Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 51 - 19.8: Combat in the Shadows

The sun dawned at daybreak giving rise to the next day. The bright Sundays warmed up my body as I awoke with the thought still lingering in my head.

"No... I do know she is an ȧssassin at heart... But I can't just think of her betraying her pupils..."

I prepared myself for the coming training challenge, putting on clothes that wouldn't restrain me during a fight. Afterward, I made my way to the central area, meeting up with the others.There Geo was eagerly waiting for the challenge to begin.

June and Ragnee were there making the necessary preparations for the challenge.Creating a braced to pin equally skilled pupils against one another.

It became clear Geo was on the other side of the braced, meaning if we would be facing off against each other it would be during the final round.

Knowing this, I wanted to wish him luck in the upcoming training session.

"Morning, Geo!"

"Morning, Michael!"

"Hmm... it seems we won't get the chance to fight each other that easily, I wished we could throw down sooner against each other..."

I could see Geo longing to fight me, it must mean he finds me a worthy opponent after everything that happened during the tournament. Or that he didn't have the chance yet to test our skills against one another. Interesting!

"I'll be waiting for you at the top Geo, make sure you get there. Haha."

Relieved Geo looked at me as if I had understood what he wanted from this challenge.Soon after we all got called together by June and Ragnee.

They were in charge of managing the challenge. The roster got to put up revealing who we had to fight. After they were done June took the opportunity to explain the rulings of the challenge."Today we will be focusing on combat training for the principle, this means that you may use the shadows to your advantage as long as they use hand-to-hand combat to fight. The fight will continue until one gives up or is unable to fight, that means if played right one is allowed to kill."

Some of the pupils didn't realize until now how serious ȧssassins go to work. As most reacted in shock hearing June's words.

Some, on the other hand, smiled as if they expected this to happen.

"Hmm... what's this, why are most of you so surprised about my statement? Assassins have the resolve to kill on command... We are the ones who operate from the shadows, doing the jobs others can't."

Disappointed June sighed as Ragnee laughed at her reaction.

"It's time to iron your resolve, you are our star pupils, now, only the one who remains at the end of this challenge will be chosen to take part during the expedition, so keep that in mind while you all train!"

"Let the battles begin!"

Geo got called to start of the matches. As he took center stage another pupil took place in front of him. A woman with long blond hair, green eyes, and something that seemed to resemble a tattoo.

When the smoke began to clear, all torches and glowing crystals were neutralized,leaving everyone in complete darkness.

Geo's opponent stopped dead in her tracks didn't know what was happening and started shouting.

"Hey! How can we fight like this… I thought we were supposed to fight using the "principle"."

Geo being the carefree person he is, doesn't care about the situation,the only thing his mind was showing everyone what he was capable of using hand-to-hand combat, that, and what he might be eating after today's training session.

"Wouldn't it be better to focus on the opponent in front of you instead of complaining about the conditions? I mean your complaining only revealed where you were hiding…"

Geo appeared behind his opponent, grabbing her from behind and slamming her headfirst into the ground.Amazed by how quick Geo had won the match Ragnee made sure both were in safety,doing so ended the match and let the others continue.

*whistling sounds*

"phheewww, didn't see that one coming! Well… the match has ended next on the roster please!"

The others continued their matches in absolute darkness as they honed their skills.Most matches had ended when my turn finally came up.

"Wouldn't want to disappoint the others, right?"

I smiled at the thought as I felt someone approach me in this total darkness.

My opponent tried to do the same thing as Geo, but couldn't completely seal their energy flow which gave away their position.I quickly dodged towards the ground, as I knew my opponent had the same conditions of me it would be foolish to want to rush things. My opponent had allowed me to locate them.

But, was this a trap? I jumped away from their presence and concealed my own.

Soon after a small explosion could be seen where I was standing just moments ago,it appeared I had made the right choice.

As the explosion slowly faded away so did my opponent their presence…Enough time had passed for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.

