Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 4 - 03: The Guildhall of Sharoo

Walking down what seemed like a Tower or Obelisk of some sort. Making our way down it seemed like the surface of the obelisk gave off a faint glow, almost as if it was magic.

As we got to the entrance of the tower there were all kinds of fireflies flying around.

This gave off a soothing and magical vibe in the night time, we made our way to the nearest town. On the way, we saw all kinds of docile little creatures that were curious about the new faces they saw. A large cat-like creature walked up towards me purring and looking at me as if it wanted to play.

*purr* *purr* *Meeooww*

I lowered myself a bit and gestured towards the cat-like creature to come closer.

"Hey little buddy, don't worry I won't hurt you. Come here, so I can greet you properly.

The cat was a bit cautious but closed in ever so slowly, when it was next to me I opened my hand and let him take in my smell as to let him know that he could trust me.

The cat pushed his head against my hand and started purring more loudly.


"Is this a nice town buddy?" I scratched a bit behind his ear as I saw that he liked it and sat down next to me. The cat put down its head making it easier to scratch behind its ears.


You like that don't you? Don't you? Haha.

"I have to go to the town now little fellow, I don't know if you can come inside the town,

but I'll be sure to give you some food when I see you again."

The cat looked a bit puzzled, licked his paw and scratched his right ear.

Before turning around the cat noticed a glowing moth and began chasing after it, leaving me behind. As it ran toward the trees it turned around one more time to look back and went on its way.

Aqua giggled as our group made their way towards the town.

"You're really good with animals Michael, the cat really seemed to like you."

Embarrassed by the compliment I scratched behind my head, not knowing what to say.

"I think it could be it liked me because I stayed calm and let it come to me? But I don't know.

I liked playing with the cat."

There was a huge gate with a sign above it saying Sharoo.

The Guard guided us towards the center of the town known as The Guild Hall.

No one knew what to expect, Although there was one thing everyone was certain about.

We were not home anymore.

When looking at the stars as we entered the town it became clear, the star sea was vastly glowing purple, blue and pink while the moon was a dark overshadowing red.

It was weird because like I noticed before it was not just one moon like at home, but there were actually three here, one bigger than the other. Partially covering the one in the back.

Going from Red to Orange and even Yellow. These moons were nothing like at home.

Suddenly the voice spoke again.

"To survive in this world you have to learn as much as possible from the guards and people in the building you will be guided to.

Although I don't have any proof I am certain about the fact that there is at least one other person in this group that is also guided by a spirit like me.

That person could prove to be the biggest obstacle you have to face,

as the spirit that guides this individual gives of malicious energy.

I promise you, we will meet soon, but for now, you are on your own, we can't let them find out that you can hear the voices of the spirits."

The guard showed us around town a bit letting us know where to trade at the market and exchange the items inside The Guild Hall.

The Market Place was vast and crowded as there were a lot of people trying to make a living there. Offering all kinds of goods from Food & Drinks to Materials and Equipment.

Everyone was laughing and shouting to promote their product in the hope of attracting customers. Guards were there to keep order as there where still people living in poverty trying to steal food and beasts at night which could threaten the villagers.

Even during the night hours, the town was alive.

"At least we don't have to worry about bigger organizations wreaking havoc here in Sharoo". The guard said with relieve.

One of the girls in the group asked why, but the guard didn't pay any attention to the question as if he wasn't meant to tell us more about it.

"Since it is crucial for us, the beginning adventures to register ourselves and to get ourselves checked for any kind of talents. This would help us to develop our abilities and skills in the near future".

The guard proceeded to show us how to get to the main hall and where the local area of taverns was. In this area, it was really lively too. Most Taverns were packed with visitors, partying away or even gathering information.

The Guild Hall was insanely huge, all kinds of different species walked in and out of the building, not just humans, there where also crossbreeds like Lizardman, Catpeople, Bunnies, wolfs, bears and more. Even Elves!

"What kind of treasure would be hidden in the forests outside of the city,

in the places beyond or even in this Guild Hall, we arrived at?"

I thought to myself as I wandered around the majestic looking building.

From outside it seemed that the center of the building would be open as some kind of structure was build in the middle. This was proven to be true as the guard showed us around the entire structure, making it clear it had a circular build to it.

The group was instructed to split up register as soon as possible because this would allow them to get registered and start off their adventure, living here in the unknown world.

After the guard was done guiding all of us. Everyone was eagerly going to the counters to register there for their Adventurer licenses.

I was the only one left at the entrance as I was awestruck because of the sheer detail in the walls of the Guild Hall. Gold and Magic Crystals everywhere I could see. Even Aqua couldn't wait to get her adventure started going to register and left me all alone in this huge structure.

As I was looking around being puzzled about what to do I noticed that a woman around my age was waving at me. She smiled at me, signing me to come over to her counter.

I was dumbstruck by her beauty. The woman had wavy long blond-brown hair that hit her shoulders which hang loose and playfully around her head. With a pony that seemed to cover one of her eyes, since it was so wavy that her eyes were still clearly visible. These were incredible bright turquoise and radiated positivity from them.

Her work attire was black as that made the workers look more professional.

Other than black I noticed that there were colors combined with the outfit, this was probably to show the function they had. The guard had brown mixed in with his black attire.

