storm.

One Final Warning before I go, you can still die here though."

"Wait... So... I actually died?! It wasn't a dream, it all happened?

That shit hurt like hell, well... it's best to prevent that from happening in the future I guess."

"I will give you one final hint, before I make my leave. Look around you, observe the others and think of your next move trying to preserve what you build with them.

There will be dangers along the way, make sure you don't stray."

The voice chanted one last piece of information before slowly vading as if it had never been there. As it qouted The Raven "Nevermore".

I knew the way she talked sounded familliar,

I have to ask her when we meet.

The book of Edgar Ellen Poe is what she read.

I looked around, as I observed the area and the people around me.

I noticed that there was a guard sitting close to the door I had walked through.

There where also nine others beside him looking just as puzzled about the situation they were in. "Just like the voice stated... Hmm..."

There where three men and four women around his age. While the other two were considerably older. The mȧturėd man was a smart and tall looking, he frowned as he put his glasses in the middle of his face.

His hair was combed backward and seemed to be black with a hint of grey through the entirety of his style. Looking closer, the greyish tone was more white.

He brushed his hand through his hair and sighed. *hmm* "it seems there is a lot to explore in these far lands, I'm curious to find out on what level the science functions here."

His build was not bad, a bit on the skinny side yet masculine enough, he had brought strong legs and shoulders as if he could be an athlete.

"I rather not approach him as he seems to be too deep in thought,

also the feeling that I'm getting from him feels a bit cold.

The older more mȧturė woman instantly piqued my interest.

She seemed more mȧturė than the others of the group and seemed what you could say more like a huntress than the other girls. Not really my type. But still really attractive.

She had incredible long wavy dark red hair in a ponytail even covering one of her eyes.

Her curves were the perfect tools to hunt with as her arms and legs where what you could say fit and flexible. She had curves so appealing to the eye that they could bring any opponent to his knees.

Even though she wasn't my type, I wouldn't mind being devoured for a night by a woman with her talents. "The feeling I got from her was a strong, warm and independent feeling.

She approached one of the other men who was flexing his muscles.

"Already hunting I see, let's see who will win". Hugo thought to himself.

The woman greeted the flexing man by putting her arm around his shoulder and acted friendly towards him.

"Well hello there, and who might you be, handsome?"

The flexing man had short curly brown hair and piercing brown/green eyes.

Even his skin was darker than most, giving off the vibe that he was not from around here.

He looked up as he introduced himself; "I-I am Geo?!"

The feeling I got from this guy was that he had a firm opinion but wasn't really good with women. Other than that it felt like he had rooted a firm belief in himself.

Geo widened his vision as the women got closer with her body.

"The name is Alessia, Alessia Scarlet.

I have never seen such a fit man like yourself before, so you have plans for tonight? She grinned while asking this.

Knowing that he had arrived here just like here.

He could bȧrėly handle the sheer prowess of the woman as she introduced herself and succumbed to the approach of the woman. Even though it was a rather failed attempt, Geo tried to act mȧturė towards Alessia, letting her know she was not the first thing on his mind.

"After we know where this is and why we are here I'll have all the time in the world for you, Babe". "Babe?! No one calls me Babe!" Alessia slapped Geo and moved on to what seemed to be her next target. "That was such a turn-off... On to the next one hmhm."

I got the feeling that she would eventually approach me as well, as she was trying her luck with every man in the group. Which is why I decided to observe the others a bit longer.

On the far right of the group there where two girls sitting next to each other,

One seemed to be in a bit of a panic as the other was trying to comfort her,

Joking around a little and telling her about the failed pick up attempt, trying to laugh together.

"That man is such a disgrace, right girl? He should have handled the situation with a bit more respect. Well... looking at her physique you have to be insanely strong mentally or gay to no fall for her charms."

The one with curly orange hair and shining turquoise eyes even seemed to have freckles.

It seemed she was looking around nervously as she didn't recognize where she was.

She did have to laugh about the jokes, this helped her feel a little at ease.

The other girl that was laughing with her had short light brown hair and bright purple eyes, She seemed to be a bit more mȧturė than the other girl yet because of the jokes seemed playful as well. Kind of like a big sister. She introduced herself but I was too far away and couldn't hear them speak to each other.

Aside from the group, there was one woman that seemed to be a bit of a lone wolf.

She was standing in the corner right next to the stairs.

As she was standing there the woman had a more mȧturė and mysterious vibe than the other girls.

"Not wanting to blend in? She seems to be cut from the same piece of wood as me".

I decided to try and talk to her as she was the only one left without a companion.

As I was walking towards her I noticed something odd when she brushed her long light/dark blue hair away with her hand.

There seemed to be some kind of birthmark on the side of her neck.

As I was closing in I greeted her; "Hey, I'm planning to ask the guard if he can tell us something about the place we have arrived at or maybe where we are, care to join me? My name is Michael by the way, it's nice to meet you".

I held my hand open in front of her waiting in anticipation and hoping that she would react to me. The woman didn't know how to react as she was puzzled by my approach and stayed silent for a bit. She looked away and softly answered a bit frustrated.

"I don't know where we are, this is all so confusing...

But yes, I would like it if we can ask the guard what to do together".

She did not shake my hand and turned around to move towards the guard.

"Ouch... that was awkward and a bit cold... well... let's go."

Just as she wanted to walk towards the guard she stopped and introduced herself.

With her back toward me, she told me her name.

I..I'm Aqua, Cordelia Aqua. My friends used to call me Aqua a lot, I hope we can be friends too. Let's find out what needs to be done first".

She said, turning a bit red while giving a quick glanse at me.

Her cold, yet shy but gentle demeanor was a first for me as I usually am more hyped, positive and direct towards others. This made Aqua look cool in my eyes.

He could not clearly see her eyes because she only gave a quick glance back when she turned around, but he swore that he saw dim topaz yellow eyes.

Just as they were walking towards the guard it seemed that a duo of two men beat them to it.

"Yo Bro, care to tell us who you are? Why we are here? What this place is and what needs to be done in the future? Cause I Raiden and my buddy Draven here even though we just met want to get to a bar as soon as possible. Maybe we can pick up some ladies there after this is all done".

The man who was talking seemed to be a bit older than me, had short combed back spiked blonde hair and red eyes, he seemed really energetic and direct which at first glance looked like the complete opposite of his partner.

Raiden had his arm around Draven his shoulder and was buddying him put just a bit too much. Draven didn't seem to appreciate his hyper friendly behavior towards him.

The guard explained to us all that this was the Obelisk of Summoning, a place where otherworldy humans get summoned to aid in the never-ending waves of Chaos.

The guard continued to tell us that we as adventures needed to register ourselves in the town of beginning to start off our journey of becoming Top Tier Drifters.

The Elite of this world that fight of the hordes of The Void.

"Dude... We have bȧrėly met each other, who are you to be all buddy-buddy with me?"

The other man replied. Draven pushed Raiden of him sighed and left for the stairs as the guard had told them to walk down the tower and follow him towards town.

The other man had short spiked white hair in the back, yet also had hair covering his eyebrows and one side of his face.

His eyes were bright pink, I had never seen eyes like that, but did not pay much attention to it. He brushed of Raiden's arm and walked towards the stairs after talking to the guard that told us to walk down the tower.

As Draven was walking past me although it was brief, he seemed to quickly glance at me.

"What is his problem?" I asked Aqua, but she shrugged not knowing why.

I noticed him looking at me, but like with the special color of his eyes decided to not pay much attention to it. "What does he want from me? Better not irritate him as we are in an unknown environment. Never know what could happen.

The guard led the way as we made our way down the tower.

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