Allowing me to see silhouettes, even within this abyss of eternal darkness.

I did not know why I was able to see, as it seemed more understandable for the other senses to be strengthened during this training.

They too got heightened as the situation put all my senses on overdrive, but still… Even if it was just a bit… I was able to see…

"Impossible!! H-How!"

I couldn't make sense of what just happened.As I tried to stand back up, I collected my thoughts and regained my composure.Soon after I realized.

"The Principle!"

Wanting to test what I just realized I stayed in place. Motionless I waited, waiting for my opponent to strike. She must have known I wasn't moving as her attack followed without rest.

This time attacking from the right, I waited and braced myself.

Suddenly the attack from the right faded away as it reappeared above me.Noticing this just in time I blocked the attack by holding up both arms in a crossed pattern.

The sheer force was enough to make me fall on my knees, refusing to go down I gave it my all to resist the attack. The woman jumped backward as my arms felt numb from the impact.

Using the momentum the woman quickly lashed out towards me, but this time targeting my legs, trying to make me fall flat on my face. I wasn't fast enough to react, but when everything looked grim the unthinkable had happened.

The leg my opponent had used to attack me was covered in flames,unable to see what happened only one thing came up in my mind.

"Did I just… do that?"

The intense pain made the woman forfeit the matchmaking me advance to the next one.

Geo got stoked, not being able to see, but sort of feel out what was happening he knew things were about to heat up.

Quickly he took his place for the second match, this time against a man.The one who we had seen in the previous training session, the one with short brown hair.

The match had only just started when Geo rushed towards the enemy,memorizing the starting position came in handy when he drop-kicked into nothingness.

A loud thud could be heard as the two slammed into the ground resulting in yet another quick victory for Geo. The other fights didn't show us much as no one couldn't see in front of them, but a select few realized the same thing as me.

That the purpose of this training was not only to move in complete darkness. But also to sense incoming attacks, energy, and your surroundings by heightening all of your senses. For example, directing energy to your eyes could strengthen your vision allowing the slightest output of energy to become visible.

This way one could find their opponent in this seemingly impossible environment.Others heightened their hearing and touch as aura could be felt before the enemy would get in range.

Again it was my turn, this time my turn came up faster as fewer pupils remained towards the end of the training. As I trained my sight during the last match this time I decided to focus on hearing, wanting to heighten my other senses.

The match had begun as we found ourselves in absolute silence.

I remained motionless, regulating my breathing I made sure I wouldn't give away my position with sound. The opponent too didn't make a sound as the tension became more intense.Slowly we moved closer to the center unaware of each other's positions.

when finally I could hear soft, gentle movements next to me. My opponent had found the center. But did he find me as well? Not knowing for sure I listened as the steps moved away from my position.

I thought to myself, it's now or never. When I held my breath and attack my opponent from behind. Lowering my body I readied my fist to build up strength. Now certain of my opponent's position I struck upward. Unaware of the fact if he was facing away or facing towards me.

Soon after it turned out he was facing away from me as I had struck him straight up the ȧss which sent him flying and resulted in my win.

The two remaining pupils aside from Geo and me both had to face off against one of us.

This time I was the first to fight. The opponent who I was up against had a better understanding of the principle than the others. Because she didn't leave any traces behind for me to find.

Instead, she too was silent like the depths of the ocean. As we both tried to find the slightest trace of one another it had become a battle of pure attrition.

We aimlessly wandered around shrouding ourselves in shadows, never giving away where we were. The only thing we both knew for certain was the fact that we both were inside the battle area.

I thought about this, hoping to find anything worth using during the match.Eventually,I decided to stop moving as this would eventually deplete my energy. That was when I heard it...


The faintest of movement could be heard ever so slightly. Sitting down I tried to focus on them hoping they would lead me to my opponent.

The footsteps continued for a while until... There was absolute silence.