As for the lady it seemed to be black and green-blueish? Could have been Turquoise, although her eyes had a different shade of color, her bu????ons were the same color as well as her short pants and the upper part of her shoulders.

She did not have sleeves yet her cleavage was rather large and revealing.

Which made it difficult for others to focus on her, but not me. I have to admit that it was rather challenging though haha. But then it struck me... Having to register... asking "her" for guidance.

Might she be the person the voice was referring too?

One of her colleagues walked up to her and giggled. "finally getting you first recruit girl?".

The lady nervously nodded and answered her colleagues in a slightly irritated manner.

"Moooaa, why do you guys always have to tease me..."

"We are just happy that you can finally support an adventurer, let us have our fun too once in a while, there are too much-unexperienced ones dying nowadays..."

You might call it faith, but for me the moment she showed interest in me I fell for her just like that. Not because of her looks, but rather because she was the first person to approach me since my arrival. Not to mention that I didn't even notice her colleagues teasing her a little.

Man, her piercing orange eyes where amazing, they shined like bright opal,

any man could lose themselves in them. Trying to explore the hidden world beyond.

She combed her hair back and smiled at me, approached me and made a gesture that I needed to come to her. It was peculiar as I noticed that her ears were different than mine.

They were a bit more pointy at the ends, I found this cute and smiled to myself.

As I did not walk with her right away she spontaneously grabbed my arm gently and pulled me along. I walked with her and nervously greeted her as I didn't know what to expect.

"Good day to you sir. Welcome to the Guild Hall, what might I Amaris do for you today?" Amaris asked.

"To be honest I don't have the slightest idea what we need to do here,

the guard who brought us here told us to go register for the Adventures license.

Yet I don't even know where we are or what is being expected from us."

"As the guard has brought your entire group here to the hall, it seems they want to make all of you into adventurers, well then let me help you through the steps. You see, even though you will be the one that will experience all the adventures we Guidance Staff are needed to archive all your achievements and experiences. Even teaching your abilities when the time is right. As you can acquire different classes through the various guilds throughout our lands.

What this means is that every single adventurer will have a Guidance Partner ??ssigned to them, once they get their recommendation. If you would like then I would love to be your Guidance Partner." I was perplexed... Why would an amazing woman like herself be willing to do all these things for me? Was it her job? I wasn't sure about the situation as the lady introduced herself to me.

"My name is Amaris nice to meet you".

"I'm Michael, nice to meet you too Amaris. I must say you really are stunning,

It all seems just a bit too good to be true, haha. tell me, as I have no idea how everything works here. How do I register myself as an adventurer?"

Amaris giggled, "I hear that a lot, most people can't seem to look away from my ??h??st area. emphasizing them on purpose she continued, my colleagues even tease me for it.

But the moment I saw you, I knew you where different. Although I know you must have ogled over them for a little while, as they are majestic man magnets if I say so myself."

Amaris unconsciously pushed her br????sts together but continued either way just to see if she could distract me, yet my conviction didn't break, although I turned red because of her teasing me. I mean, of course, I noticed them.

"At least with you, I'm able to hold a normal conversation, you won't tease me for it, right?" Trying one last time to tease the little newcomer. "Hah, that's what you think! I'll grab my chance when it presents itself." I said in a playful way while at the same time being proud of it.

Amaris cleared her throat as she was a bit embarrassed about my comment,

she didn't seem to dislike it and continued.


"It is rather simple to register for your adventurer's license actually, but before you can qualify for the Adventurers exam we will need to do some tests, Physical, Mental and Magical tests. And from the looks of it, your mental strength seems strong. Amaris giggled.

When they have been conducted, depending on the results we will give you the recommendation to participate in the Adventurers Examination to acquire your License.

You are in luck as this Examination will be held on a secret location in a months time,

everyone with a recommendation from our guildhall is allowed to participate.

You will have enough time to prepare for the event. Also to clarify, when you entered town it must have been rather crowded, right?

I mean lots of people could be found in the markets and taverns.

This is because if someone honestly wants to take the A.E. they have to get themselves tested here, acquiring their recommendation. There simply is no other way to qualify for the Exams.

In this recommendation, you will find a hint as to where this Examination might take place as well as five silver coins to begin your Journey and the time and date for when the Examination will start."

Thinking about the recommendation it felt like it was already the first test of the examination to me, I could be wrong... But wouldn't I be at a huge advantage if I was right?

As for the license itself, we infuse it with magic that keeps track of your progress.

You will still have to come back on a regular basis so we can update the archives with your information and exchange your Magic Crystals for the currency here in the world.

This way you help us as a guild to collect crystals for the Magic Research Association and develop all kinds of uses for them such as the glowing ones that provide us light for the rooms as the burning ones that can provide movement and warmth.

The interesting thing about these crystals is that they can be used in any way possible.

Alas, that is enough about the crystals for now as this will also be explained once you are taking part in the Examination.

What's most fascinating about the license is that it also keeps track of the amount of money you have and what your job or class might be in this world. This means that whenever you get back you only have to give us your license for a short while to register and archive the information on the license. So seeing as I have rambled on for long enough...

If you follow me, then we will be able to conduct these tests for your qualification of the recommendation".

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