I tried to pinpoint where I heard the footsteps last when I heard it. The hairs on my back began standing up straight as dragging noises could be heard in the distance. What my opponents were doing? I didn't know. Bit it was certain that I had to find her fast.

Moments past as the dragging became more persistent. When eventually it stopped. The sound had vanished from existence, together with my opponent. When suddenly I received a blow to the liver. My opponent had found me...

All this time I thought he didn't know my position, seemed to have been a lie.Instead, my opponent took his time to prepare and slowly let his plan into fruition.

Again his presence disappeared only to reappear behind me, giving me a blow straight it the liver on my left. The sheer pain immobilized my legs making me fall over headfirst into the ground.

After the attack, I tried to react, but couldn't...

Moments later when I regained my feeling back unto my legs. When I was finally able to stand,still wobbly because of the last attack. My opponent closed in one last time. The bastard struck me straight in the stomach. Making me fall towards him, he wanted to end the match with another attack, but couldn't...

With the last of my energy, I desperately held onto his arms holding back is attack. Trying to get free my opponent began furiously kicking me in my liver.

Pain shot through my entire body, making me collapse on my knees. Refusing to give up I held on to my opponent, As his flurry of attacks had cost their represented stamina me now was rather out of breath.

Now clearly hearing his breathing the wait was finally over, I had finally located my opponent in this deep darkness. Holding his arm back allowed me to pinpoint him perfectly too.

Knowing my energy began running low I thought of a way to finish this without much excessive energy usage. Quickly I realized Geo's matches had been finished in record time till now.

"Maybe I can try one of those moves?"

Never done any flashy moves I pulled the opponent close to me. Gripping his arm tight behind his back he was unable to fight back. Quickly I curled around his body locking his arms and legs in place.

When I found out a crucial part of my opponent. The one I thought was a he, turned out to be a she. Realizing this and in what kind of position we both found each other the woman began to scream.

"Kyaaaa! Noooo, what are you doing?! let go of me you imbecile!!"

The woman kept on struggling to get free until the embarrassment became too much to bear.

"Everyone can see in the dark, which means, they can see my pȧntɨės! Let go of me... Perv!!"

She didn't quick struggle until eventually, she had slammed hard against the ground,knocking her out. After a lot of struggle, I... had won, the battle!

Knowing I too was able to see in the dark, Geo put up his fist, slowly revealing a thumbs up and winking with a bleeding nose. I didn't know what to think of it so I politely bowed down.

Finally, I had a breather, or so I thought when Geo's match was about to start.Heating up as his passion and longing to fight me began burning up he quickly took center stage.

The match started with the last remaining pupil. His opponent was a hot-blooded fighter like Geo.Both couldn't care less about the dark and screamed at the top of their lungs.

"Raaaggghhh come at me with all you got! I wish to have a fight that's worth remembering!"

Geo responded to his opponent with his own hot-bloodedness. Both rushed towards the center and tried to grab one another. Because of this both ended up locking hands and unable to land a blow. Now wanting to end this both jumped as they tried to throw the other underneath them.

Because both thought of the same thing, noting much could happen in the air and both fell flat on their ȧss. Quickly Geo sat upright on the ground and recovered faster than his opponent could do, resulting in him locking both his opponent's arms and legs.

Showing no mercy Geo began putting on pressure until his opponent crumbled under the pressure, his opponent forfeited making him advance to the last match of the training session.

Geo vs Michael. The match-up both had been longing for since the beginning of the tournament.I had finally come!

When the match was about to start, everyone quieted down instead of shouting and rooting for their finalists. The tension could be felt throughout the area. When finally the match had started.

Geo knew I was perceptive and slowed down his approach. Geo was determined to show what he was capable of. We both approached with caution nor did we know where the other could be. After a while, we could not locate one another when suddenly we bumped into each other's backs. Surprised both of us jumped back.

At that time it was clear we both knew where the other was located, the match had finally begun.

Geo speedy as he was jumped backward quickly trying to lock his legs around mine. A heavy thud could be heard throughout the area. Geo trying to end it with a signature grappling move quickly tried grabbing my arm to immobilize me completely.

Only to find that when he did, I had vanished. Knowing Geo, this was the time to strike.

Preparing for what Geo was capable of, I quickly jumped forward knowing he would first try to attack low to the ground. Luckily for me, Geo shouted while he attacked, making it easier to pinpoint where he was.

Not thinking that he might have been doing that deliberately I landed behind him... when I did,I got instantly grabbed with both arms as Geo tried to end it with a pile driver.

Unable to break free I tried using the principle in a way that made me go up in shadows.This appeared to have worked as it turned out I had broken free.

Quickly I jumped and tried to strike down with an axe-dropkick. But missed just as quickly.Even if it had been that I missed Geo bȧrėly, this couldn't keep him from attacking me back.Taking this chance Geo tightly grabbed the leg I had slammed down on the ground,still numb from the impact I was too late when I noticed his legs locking around my neck.

He began putting on the pressure as I was unable to escape, this time my energy was depleted and couldn't escape… still, stubborn as I was I refused to give up so easily.

Mustering all the strength I had left I tried to lift my leg, it began to work as it slowly lifted into the air. But when Geo put on some more peer-pressure I knew this was the end.

Thinking back I had come far, knowing this would have been impossible for me back in my previous life. Looking at it that way I was content with what had happened and tapped out.

The match and the training session had ended in Geo's win rewarding him with the same opportunity as me, to participate in the expedition.

"Okay people! The training session of the day is over if you like you are allowed to immediately start the mastery of the principle, as I believe all of you now have a fair understanding of what it implies. Then… I will take my leave for today."

As Alexandra tried to take her leave, everyone blocked of her passage to the exit of the room.

I whispered into Geo's ear reminding him about what Alexandra had promised me,because I had been chosen as the first representative of the expedition.Taking the lead Geo stepped forth.

"You didn't think we had forgotten about your promise didn't you? That you would throw down with the winner of today's training session?"

Alexandra began blushing and quickly looked away.

"I don't remember saying anything like t-that..."

Turning even shyer she began talking into herself.

"I wanted to throw down with Michael... I believed that h-he would be the winner. Not t-this gorilla of a man?!"

I grabbed her hand without realizing, wanting to back up her promise. This startled her,making her lose control. The only thing she could think of was that we were holding hands,which made her comply with our wishes. Still with her head in cloud 9 the match had begun without her noticing. Geo took this chance to throughout fondle her body as he wanted to do since the day he laid eyes on her. When Alexandra finally snapped out of her trance,the match could finally have a proper start. Now ashamed of was happening,Alexandra became infuriating.

"W-w-what are you doing, you damn peasant! Take off those dirty hands of yours!!"

But Geo couldn't care less and continued is quest of total body domination.Unable to handle this embarrassment Alexandra instantly warped away from him,much faster like we who just started understanding and training in the principle she appeared at the other side of the battler area.

Quickly Geo tried to jump towards her as the horndog he had become,getting the right measurements made him want to fondle her even more.But before he could Alexandra slammed him into the ground winning the quick exhibition match she had promised to hold.

Geo lay there on the ground, defeated but content staying there for a while as the others left.

"Worth it!"

I walked up to Geo offering him a hand to stand up.

"A feisty one isn't she? Hehe. Just so you know, you probably won't get another chance to repeat what has happened here."

Geo looked at me and smiled.

"Ha! Still totally worth it, she's a hidden gem, I tell you! Come, the others have already left to start their training. But I think it's best to have something to eat before we can put in more energy where it's needed. Let me prepare something for you!"

I accepted Geo's offer unaware of his cooking capabilities, this made me curious and intrigued.

"Let us go! I could use some grub to re-energize haha."

We went on our way towards the kitchen in the living quarters to see what Geo was thinking of preparing.

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